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Under the Covers

      Books by P.J. Mellor






       (with Vonna Harper, Nelissa Donovan, and Nikki Alton)


       (with Susan Lyons and Alyssa Brooks)


       (with Melissa MacNeal and Valerie Martinez)


       (with Melissa MacNeal and Vonna Harper)

      Books by Crystal Jordan





       (with Kate Douglas and Vonna Harper)

      Books by Lorie O’Clare



      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Under the Covers



       P.J. MELLOR





      Naughty or Nice

       Crystal Jordan


      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Nativity Island

       Lorie O’Clare

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Escaping Christmas

       P.J. Mellor

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13

      Chapter 14

      Chapter 15

      Chapter 16

      Chapter 17

      Chapter 18

      Naughty or Nice

      Crystal Jordan


      Michal gets to go first in all my acknowledgments. The best friend speaketh and so it was and so it shall remain.

      Next must be Dayna Hart, who so generously lent her name to my heroine. And Kate and Jerry, who let me steal their Disneyland joke and give it to my hero.

      Special gratitude goes to those who critiqued or listened to me whine while writing this story (and, quite possibly, all my stories): Loribelle Hunt, Rowan Larke, Jennifer Leeland, Gwen Hayes, Karen Erickson, Robin L. Rotham, Gemma Halliday, and Bethany Morgan.

      And since this story has sexy tattoos in it, I have to give a nod to my tattooed gurus: Eden Bradley, Lilli Feisty, R.G. Alexander, Adriana Parker, and Jeana Perry—best friend of Adriana and the very nice tattooist who let me pepper her with questions while she inked Michal.

      The final word of thanks—and all other things writing-related—must go to the fabulous agent, Lucienne Diver, and the splendiferous editor, John Scognamiglio.


      The scalding water hammered against Dayna’s skin. The shower’s heat was nothing to the fire that swept through her body. Clenching her teeth against the ache that built to a fever pitch inside her, she tried to suppress the need as she so often did. How long had it been since she’d gotten laid? Too damn long. What would Nathan think if he knew how unsatisfied she was physically? A small smile quirked her lips. Her boyfriend—no, she caught herself, her fiancé—would likely try to debate her out of it, explaining that physical desires were fleeting, but emotional compatibility and similar life goals were what mattered. That’s what lawyers did—they debated.

      As much as she agreed with him, and as perfect as they were together in every other way, her hormones weren’t feeling very reasonable right now. She shuddered, biting back a frustrated sob. Her nipples tightened to painful peaks, and her sex throbbed. She leaned her forehead against the slick tile wall, letting the water sluice down her. The feel of it running over her flesh was almost a caress. Almost.

      Sucking her lower lip between her teeth, she pressed her hands to her lower belly and squeezed her thighs together. It was no use. Nothing would quell the rising ache except orgasm. Dragging in a sharp breath, she slipped her fingers up her torso to cup her breasts. A low moan threatened to slide from her throat, but she swallowed it. Nathan might hear her and come to investigate. This was something she didn’t want to explain, justify, or debate. She’d rather he would decide to join her and slam his cock inside her until she screamed.

      Pinching her nipples, she rolled them between her fingertips. Goose bumps rose on her skin and made her shiver. She turned to press her back to the wall, letting the water pelt over her chest and thighs. Her heart rate kicked up a notch, and her breathing sped to soft gasps. She closed her eyes, painting the fantasy in her mind. His big hands palmed her breasts, lifting them to suck the tips deep into his hot mouth.

      Back bowing hard, she sought closer contact with those talented lips and tongue. She slipped her hand down her stomach, dipping into her heated pussy. In her daydream, it was his hand that stroked her, moving his fingers over her slick folds until she had to stifle a soft cry. Her breath caught, and her eyes popped open when he shoved two long digits inside her. Snapping her hips forward to meet the thrust of his hand, flames burst inside her. The slide of the water over her skin added another layer of sensation to those pummeling her.

      Her dream man pulled back to look at her, watching her twist against the lashes of pleasure. His green gaze slipped down her body, and she felt it pass over her as if it were a physical touch. Her brow furrowed. No, Nathan had dark eyes, not light. She adjusted the fantasy, shower mist blurring the man’s face. Yes. Perfect. Now it was just pure feeling, the fingers moving inside her, the water on her flesh, the heat and desire that raged through her. A shudder shook her, desperation slamming into her. She needed to come so badly.

      “Oh, God,” she breathed.

      He angled his fingertips until he hit just the right spot, until she couldn’t hold back a moan. Her thighs locked, and her sex clenched tight. Tingles broke in waves down her limbs.

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