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      ELEANOR WOOD lives in Brighton, where she can mostly be found hanging around in cafes and record shops, running on the beach, pretending to be French and/or that it’s the ‘60s, and writing deep into the night. Her work has previously been published in magazines such as Time Out and The Face. Her erstwhile lo-fi fanzine, Shocking Blues and Mean Reds, won praise from the Independent, Lauren Laverne and Marmalade magazine, among others.

      These days, you can read her personal and ill-thought-out ramblings on her blog, The Perfect Mixtape, or more succinctly on Twitter at @eleanor_wood.

      Gemini Rising

      Eleanor Wood


      Huge gratitude to my brilliant and lovely agent, Caroline Hardman – who, luckily for me, is as tenacious as she is clever.

      Massive thanks to my wonderful editor at Harlequin, Anna Baggaley – for being as enthusiastic about Gemini Rising as I am.

      Thank you to the people I love most in this world – Mum, Dad, Jimmy, Katy, Nan and Lilly – for always being awesome and supportive. I’m so lucky you’re all on my team. Special mention to Jimmy for actually choosing to live with a crazy Gemini – 143.

      Thanks to Vinod, James and the staff of Bright News for keeping me fed and entertained throughout the writing of this book.

      Thank you to Joyce Lambert for astrological guidance – purely personal rather than conceptual, thus all schoolgirl errors are my own (and, of course, deliberate).

      An appreciative salute to the people who made my life technicolour when I was seventeen, and continue to do so – Tom Allnutt, Rachael Ayres, Ali Bastian, Louise Chadbone and Neil Symons.

      So many brilliant friends and family have helped and inspired me in too many ways to mention here – I hope that you know who you are and that I am grateful.

      For my family – you know who you are



       Author Bio

       Title Page




       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty One

       Chapter Twenty Two

       Chapter Twenty Three



       Copyright Page


      Have you ever met anyone who’s in technicolour? I mean, like really in glorious technicolour, so that they make the rest of the world look black and white, and you suddenly realise what you’ve been missing all your life?

      It’s a bit like in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy gets to Oz and her shoes are all ruby red and sparkling, and she realises that Kansas was just shades of grey. OK, so even if you don’t think in these weird analogies and stupid old film images like I do, I bet you know what I mean.

      Well, that’s what the twins were like. Full colour in a world of black and white. Times two. I’d been waiting so long just for something, anything, to happen, how was I to know that when it did, it would all go so wrong? I couldn’t possibly have known that maybe living in black and white is better than crashing into all the colours of the sun and getting burned.

      But, back then, it was like I didn’t know anything. All I could see were the beautiful colours. I was blinded. It’s no excuse, I know, but it’s true.

      It’s easy to forget that the twins ever existed, now all that’s left is the aftermath, the death and destruction they left behind. That’s not so easy to forget. At the time, it all seemed like so much fun, like something was finally happening – and that wasn’t so bad, was it?

      Chapter One

      ‘Sorana! Come on! We’re late!’

      I’m in my apocalyptically messy bedroom, my favourite band, Trouble Every Day, blasting

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