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      So far, he was batting zero.

      Melvin stood, stepped to the podium and started the meeting. Betty and Erin took their seats. Showtime.

      * * *

      Twenty minutes later, after Sawyer finished his program, he opened for questions.

      Erin had listened carefully to the plan Sawyer laid out. She had to admit he’d thought of some aspects of the rodeo that she hadn’t and his plans were good.

      Bob stood. “Have you actually been to the fairgrounds yourself?”

      “I went this afternoon and updated the slides in the presentation,” Sawyer answered. “The board sent pictures so I could evaluate the situation, but after seeing it myself I changed and tailored some of my ideas for this facility.”

      “I can vouch for that,” Melvin added.

      Bob didn’t look convinced.

      A brisk discussion followed, with people asking questions and commenting on the presentation.

      Bob stood again. “I’d like to hear Erin’s plan, too, see how it compares with yours.”

      Erin stood, red faced, as she turned to her neighbors and friends. “The board evaluated both proposals and thought this was the better plan.” That started another argument that lasted for the next ten minutes.

      Erin looked around and knew this back-and-forth helped no one.

      She motioned for everyone to be quiet, and it took a few seconds for everyone to quit talking. Traci glared at her from her second-row seat.

      “I appreciate everyone’s support and faith in me, but listening to my proposal won’t settle anything. The board has already voted, and, after reviewing Sawyer’s plan, I’d say he has a good one.”

      Several people started to protest, but she held up her hands. “I like his ideas on how to bring outside money to our rodeo and city. I hadn’t thought about that.

      “There were a couple of other ideas that surprised me, but I think they might work here. But I also have a few items that Mr. Jensen didn’t think about, and I plan to suggest them to him and push to implement them.” She grinned. “He won’t remain unscathed.”

      Standing, Bob said, “You sure, Erin?”

      “I am.” She scanned the audience. “What we need to do is all come together and start working on the rodeo. A good idea is a good idea.” She turned back to Sawyer. “No matter who came up with it.”

      She heard chuckles in the audience. “So, I think now that we’ve heard Sawyer’s plan, we should get behind it and support it one hundred percent.”

      Melvin’s mouth hung open, and his wife had to elbow him. From Traci’s expression it looked as if she’d sucked a lemon, but Andy nodded to Erin.

      Erin took her seat again.

      Sawyer stood by the podium. “Any more questions or comments?”

      The room remained quiet.

      “Then I guess this meeting is over.” Sawyer walked down the stage steps to the floor of the room, waiting in case anyone wanted to talk privately. No one came by. He didn’t know if that was good or bad. But what he did know was Erin had stood up for him. That found a spot in his heart.

      * * *

      Erin’s friends clustered around her, asking questions. This time, her brain had comprehended Sawyer’s words, and she saw her neighbors’ reactions. She’d been impressed. He’d put together a thorough plan to get their rodeo back on its feet. But she had modifications that could maximize his ideas.

      As she talked with other residents, Erin saw out of the corner of her eye Sawyer packing up his laptop and projector. When he walked by Tate, her brother said something. Sawyer stopped. The two exchanged words, then Sawyer walked on.

      Aunt Betty frowned and leaned close to Tate. “I may be old but...”

      Erin couldn’t hear the rest of what her aunt said. Tate shrugged and jogged up the other aisle out to their car.

      What had that been about?

      Now, several of the board members gathered in front of the stage around Sawyer. Bob joined them.

      “I’m going to go through the facility tomorrow morning to do a more detailed inspection, making notes on what needs to be updated or replaced. I’d be happy to have anyone walk through with me,” Sawyer announced to the room.

      “I’ll be there,” Bob Rivera replied. “You going to notify the folks in Harding?”

      “I will,” Sawyer replied.

      Bob nodded his approval.

      Sawyer looked at Erin, silently asking if she would be there.

      “You’ll see me,” Erin answered. She tried to keep her expression neutral, but felt a smile curve her lips.

      He returned the smile, which made her heart light.

      Later, when she and her aunt walked out to the car, Erin asked, “What was all that about with Tate and Sawyer earlier?”

      “Your brother was just trying to give the new guy a hard time.”

      “What’d Tate say?”

      Betty kissed Erin’s cheek and opened the passenger-side door. Obviously, Auntie wasn’t going to tell her.


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