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Blessed Trinity

      Other Books by Vanessa Davis Griggs

      “The George Landris/Johnnie Mae Taylor” Series:

      The Rose of Jericho

      Promises Beyond Jordan

      Wings of Grace

      Blessed Trinity


      image KENSINGTON PUBLISHING CORP. http://www.kensingtonbooks.com

      To my mother, Mrs. Josephine Davis—

       A true giver and a blessing to so many:

       The person who dedicated me back to the Lord,

       before I ever graced this place we call world.


      To the only wise, true and living God—I thank You for choosing me before the foundation of the world to do what I’m doing right now.

      To my agent, my publicist, my guide, and in truth, the best ghostwriter around—The Holy Ghost: thank You for being unsurpassed in all of these things and so much more in my life. Just look where You’ve brought me from.

      My mother, Josephine Davis, is and always has been my greatest supporter. Mama, you’ve gone above and beyond the call of motherhood. A billion thank-yous wouldn’t make a dent toward all you’ve done for me. I pray I have somehow made you proud. To my father, James Davis Jr., for the pep talks you’ve given me when I needed to know you believed in me and what I’ve been called to do.

      My husband, Jeffery; and my children Jeffery Marques, Jeremy Dewayne, and Johnathan LeDavis; daughter-in-law Philicia; and grandchildren Asia and Ashlynn—through the good and the bad, we’ve endured and pressed onward. We are truly a family, through everything, still standing strong. My life has been enriched because of all of you!

      To my sister, Danette Dial: thanks for being the special you that you are; my brother, Terence Davis, and sister-in-law, Cameron, (you guys have gone above and beyond when it’s come to supporting me and no, I’ve not forgotten!); my sister, Arlinda Davis, who’s always telling somebody about my books; and my brother, Emmanuel Davis, who appreciates what it takes to write a story—all of you have made this journey called life and the faith we’ve employed in order to do what we do, so much more exciting.

      Rosetta Moore: you’re one special sister-friend indeed. To Vanessa L. Rice: you never fail to remind me who I am in the literary world. Thanks to my cousin, Mark Davis, who believed enough in the early days of my doing this to really spread the word (and some books) in the Maryland/D.C. area. Marie Primas-Bradshaw and Vina Lavendar: both of you have blessed me in ways like a mother caring for their own child. Thanks Wanda Lawson for your special thoughtfulness and true desire to bless me by planting a seed in what I’ve been called to do. Zelda Oliver-Miles, Linda H. Jones, Ryan Phillips, and Stephanie Perry Moore: I am so proud to know each of you and to call you fellow authors and friends. You hold a special place in my heart; I wish you the best in whatever you do.

      Now comes the hard part. I wish I could name each and every person, every book club, online Web site, bookstore, library, newspaper, magazine, radio and television personality who has touched my life in a positive way. God knows, it hasn’t always been easy. To list everyone would be a book within itself. So to those of you who were kind enough to choose my books and/or reached out to let me know how you were affected by my work; to individuals, book clubs, church organizations, and companies who brought me into your setting or extended an invitation for me and your group to have face-to-face fellowship (like Ella Wells, Ora “Polly” Mathews, Barbara Bryant and The Ladies of Distinction and Ladies Divine Book Club in Raleigh-Durham, NC; Long Branch Baptist Church and Book Club in Greenville, SC; Greater Beallwood Baptist Church and Book Club in Columbus, GA; the Sensational Readers Book Club in Rogersville, AL; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Birmingham Alumnae, AKA Omicron Omega Chapter, Miles College, Bethel Baptist Church Prime Timer’s in Birmingham, AL to name a few): May God bless you exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ever ask for or think of!

      To those who have e-mailed me, signed my guest book with such positive and encouraging messages, sent letters, called (some of you are quite resourceful), or made a special effort to visit with me when I was in your city: please hear my heart when I say, “You didn’t have to do it but you did, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!” What a blessed dilemma to find myself in—having so many to thank, there’s not room enough to name (or contain) them all. That is so like God.

      A special thanks to Stacey N. Barney who—with much love and respect—was responsible for me returning to the published world at this point in my life. I thank you for reaching out to me like you did. To the staff of Dafina Books, I thank you for all the hard work you do. My thanks to Selena James, Editorial Director, and Monica Harris for the wonderful work you both did to ensure my work was polished and an enjoyable experience for the reader. No author (or person) is an island, and I want you to know that your labor is not in vain.

      Lastly, to you who have chosen Blessed Trinity: I pray this book blesses you as much as it—and you—have already blessed me. What I do means little without you being there to receive it once it’s done. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thanks for continuing to help me spread the “Word.” If you like what you read here, then be a blessing to someone else and tell them about it (just don’t tell them too much and ruin their reading experience)!

      Vanessa Davis Griggs




      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13

      Chapter 14

      Chapter 15

      Chapter 16

      Chapter 17

      Chapter 18

      Chapter 19

      Chapter 20

      Chapter 21

      Chapter 22

      Chapter 23

      Chapter 24

      Chapter 25

      Chapter 26

      Chapter 27

      Chapter 28

      Chapter 29

      Chapter 30

      Chapter 31

      Chapter 32

      Chapter 33

      Chapter 34

      Chapter 35

      Chapter 36

      Chapter 37

      Chapter 38

      Chapter 39

      Chapter 40

      Chapter 41

      Chapter 42

      Chapter 43

      Chapter 44

      Chapter 45

      Chapter 46


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