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Where had that ungodly thought come from?

      Chapter Four

      Gareth stretched his suddenly tight neck. King Stephen had given him a task to complete in a short period of time. He needed to keep his mind on his responsibility and not senseless thoughts that would only get him into more trouble.

      And dallying with ladies brought nothing but trouble. His brother, Darius, was proof of that. It was best to dally with whores—at least their fathers would not bring the wrath of God upon you, or your family.

      Rhian looked up at him. “Now I have shocked you with plain speaking. Should I care what others think?” She waited for a response. Her piercing blue gaze steadily, silently demanding an answer and sending his thoughts into a worse muddle.

      Finally, he answered, “It would take much more than words to shock me.” Gareth diverted his attention to the brazier. But the small fire pot only reminded him of how heated his blood raced while he held her.

      He looked out the arrow slit at the stars. The twinkling lights made him wistful, longing for the days when his actions were not watched and analyzed, when his words were not scrutinized by those seeking to besmirch him or his family.

      “Nay, Rhian, your words do not shock me. However, this lack of concern for your reputation does.”

      Her brittle laughter was muffled against his chest. “I find your concern…touching. And unwarranted.”

      “As long as you are under my charge, my concern is warranted.”

      “Then release me from your charge.” When he didn’t respond immediately, she stared up at him again.

      Gareth sighed before leaving his stargazing behind and returned her stare. “Nay, milady, that I cannot do.”

      She stepped away from him and faced out the window. He came behind her and rested his hands on either side of the narrow opening, effectively trapping her with his body.

      They were so close, the heat of her anger threatened to burn through his armor to his chest. When she straightened her spine and squared her shoulders, he fought the urge to back away from what would surely be an argument she would not win.

      “Faucon, if you possess a drop of mercy, let me go. Do not do this.”

      “Nay. I fear we are fated to spend a few more days in each other’s company.”

      She tipped her head to one side. Her half-braided hair gently swung in the same direction. The pale, smooth skin of her neck provided a stark contrast to the blackness of her hair.

      It also provided a welcome distraction from this conversation. Gareth lightly stroked the curve of her neck with his thumb before resting his hand on her shoulder. The tightening of her muscles did not make the flesh beneath his thumb any less smooth, any less inviting to his touch.

      A shiver visibly rippled down her neck before she jerked away from his touch. “Stop that.”

      Fascinated by her skin’s response, Gareth ignored her order and stroked her neck again. His effort was rewarded when again a tiny tremor vibrated beneath his touch.

      “Are you certain I should stop?”

      Rhian shook her head before clearing her throat and answering, “No.”

      He dipped his head and brushed her neck with his mouth. She trembled against his lips.

      Rhian closed her eyes. This was insane. They were arguing about his mission, about releasing her. Yet when he stroked her neck with his tongue the arguing fell to the wayside. She tilted her head to the side, offering him more of what he sought.

      The notion that a simple touch of his lips to her neck could cause this flare of desire to rush through her body was unthinkable. It was unimaginable. It was… She leaned against his chest… It was as real as the stars in the sky.

      He held her close, his fingers splayed across her stomach, the tip of his thumb resting beneath her breast. When the floor seemed to shift beneath her feet, she reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair.

      The bulge against the small of her back let her know that desire coursed through his blood, too. He trailed his lips up her neck, pausing only to whisper in her ear, “Kiss me, Rhian.”

      His last kiss had left her confused and breathless. Would it be as heady this time? She turned in his arms and stared into his shimmering, half-closed eyes for a few heartbeats, before pulling his head down.

      He held her tightly, her breasts nearly crushed against the hardness of the armor protecting his chest. The uncomfortable embrace was soon forgotten as his coaxing mouth captured her full attention.

      His lips sought a response from hers and she answered willingly. A flash of realization captured her mind and her heart as his tongue slid against her own.

      His arms around her, the feel of his lips on hers, was right. Almost as if it was meant to be this way. Soon she would be delivered to a family who’d ignored her existence for a lifetime, then to a man she did not know. A stranger the family who’d abandoned her had chosen.

      Her heart ached for a return to the life she’d shared with her father. Years filled with someone who loved and accepted her as she was. Years when she did not have to make decisions that went against everything she’d been taught, everything she believed.

      As if sensing her mind’s distance, Gareth growled softly, bringing her thoughts back to him, to them. To what she might be able to have for the few days remaining to her.

      His gentle touch let her know that he would not harm her. He would do nothing that she did not want. Rhian clung tighter to him. What did she want him to do?

      She wanted him to cherish her, to hold her, to take her to heights she’d only heard about from gossiping servants. She wanted him to ruin her for any other. She wanted him to release her. She moved against the bulge in his groin and swallowed his moan.

      Gareth broke their kiss, pulling her head against his chest with a shaking hand. “Rhian, we must stop this.”

      She took hope in the fact that he did not release her. She could feel the rapid, strong beating of his heart beneath the armor digging into her cheek.

      Rhian knew that her success or failure would be determined by her next few sentences. After summoning all of her courage, she leaned her head back and captured his overbright gaze. “Faucon, let me escape. None need know.”

      He closed his eyes tightly as if in pain and shook his head. “I cannot. I must fulfill my orders.” When he opened his eyes, he looked down at her with a small smile curving his lips. “My future depends on this mission.”

      It was now or never. She had to decide her course of action in a heartbeat.

      Rhian slid a hand up his chest, reached up and traced his half smile with a fingertip. “I will make you a deal, Faucon.”

      He grasped her finger gently between his teeth and teased it with his tongue before stating, “I am near afraid to ask what this deal might be.”

      She swallowed, seeking the courage to continue with her lie, before finally finding the words. “I will not try to run away again if you will…” She sucked in a quick breath. “If you will take me.”

      A frown marred his forehead. “Take you?” Realization widened his eyes. “You cannot mean—”

      “Yes, I do. Take me with your body, Faucon.” She glanced away, then back before continuing, “Teach me the ways of lovers.”

      His heavy groan gave her hope. “Do you know what you ask?”

      “I would not ask if I did not know.”

      “But you are to be—”

      She cut off his words by placing her finger over his lips. “Married. Yes, I know that. I will be married to a man I do not know. A man whose kiss I may not like. A man my unknown

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