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      I know that as I offer myself and this prayer, you in turn offer me your love and the assurance that you will never leave me. In your most holy Name, I pray. Amen.


      Make a decision today not to keep the feelings that cause you shame to yourself. Admit to yourself that there is a problem. Name the problem. Reflect on how you have come to this point. During this day, continue to bring your feelings of shame, anxiety and fear to God. Talk honestly and openly to God and know that God hears your prayer.


       Dealing with guilt

      Read: Psalm 121

      You may well have come away from yesterday’s conversation with God feeling “Who am I to come to God with my problems?” Perhaps you feel that where you are is because of your own doing and that God must have much more serious issues than yours to attend to, or prayers to answer. The Psalmist does not tell us much about the nature of his problems, but in this affirmation of faith, he provides a few treasures that we can hold onto while we deal with feelings of guilt. Yesterday, you were encouraged to acknowledge the problem. The Psalmist does the same in the first verse by alluding to his state of being. Then the Psalmist adds the following verses, describing his assurance that he has the freedom to go to God and not be pinned down by feelings of hopelessness. Guilt, like shame, seems to drain us, imprison us and keep us away from any meaningful conversation with God. Why not try to bring your feelings of guilt to God? What is it that you feel guilty about? Do you feel that your situation is because of bad decisions or poor planning on your part? Do you feel guilty that this may affect those dearest to you? Name it, put it on the table. You can do so, because, as the Psalmist suggests, God hears your prayers and is not going to let you stumble. In fact, as you pray, you can have the assurance that God is the one who will provide shelter, protection, God’s presence and, most of all, forgiveness.


      Almighty God, thank you for hearing my prayer. Lord, I feel guilty about what I spoke to you about yesterday. I feel guilty because…

      Please restore my spirit and grant me your peace. Thank you that your grace surrounds me and that in you I can find a place of safety. In your Name, I pray. Amen.


      Whenever you are tempted during the course of this day to feel guilty and unworthy of God’s love, remind yourself that you are loved, treasured and forgiven.


       God cares

      Read: Matthew 6:25–34

      Don’t worry! This is easier said than done. How can one not worry during times of trouble? Reality tells us that our families need to be fed, our children need to be clothed, school fees need to be paid, and the list goes on. I do not think that Jesus was asking his followers, or us, to adopt a carefree attitude. In fact, if we did, we would soon find ourselves in even further difficulty and when reality knocks at our door, our worries would increase. From this passage, Jesus conveys two truths. The first is that worry has the tendency to take control of our lives. When this happens, it is very easy to fall into a state of panic. Panic doesn’t help our thinking and it certainly does not solve our problems. The second is that God is still God. When our worry turns to panic, our natural response is to try to take control. However, it is comforting to know that there is one greater than ourselves who loves us and who takes care of our needs. Take note that God takes care of our “needs”, not our “wants”. When Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, he reiterates this point by saying “…give us today our daily bread”*. Take a moment during the course of today to sit quietly on your own in your garden, or in a park. Look at the birds, the trees and the insects. God takes care of their needs. God loves you and will take care of your needs. Take this opportunity to surrender yourself into God’s hands. Allow God to harness your worry, to calm the panic and to assure you that God cares about who you are and what is taking place in your life.


      Almighty God, when I look at my troubles I feel overwhelmed. My troubles scare me and I wonder if there is anybody in this world who cares. Lord, please take care of my family and me as you take care of the birds of the air and the grass in the field. I surrender the following to you…

      I pray for wisdom, so that I can find hope today, knowing that you are present even in my tomorrow. Amen.


      When you feel yourself panicking, take note of your breathing. Slow down your breathing by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Repeat the following words: “My God shall supply all my needs.”*

      *The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9–13.

      *See Philippians 4:19.


       Speak to your spouse and relatives

       Read: Matthew 19:4–6

      Nobody likes to reveal that they are struggling. This is highlighted by the way we greet each other, “Hello”, “How are you?”, “Fine, thanks. How are you?” Very seldom will people say “It is not going well because…” This is especially true in close relationships. Many people do not let their spouses know that there is financial trouble. Here, once again, we are faced with the issue of pride and the perception of failure. In this passage, Jesus speaks about the relationship in marriage. Jesus may as well be speaking about any relationship that is grounded in love. Love overcomes all obstacles and true love does not allow anything to destroy a good relationship. As a matter of fact, it rather supports, encourages and gives the assurance that you will not be left out in the cold. Keeping struggles to one’s self eats away at one’s spirit. It is amazing what a change in feelings happens when you dare to share your struggles with a spouse, a loved one or a very special friend. Pouring out your soul, being able to say to someone “I trust and love you enough to share my problems with you” is a liberating experience. You may be surprised by their response. Loving relationships will make you feel accepted and supported. These folk may be able to share some insights into the problem that you did not consider. Pray about it and dare to share. God may very well use someone else to contribute toward your recovery.


      Almighty God, you know my deepest needs. Give me the courage to share my struggles with someone whom I love and trust. Grant me wisdom so that I may speak to the right people and endow them with grace and compassion so that I will know your love through them. I pray for…

      … that they will accept me and hear my cry for help. Amen.


      Speak to those closest to you about your problem. Don’t anticipate quick solutions. Perhaps you can start the conversation by using these or similar words: “I know I can trust you, because I love you. I need someone to listen to me, because I am experiencing difficulty. Can I share with you?”

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