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delicate neck and shoulders. Or was it the way she carried herself now? She was more confident and assured in that pencil skirt that hugged all the right places. The white shirt, though professional, gave him just a hint of cleavage that he was dying to find out what secrets were underneath.

      Lucius didn’t know this version of Naomi Brooks. He remembered a gangly teenager who was so socially awkward the students in their high school made fun of her. He’d protected her once when a gang of bullies razzed her. Adam probably thought he didn’t remember, but he had. She’d looked so small and innocent back then, unable to take care of herself.

      But this new Naomi Brooks was a force to be reckoned with. Lucius had a feeling that a takeover of her company wouldn’t be as easy as he’d thought. Naomi wasn’t just going to lie down and roll over. She was going to fight him, but Lucius was more than ready for the challenge.

      “How about a cocktail?” Lucius asked when they’d both seen enough of the east wing of the trade show and everyone was starting to pack up for the end of the day.

      “I don’t think so.”

      “C’mon,” Lucius said. “What are you going to do? Go back to you room and order room service?”

      Naomi chuckled, and Lucius suspected that was exactly what she was going to do. “Only if I get to take off this outfit and put on something more comfortable.”

      Visions of Naomi naked sprang to Lucius’s mind, but he blinked them back. “Deal. How about I meet you downstairs in the lounge in fifteen minutes?”

      “You’re on.”

      * * *

      Ten minutes later, Naomi paced her hotel room after she’d changed into jeans and a tank top and let down her hair. It was her usual attire after a long day, but the reason why wasn’t. Why had she agreed to a drink with Lucius? The man couldn’t be trusted. He’d already acted like he didn’t know who she was when she knew darn well he’d done his research on her. Did he remember they’d gone to high school together? Did he remember when she’d followed him like a lovesick puppy dog after he’d saved her from some bullies?

      Of course he didn’t. He was Lucius Knight, international playboy and heart stealer. Why would he remember a gangly, pimple-faced teenage girl?

      It was no wonder her heart had palpitated around him, because that was Lucius’s appeal. He reeled women in then tossed them aside when he was done. She’d read the tabloids, seen him with gaggles of beautiful women, models and actresses alike. Naomi wouldn’t become one of those women.

      But those dark eyes. They seemed to look into her soul. And those lips...they were full and kissable.

      Stop. Stop. Stop.

      She had to remind herself that she was in control. Of her own destiny and her company’s fate. She would and could resist Lucius, even if he turned on his full charm, which she was sure he would do tonight. But she would be on her guard.

      * * *

      Lucius rose from his lounge chair when he saw Naomi enter the room. Damn, the woman was fine as hell! She made ripped jeans and a tank look like she was wearing the slinkiest dress ever. As she walked toward him, Lucius was aware of how the jeans rode low and snug around her hips. How the tank clung to her breasts, tapering down to her narrow waist. Lord almighty, he was in trouble.

      “Naomi.” He pulled out her chair.

      “Lucius.” She sat down and he joined her in the opposite chair.

      “What can I get you to drink?” He motioned the nearby waiter over.

      “I’ll have a pomegranate martini.”

      He rattled off her order to the waiter and turned back to face her. “I like you in casual attire. It suits you.”

      “More than my business attire?”

      Lucius shook his head. “Not more than, just that you appear more yourself.”

      “And how would you know that?” she countered.

      He dodged her question. “Am I wrong?”

      She laughed and leaned back in her chair. “No, I prefer jeans to suits and skirts, but it’s a necessary evil at times.”

      “Agreed. So tell me, Naomi, how does someone as young and vibrant as you decide to take on starting her own business?”

      Naomi shrugged. “It might have been a notion to some, but Kelsey and I—that’s my business partner,” she added, even though he already knew this information, “didn’t want a nine-to-five job. We wanted to be in charge of our own destiny.”

      “I can understand that,” Lucius responded. “I wanted the same thing. To be my own man.”

      “From the looks of it you succeeded,” Naomi replied.

      “Wow. That sounds like an insult coming from you.”

      Naomi shook her head. “Not an insult, just the truth. You’ve done quite well for yourself, Lucius Knight. Not only are you in the business magazines as a self-made millionaire, but you’re also in every gossip rag, thanks to your dalliances with beautiful women. Unlike most rich men, you’re not spoiled, but you definitely have their confidence and arrogance.”

      “And I take it those are traits you don’t admire?”

      “Quite the contrary. I admire confidence and believing in oneself.”

      “But not my arrogance?”

      Her brow rose. “Wasn’t it you who pretty much ordered me to meet you down here for a cocktail?”

      “I didn’t order you. You were welcome to decline the invitation.”

      “I doubt you would have taken no for an answer.”

      He threw back his head and let out a peal of laughter. She was right. He wouldn’t have taken no for answer, not when he suspected that Naomi found him equally as attractive as he found her. “All right, Naomi. I suppose you’re right. Would it also surprise you to know that I knew who you were before we met?”

      “Not at all. My vice president informed me of Knight International’s interest in my company.”

      The waiter returned with their order and placed the drinks in front of them.

      He noted her emphasis on the word my. Naomi knew of his desire to control Brooks and Johnson, which made her a formidable adversary. “So you’ve prejudged me? You should know my interest is not only professional, but personal.”

      Naomi chuckled, reached for her drink and took a few calming sips before answering. “C’mon, the only reason you’re trying to charm me is so you can find out more information on Brooks and Johnson.”

      “That’s not the only reason.” Lucius sat upright and leaned closer to her. His eyes caught and held hers over the circle of light from the votive candle on the table between them. His dark eyes bored into hers and spoke without words of his desire for her. She dropped her eyes under his intense scrutiny.

      Naomi might be confident in business, but just then he’d seen a flash of the old Naomi. The sensitive, innocent Naomi who’d once admired him. Now, however, he didn’t want her admiration—he wanted her to want him.

      * * *

      Naomi couldn’t hold Lucius’s gaze and lowered her lashes. His eyes had darkened dangerously with what Naomi felt was akin to lust. His face was hard and lean, just like his body. A body that was emphasized by the wine-colored polo shirt that revealed his bulging biceps and black jeans that showed off his trim waist and long legs.

      Naomi felt an unwelcome surge of excitement. Her body felt heavy and warm due to his unrelenting gaze. She reached for her drink, and Lucius caught her hand. Naomi’s pulse pounded at the smoldering flame in his eyes.

      “Why don’t we stop playing games? Let’s quit acting like

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