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“Of course I haven’t discussed it with her yet.”

      The thought had been percolating in his mind since yesterday, but until he knew she was divorced, he’d kept it at bay. Before he could explain more, the doctor said, “I’ll be at the desk. When you’re ready to leave, I’ll escort you to the private elevator that will take you to the roof.” He left as Nik’s brothers arrived with a new quilt and stretchy suit they’d purchased.

      All the talking woke up Demi who turned to the bars and tried to get up. She babbled and looked longingly at Fran, asking to be rescued. Everyone chuckled as Fran leaned over and plucked her from her prison. Giving her a kiss on both cheeks she was rewarded with a smile on Demi’s face that had been missing until now. That happy countenance cemented the idea Nik planned to propose to Fran when the time was right.

      She spoke to the baby. “Look who’s here—your favorite uncles!”

      He was witnessing another kind of miracle, one of communication despite the fact that Fran didn’t understand Greek, nor did the baby comprehend English.

      Nik and his brothers took turns kissing her, but the baby clung to Fran. The nurse came in with a bag of diapers and enough formula to satisfy the baby until they reached home. Fran changed her and put on the new pink outfit, then looked around. “Who wants to feed her?”

      Sandro took Demi from her arms, but the baby wanted none of it. “Well, that settles it.” He kissed her curls before returning her to Fran’s arms. “I’m afraid you’re stuck, Kyria Myers.”

      “Call me Fran, and I don’t mind at all.”

      The nurse handed her a bottle. Soon Demi had settled down to drink, content for the moment. She eventually burped a couple of times, announcing she’d drained it. More chuckles ensued from everyone. Despite the sadness ahead when they returned to Mykonos, Demi was the bright light that kept them all from sinking right now.

      Nik walked over to Fran. “We’re ready to go. I’ll carry Demi to the helicopter. After we’re onboard the plane, we’ll eat breakfast.” He relieved her of the baby and wrapped her in the quilt.

      “Come on, Demitza. We’re going for a ride.”

      Fran followed him from the room with his brothers. Once they rode the elevator to the roof, they helped her into the helicopter while he climbed in with Demi. He handed her over to Cosimo who strapped her in the infant seat next to Fran. His brothers sat on the opposite side.

      When everyone was settled in, Nik noticed Fran reach for Demi’s little hand before he took his place in the copilot’s seat. The gesture touched him and told him even more about the compassionate woman who’d put her vacation plans aside to make Demi secure. Again he wondered how many other women he’d known would have done that.

      In a few minutes they lifted off and made a beeline for the airport. He heard his brothers talking to Fran. “We want to thank you again for all your help so far. Demi hasn’t been around other people besides family, so it’s a real surprise that she’s taken to you.”

      “I’m sure it’s because I was the one who found her in the garden. She’d been lying there helpless all night.”

      “I think it’s more than that,” Sandro confided. “You have a loving way with her like our sister.”

      “Well, thank you. It’s been my pleasure to stay with her, believe me.”

      “How long will you be in Greece?”

      “I fly home in less than two weeks.”

      Maybe not, Nik mused. Before he introduced Fran to his parents, he needed to have a private talk with her. The best place to do that would be aboard the jet in the compartment he used for his office.

      “I guess you know our parents would like you to stay with us on Mykonos for part of the time.”

      “That’s kind of them, Cosimo, but it’s really up to my friend Kellie Petralia who invited me here. She’d planned this time for us to be together.”

      “She and her husband are welcome to stay with us, too,” Sandro chimed in.

      “Your parents told me as much on the phone.”

      “That’s because we’re all grateful to you.”

      Grateful didn’t exactly cover Fran’s deepest feelings. She’d been empty for too long. To suddenly be taking care of a baby who was content to be in her arms made her feel whole for the first time in years. Even though she would have to relinquish Demi tomorrow, she would savor this sweet time with her today and tonight.

      In her teens she’d been told she couldn’t have children. It had been like a light going out, but over the years she’d come around to the idea of adoption.

      During the short flight to Thessalonika, Fran looked out the helicopter window at the sparkling blue Aegean below, wishing she could concentrate on the spectacular panorama. Instead she found herself reliving the painful moment when Rob had shattered her dreams of being a mother.

      Even if it were possible to love another man again, the idea of meeting one who said he’d be willing to adopt wasn’t an option for her. Maybe one day she might meet and fall in love with a widower who had a child or children. At least then she could take over the mother role to help fill that empty space in her heart.

      She simply couldn’t see it happening, but Kellie wouldn’t let her think that way. Dear Kellie…Her friend was in turmoil right now.

      Her eyes strayed to Demi who was wide awake for the trip. She made sounds and was growing restless at being confined. In order to placate her, Fran got out another bottle of formula to keep her happy. Demi held it and mostly played with it, only sucking on the nipple without absorbing a lot of liquid. Her two bottom teeth had come in, helping her to tug on it.

      Fran was amused to see the funny behavior coming from this child who could win the most beautiful baby of the year award. That was because she had the classic features of her mother and glossy black hair like Nik’s…and his brothers, Fran hastened to remind herself.

      But Nik possessed an unconscious sensuality and sophistication that stood out from his siblings. She put her head back for a minute and closed her eyes so she wouldn’t keep staring at the back of his head where a few tendrils of black hair lay curled against his neck. Once in a while he turned to say something to his brothers and she glimpsed his striking male profile and chiseled jaw.

      Dressed in the light brown sport shirt and dark trousers he’d changed into at the hotel last night, there was no man to match him. The celebrated bachelor’s appeal went far beyond the physical. He was warm and generous. She doubted he had a selfish bone in his body. Nik was so different from Rob… .

      Before long the helicopter landed, and they were driven to the Angelis Corporation jet, the size of a 727, waiting on the tarmac. While Sandro and Cosimo helped her and Demi onboard, Nik excused himself to talk to the people who’d taken care of putting his family’s bodies in the cargo area.

      A few minutes later he walked down the aisle toward her. After speaking to his brothers on the way, he came to sit on the other side of her and Demi. His half smile turned her heart over.

      “The flight to Mykonos won’t take too long. Then it’s just another short helicopter ride to the villa. After we reach cruising speed, we’ll eat breakfast, then I’d like to have a private talk with you in the compartment behind the galley. My brothers will entertain Demi.”

      She nodded, but couldn’t help but wonder what was on his mind. He’d said something about a position in front of the doctor. What exactly had he meant?

      She strapped herself in, and the jet took off. Like clockwork, the minute the Fasten Seat Belt light went off, the steward started serving their food. Fran needed a good meal, if only to brace herself for their talk.

      Once the steward removed their trays, she undid Demi long enough to change her diaper. Nik got up from his seat

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