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Chapter 2

       Chapter 4

       Chapter 5

       Chapter 6

       Chapter 7

       Chapter 8

       Chapter 9

       Chapter 10

       Chapter 11

       Chapter 12

       Chapter 13

       Chapter 14

       Chapter 15

       Chapter 16

       Chapter 17

       Chapter 18

       Chapter 19

       Chapter 20



      “Say one more word to me and you’ll be walking around this wedding reception decorated with this delicious glass of expensive white wine.” As Mya Winters gracefully walked away from the current subject of her irritation, she hoped the intensity in her eyes had provided extra warning.

      Her four-inch turquoise heels clicked against the smooth cranberry-wood surface of the massive deck adorned in a variety of exotic floral arrangements. Before she could reach the other side that overlooked the Caribbean Sea, a strong hand grabbed her arm.

      She turned abruptly, her eyes traveling from the hand on her arm to the face of a man who clearly didn’t understand the meaning of leaving her alone.

      When the annoying pick-up lines that he’d been using on her all night continued to spurt from his mouth, she couldn’t help the jolt of her hand as the remnants in her glass of wine made contact with his face.

      “I can’t believe you just did that you b—”

      “Keep talking and one of my heels will get friendly with a part of your body that I’m sure you’ll need in the future,” Mya said, cutting off whatever he had been about to say. She crossed her arms over her chest before she continued. “Although it doesn’t really matter since it’s evident that the lack of style in your walk is directly proportionate to the way you handle business in the bedroom...quick and sloppy.”

      The man frantically looked around the crowded wedding reception to see who had overheard Mya’s comment. Noticing that they had garnered more than enough attention, he placed his hands on his drenched face and muttered expletives as he finally walked away from her.

      “Did you really have to throw your wine at him?” asked Lex Turner, Mya’s business partner and friend, as she approached.

      “Well, he wouldn’t shut up,” Mya said as quietly as she could. “Besides, I gave him several warnings to leave me the hell alone.”

      “Mya,” Lex said leading her farther away from the crowd. “This is Cyd and Shawn’s dream wedding. It isn’t like you to show out at important events. What’s going on?”

      Mya casted her eyes to the floor, refusing to look Lex in the eye in fear she would see through the lie she was about to tell. “Nothing’s wrong. I guess I’m just a little tired from all the events I had to plan before the wedding.”

      Mya Winters and her partners Lexus Turner, Imani Rayne-Barker and Cydney Rayne—who was now officially Cydney Rayne-Miles—were the owners of Elite Events Incorporated in Chicago, Illinois. What had once started as a dream was now an established event-planning company, and business was thriving in ways the foursome had never imagined.

      “I don’t believe you,” Lex stated. “But I’m sure you’ll tell me when you’re ready. In the meantime, can you try to refrain from dousing wine on every man that approaches you tonight?”

      “I will make no such promise.”

      “Mya!” Lex exclaimed.

      “Okay, okay,” Mya replied as she waved her hands in the air. “For the rest of the night, my wine will stay in my glass.” Unless another sorry excuse for a man decides that tonight is the night he wants to challenge me.

      Lex shot her another look of disbelief before she walked off to join her fiancé, Micah Madden. Mya watched Lex softly kiss her soon-to-be-husband, before witnessing a similar exchange between Imani and her husband, Daman, and newlyweds, Cyd and Shawn.

      “All this cuteness is making me nauseous,” she said to herself before grabbing a glass of wine from a nearby waiter and taking a large gulp of the smooth liquid.

      “Try not to throw this one,” the male waiter said with a laugh as he walked away.

      “That was cute,” Mya said with slight disregard. She shot the waiter a strained smile before setting her wistful gaze back on her friends. It wasn’t that she was jealous of her friends’ relationships. She was actually really happy for them and glad they had each found the man of their dreams.

      But she couldn’t help but be a bit jealous of the happiness reflected in their eyes. A happiness she hadn’t felt in a really long time.

      Ever since I got that phone call,she thought. There weren’t many things in life that surprised Mya, but getting a discreet phone call from someone who seemed to know something about her past was definitely unexpected and she had been in a foul mood for the past week because of it.

      Growing up in foster care and witnessing things that no child ever deserved to see, had dismissed any fantasies she had about having a life that resembled one plucked from a classic fairy tale. Real life wasn’t filled with happily-ever-afters and knights in shiny armor. Maybe for some it was, but never for her. Despite Mya’s love for her foster mother, Ms. Bee, who’d been her savior after a slew of terrible foster homes, there wasn’t any part of her childhood that could be remotely viewed as perfect.

      Taking another sip of her wine, Mya sighed deeply. Now wasn’t the time for a pity party. Just as she was about to continue her journey to the somewhat empty side of the deck, a loan figure caused her to avert her eyes in another direction. He stopped to talk to a few other people as he made his way back to the group, but it was his walk that had caught her attention. Confident. Powerful. Purposeful. She knew him, of course. This wasn’t the first time she’d noticed his walk

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