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       Cal let out a breath and relief cascaded through him, immediately chased out by wonder and awe. His heart suddenly expanded—he’d just assisted this little miracle into the world. This tiny child. My nephew.

      ‘Is he all right?’ Tess’s weary voice asked the universal question.

      He tried to speak, but the words felt trapped and he coughed to clear his throat. ‘We’ve got a baby boy, here.’ He placed the baby into Tess’s exhausted arms, so she could snuggle the child against her chest and warm him with her body heat.

      Tess glanced up, smiling, and immediately reached out her hand, gripping his forearm. ‘Thank you so much for being here, for catching Oscar. I couldn’t have done it without you.’

      The rays of her radiant beam flowed over Cal like spring sunshine, warming him in places he hadn’t known had been cold.

      ‘I wouldn’t have missed this for anything.’ His words came out spontaneously, their truth catching him by surprise. Two days ago he hadn’t even met Tess, had had no idea his nephew existed, and now he’d delivered him safely into the world. The feeling was indescribable.

       Dear Reader

      The definition of family is something that is continually evolving. In some countries, especially in rural communities, a family is multigenerational, living and working together on the land. In Australia in the 1950s ‘family’ usually referred to the nuclear family—two parents and a couple of kids or more.

      Today, the word ‘family’ is accepted as meaning any combination of related adults and children—sole parent and child, grandparents raising grandchildren, single sex couples raising children, and couples adopting children from overseas. Some couples face more obstacles than others in creating their longed-for family, and that is how the idea for THE SURGEON’S SPECIAL DELIVERY came about.

      I hope you enjoy Tess and Callum’s story as they deal with a life-altering event that throws them together in ways they could never have imagined. The fall-out is challenging, cataclysmic and life-affirming.

      Write and let me know what you think: [email protected]

      Happy reading!


      Fiona x

      Always an avid reader, Fiona Lowe decided to combine her love of romance with her interest in all things medical, so writing Medical™ Romance was an obvious choice! She lives in a seaside town in southern Australia, where she juggles writing, reading, working and raising two gorgeous sons, with the support of her own real-life hero! You can visit Fiona’s website at www.fionalowe.com

      The Surgeon’s Special Delivery

       Fiona Lowe


      To Paul for his enthusiastic help, technical details, poetic descriptions and his friendship.

      And to Cameron and Andrew for always patiently answering my questions—it’s much appreciated!



       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve



      ‘IT’S a boy.’

      The radiographer directed the pointer to the telling piece of anatomy on the ultrasound screen, as the fuzzy grey and white image of a baby floating lazily in its cocoon of fluid came into focus.

      A squeal of joy erupted, bouncing off the white hospital walls and embracing every person in the room.

      From her prone position on the examination table, Tess Dalton smiled up at the ecstatic couple that squeezed her hands tightly as they kissed each other over her rounded pregnant belly.

      Tess’s heart threatened to explode from elation. The two people she loved most in the world were finally going to have the child they’d waited so long for, and she was part of this gift of life to them. Part of their family. It was the most fantastic experience of her life.

      She grinned. ‘So, I’m going to have an honorary nephew. I’ll have to learn boy things.’

      The couple immediately broke apart and dropped down to her level, simultaneously kissing her on both cheeks, their tears of happiness dampening her skin.

      James Halroyd was the first to pull away, clearing his throat gruffly. ‘Just as well you’re up for the job of honorary auntie, Tess, because his biological uncle isn’t exactly the “kick a footy to the kid” type of guy. He’s too busy off saving the world.’

      Carolyn Halroyd wiped her eyes and patted Tess’s swollen belly. ‘Oh, Tess, we can’t thank you enough for being our surrogate.’

      Tess squeezed her best friend’s hand. ‘I’m honoured to do it. Besides, you’re the sister I never had. Without you I wouldn’t have even finished high school, let alone qualified as a doctor, so stop thanking me. I should be the one thanking you.’

      Carolyn gave a giant sniff and a watery smile. ‘You’re going to be the best auntie Oscar could ever have.’

      ‘Oscar.’ Tess patted her stomach, the newly named foetus immediately morphing into his own personality. ‘One thing is for sure, kid, you’re going to grow up surrounded by love.’


      ‘DOCTOR, I have bad news.’

      Callum Halroyd’s talented hands stilled on the mess that had until an hour ago been a young man’s leg, but that had been before a mortar had shattered it into pulp. This was Cal’s fifth operation since dawn and the sun had only just hit its highest point. As an experienced surgeon with Frontline Aid, and with the muffled explosions of war sounding in the distance, he was pretty certain he’d still be operating when dusk had disappeared into darkness.

      He glanced up over the top of his surgical mask, his mouth twitching

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