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her. She had to be scared and completely exhausted at this point.

      Unfortunately that was exactly how he needed her. He didn’t want her thinking she could take care of herself alone. And since she didn’t appear to know anyone else in town, he had to make himself indispensable. Still, it was obvious she didn’t trust Donner and right now the jury was still out on how she felt about him. It wouldn’t be easy to bring her around—and would it actually pay off in the end?

      The biggest question was did she even know her brother’s computer password?

      Either way, she was clearly too upset with Donner right now to share any information she might have. Shaun signaled for his boss to leave, and Donner stood to walk out. He’d given his explanations, as unwelcome as they were, and was leaving Shaun to deal with the consequences. That was his job, after all.

      “Abby, regardless of what you decide to do, I think it best if you let Shaun stay. He won’t let anything happen to you. This is what he does.”

      Donner’s hand was on the doorknob but Shaun could tell Abigail wasn’t buying it. And Shaun was staying out of it until Michael Donner was on his way. He could tell she was on the verge of throwing something at his boss’s head whether Donner realized it or not.

      “I didn’t ask for your help,” she said to Donner’s retreating back.

      He was halfway out the door but snapped around to answer. “No, you didn’t. But I’m giving it anyway. Please, let Shaun look after you. No matter what you think of me, I’m not burying two Trevors in one week. I won’t be put in that position.” Then he was gone, closing the door behind him with a barely audible click.

      She turned on Shaun as the door closed. “How long is this suite paid for?”

      “It’s reserved for the entire week.”

      “I’ll stay tonight. Alone. I don’t want you here. I’m fine by myself. I want Zip Tech out of my life.”

      Shaun revised his thoughts about her similarity to the china doll. She was marble. Cool and unmovable. But was she unbreakable? Time would tell.

      She needed more time or as much as he could spare before he’d know the answer to that. Donner was usually smoother and Shaun wasn’t sure if there was any recovery for his boss practically admitting they’d broken into her brother’s condo. Giving Abigail space was the first step, and being as honest as he could be. He felt the now familiar stab of conscience. So…telling the truth would be a stretch for him. “Right. I can understand why you want me out—”

      “You don’t understand a damn thing, Shaun Logan. If you did you wouldn’t have fed me that crappy story at the cemetery about knowing Jason and admiring his work. Earlier you said you had met him. Did you really? Had you ever even seen him before the viewing today in that casket?”

      Shaun nodded. “Yes, I met him at a corporate function last month. And I rode in an elevator with him two weeks ago.”

      She stared at him and a crack appeared in her marble facade as a lone tear streaked down her cheek. She brushed the moisture away.

      “Are you going to find who killed him?”

      “I’m going to try, but my priority is to keep you safe.”

      “Okay. You’re still not getting near his papers because I don’t give a rip about Zip Tech’s problems, and I don’t want you anywhere near me. But thank you for looking into his death. Now, I want you out of here.”

      “I don’t want to leave you by yourself.”

      “I’m a big girl—I’ll be fine.”

      He raised an eyebrow as she stood. Yes, he had to agree, Abigail was very fine indeed. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to walk to the door or get into a tussling match with her. And while that might be fun under other circumstances, now was definitely not the time. He wasn’t going to point out that there were two rooms here in the suite.

      He’d just go downstairs and get the room across the hall from her if it was available and sit with his door open. And if it wasn’t available, he’d set himself up outside the suite as her personal bodyguard. She’d never know he was there. He doubted she planned to go anywhere tonight.

      At the door she surprised him with another question. “Donner said this is what you do. What did he mean? What do you really do for Zip Tech?”

      He’d never felt queasy explaining his job, but under her penetrating stare, he did. He knew he had to tell her the truth. It was the first test for him here. But how? Hard and fast like ripping off a Band-Aid or with finesse?

      He took a guess along with a deep breath and gave it to her straight. Finesse would be wasted, anyway. There wasn’t really a polite way to describe what he did. “I’m a fixer.”

      “Pardon me?”

      “I fix problems. You know. Company vice president’s son gets a DUI, I help keep him out of jail and make sure it doesn’t get in the papers. An executive’s mistress threatens to tell the Mrs. about their affair, I pay the woman off. I keep Donner, his company executives and their families looking happy and prosperous for all the world to see and examine.”

      Shaun trusted Donner and up until this morning he’d always done the job without a qualm of conscience but with this woman, he was uncomfortable. It was a unique and unpleasant experience. He had no idea where those feelings were coming from, he just knew he didn’t like them. She studied his eyes, seemingly not nearly as put off by his job description as he had expected her to be.

      “So now you get to try and fix me?” she asked, challenging him with her open gaze, all but inviting him to fight back.

      For the first time today he allowed himself to really look at her, not just sneaking glances when she wasn’t aware of him. It was different from earlier when she’d asked him about his sexual orientation. She’d practically been begging him to look at her then. So of course he hadn’t.

      But now, he started at her feet and raked his eyes up her body, deliberately lingering at her hips and chest.

      Her cheeks were flaming when he finally reached her face. He knew he’d been baited and it was profoundly unprofessional but he couldn’t regret what he’d permitted himself to do, particularly as it wouldn’t be happening again.

      Still, he had to swallow before he spoke. “There’s not a damn thing wrong with you, Abigail. Not that I can see.”

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