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heat was on.”

      “Where are you?”

      “Can’t tell you that,” Jaxon said. Walls had ears and he didn’t want anyone in his family to find out where he was until he was good and ready.

      “I’m supposed to be your boy.”

      “And you still are. I just need some time away from the Dunham clan—hell, from the entire situation. To get some perspective. You understand?”

      “Of course I do. I have your back. I could have told you that Stephanie was no good. Those society types are always looking for a husband. When she saw you, she saw fresh meat.”

      Jaxon laughed at the analogy. “I’ll talk to you soon, Nate. I gotta get my workout on.”

      “All right, Jaxon, take care of yourself, man.”

      “You can bank on it.”

      Jaxon ended the call and pulled the handle to enter the facility. The Parker family had spared no expense when they’d renovated the Belleza a few years ago. The gym was state-of-the-art. It had the usual equipment and flat screens, but it also contained a glass-fronted fridge with cold water, towels, alcohol wipes and, most important, a killer view of the mountains. He was about to head over to the rows of free weights when a curvy backside caught his attention. He would know that backside anywhere. It was the same one that had him up last night wondering what it would be like to run his hands over it.

      It didn’t help that she was wearing one of those skimpy outfits that women loved to wear to the gym under the guise of working out. Most wanted to show off their figures and have men take notice. Kimberly, however, appeared oblivious to the appreciative stares of the men in the gym. The hot-pink halter sports bra and matching capris she wore looked as if she’d been spray-painted into them. They revealed her sculpted arms, legs and firm behind.

      He walked over to the treadmill where Kimberly was jogging and added a taut stomach to that description of her amazing figure. It was well earned because even though she was running at a steady pace, only a light sheen was on her forehead. She had on earbuds, so he was forced to move in front of the treadmill to catch her eye. When he did, she stumbled and had to press Stop on the treadmill to prevent herself from falling.

      “Are you okay?” he inquired, rushing over to her side.

      “I’m fine,” she said with annoyance. “Or I would have been if you hadn’t startled me.”

      “I merely walked in front of your machine. I imagine I wasn’t the first this morning.” His gaze swept across the gym, which was half-full with guests. “By the way, good morning, Kimberly.”

      She smiled and Jaxon’s heart instantly melted. She needed to smile more often instead of wearing her usual stern expression. “Good morning, Jack.”

      He liked hearing his nickname on her lips. It was too bad he couldn’t tell her who he really was.

      “Want some company?” He eyed the empty treadmill beside her.

      She glanced to her side. “Only if you can keep up.”

      A broad grin spread across Jaxon’s face. “Is that a dare? Because I warn you I used to run track in college.”

      “And how long ago was that?” she asked, laughing as she restarted her treadmill to a slow walk.

      “You’re on.” Jaxon eyes blazed laughter as he stepped up onto the treadmill beside her.

      Kimberly bunched her shoulders. “It’s your funeral.”

      Jaxon wasn’t above a challenge. In fact, he welcomed it and began increasing the speed on his treadmill to match her fast walking pace. “How often do you come to the gym?”

      “Five days a week,” Kimberly replied. “Sometimes seven if I can make it, but five is the minimum.”

      “You’re very disciplined. Not many people make working out a daily habit.”

      “It gets results,” she said, “plus, it allows me to pretty much eat whatever I want. In moderation, of course.”

      “That’s the key, right? Most people miss the moderation part.”

      “You don’t look like you’re one of them.” The moment the uncensored comment came out of her mouth, she instantly looked down to adjust her treadmill.

      So she had noticed his physique? Jaxon was glad he wasn’t the only one feeling the chemistry between them. It had been just as strong as the day before when they’d talked after breakfast. And now, sexual tension crackled between them.

      “Like you, I try to maintain,” Jaxon replied. “My regimen is two days cardio, three days weight training. Works for me.”

      Kimberly shot him a furtive glance out the corner of her eye. He could see she was trying her best not to check him out in his tank top and shorts, but she was. And from the looks of it, she liked what she saw.

      “So, are we going to do this or what?” she inquired. “I typically go three miles and I’d just got started when you interrupted me.”

      “Then you’ll get a little bit extra in today,” Jaxon responded. “Let’s go.” He quickly increased the speed on his treadmill and took off running.

      Kimberly caught up to his pace and joined him in the quest for domination of the treadmill. She kept up with him for the first mile and a half, but after that Kimberly slowed.

      “Ready to give up?” he asked at the second mile.

      “Hell no.”

      He laughed at her passionate response. Kimberly had a feisty side to her and he liked it. He liked it a lot.

      “I don’t give up,” she added. “So I’ll finish. Even if I’m last, I’ll finish.”

      In the end, he finished several minutes ahead of her, but he had to give the woman props on her fortitude. She kept pressing on until she completed the three miles.

      When she stopped and jumped off the treadmill, she was no longer misty as before, but had a fine sheen of perspiration on her face and running down the valley between her breasts, which he couldn’t help but notice. “You won.” She held out her hand. “Fair and square.”

      He grasped her hand in his. “And what do I win?” He held it for a long time and their eyes connected. A quick burst of desire made him want to pull her into his arms, kiss her senseless, remove the sweat-drenched clothing from her body and make her sweat underneath him.

      “I...” Words seemed to escape her and he liked that he had her off balance.

      He just had to have a taste of her. He was about to act on his impulse, without a thought that they weren’t alone, when a feminine voice yelled, “Kim!”

      Hearing her name broke the trance and she blinked several times and released his hand. “Thanks for the run.” She inclined her head toward him and started in the direction of the voice.

      He watched her saunter over to her friends. They talked in hushed tones and one of them—the one with the auburn curls—glanced in his direction, before her arm was quickly wrenched away.

      Damn! He’d been so close to paradise. If only he hadn’t been interrupted. What was wrong with him? He felt like a hormone-raging teenage boy without any self-control. He had to get ahold of himself. He’d told himself no romantic entanglements. But at the first sight of a hot body, he was ready to forget about his promise. But if anyone could make him want to forget his edict, it would be Kimberly Parker.

      * * *

      Oh, Lord! Kimberly fanned her face as she approached Gabrielle and Robyn. Why had she agreed to Jack’s challenge when she’d sworn she’d stay away from him? Her policy was no interaction with the guests, but Jack Scott had her breaking all the rules.

      “Hey, Kim.” Gabrielle eyed her up

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