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telling himself not to think of what could have been. Not tonight or years ago.

      Annabelle leaned against the door, burying the shame that wanted to overcome her. No, shame wasn’t what bubbled inside her, for she wasn’t embarrassed or humiliated by Trace’s rejection.



      Having him so close was worse than having thousands of miles separating them. The moment he’d ridden into the yard, the exact second his dark brown eyes had connected with hers, the years he’d been gone evaporated. It had taken all she had not to race down the steps and throw herself into his arms. She almost had, but his expression had hardened, causing her to hold back.

      There was no way of knowing what he knew. He’d refused to communicate with either her or Roy. Every wire had gone unanswered; every letter had been returned. The pain of that, how he’d refused to listen to explanations, tore at her insides, but she squelched it—as best she could, anyway—and focused on the here and now. Trace was home, and she’d find a way to make him understand her choices had been few.

      The past four days, he’d barely said a word to her, left if she got too close, but it was still there. That attraction they’d had for one another. He could try to deny it, but she felt him watching her, saw the battle going on inside him. It was as if they were playing tug-of-war, where neither of them was willing to let go of the rope—give up the ground they’d gained. He was the love of her life, and she had to find a way to convince him that was still true. No matter what it looked like on the outside, inside that had never faltered.

      Annabelle straightened, drew a cleansing breath, and after making sure the door was locked, she walked into the living room to stare at the picture of Roy hanging above the fireplace. Handsome, with dark brown hair and even browner eyes, he’d been a wonderful and caring man. Lord knows where she’d be today if not for him. They may not have loved each other as man and wife, but they had loved each other. In a softer, gentler way. As family and treasured friends. It had been special and unique. Only the two of them understood it and she missed him terribly. He’d married her not for himself but for her and Trace.

      Trace, though, hadn’t listened when Roy tried to explain, and he certainly hadn’t welcomed her letters of explanation.

      Annabelle wiped away a tear, wishing Roy was here right now so he could force Trace to listen. When she glanced back up at the picture, she swore the image—that of a righteous, strong-willed man—grinned at her. She had to smile in return. That was exactly how Roy would have reacted to what had just taken place. “I know going to his bedroom was a bit presumptuous,” she whispered. “But I thought if I could catch him off guard, I could make him listen.”

      The painting didn’t respond, but she could imagine what Roy would have said.

      “Time?” she asked in reply to her assumption. “He’s had six years. What if he leaves again? This time I won’t have you to pick up the pieces.”

      Roy would have had a lot to say about that, so she turned and made her way to the staircase. It wasn’t that easy, though. Roy was never one who could be ignored. In the back of her mind his answer played over and over like the phonograph sitting in the back parlor. Roy had bought it for her for Christmas last year, boasting how it was the only one in the entire territory, and once again she cracked a grin. He’d loved how people would gather around the contraption, listening to it repeat the same tinny tune over and over again.

      As she reached her bedroom door—the room that had become hers the day she married Roy—she turned and looked down the hallway. The voice in her head was so loud, so real, she truly expected to see Roy standing near his bedroom door at the end of the hallway. He wasn’t there, of course, but as a couple more tears slid down her cheeks, she nodded, just as she had so many times in the past. Letting him know she heard him. Tomorrow would be a new day.

      Annabelle climbed into her four-poster bed complete with a lace canopy—Roy had spoiled her—almost as if she was the daughter who’d died in his arms fifteen years before—and closed her eyes. Sleep wasn’t going to be her friend. Not tonight. She had too many worries. Besides missing Roy, she couldn’t help but wonder if he had known the cattle were stolen, if that was why he’d penned them up near the northern border of their property.

      Her body was still aching, too, as it had since the moment Trace rode into the yard.

      There was more to it than just her desires. Trace wasn’t just the love of her life. Five-year-old Wyatt sleeping in the room next door was not his nephew, as the entire county believed. Before Trace left for Texas this time, she’d have to tell him that—no matter what the consequences.

      She’d promised Roy.

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