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God and our joy about what God does for us and through us in Christ. In Advent we worship as we wait.

      Going through the motions is not what God wants for us when we wait. Rather, God wants us to be about the business of faithful waiting as we disciples fill the sacred time for the return of the Lord. What the Lord desires for Israel and for us is to focus on the ultimate time and meaning in God's world—a world in which we are merely guests.

      So, what does faithful waiting look like? First, we wait in prayerful anticipation. We pray and praise. We pray and confess. We pray and give thanks. We pray and petition. Faithful waiting also involves worship. We sing and light the candles. We proclaim God's word and respond with offering and affirmation. We also fall on our knees at the communion rail, hoping against hope that when God does indeed send the Messiah we will be ready. Can you watch and wait? Can you stay awake? Are you ready to come home for the Holy-days?

      There are many ways to put distance between ourselves and others. We can do so in pious or impious ways, but either way the distance is there. Advent is God's final and decisive attempt to overcome the distance that human beings have created through their willful sin and disobedience. The sign of God's attempt for intimacy is in the phrase "Immanuel"—God with us!

      Worship and praying the liturgy are a few ways we answer Jesus' question: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8).




      Let us rise and meet our Creator. Let us raise our hands and voices in acknowledgment that God's Holy Spirit moves among us, calling us to new life in Christ. Let us raise our eyes, knowing that this new life of stewardship for all God's creation is seen in the life of Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.


      Eternal God, we are seeking signs of your presence in our lives. Open our eyes, open our ears, open our hearts to receive some word of hope as we anticipate the coming of the One whom you are sending.

       Invocation (Romans 13, Matthew 24)

      Holy One, we wait and hope for your peace. We live in the promise of your love. As the days darken and the nights lengthen, light our way with your promised presence. Prepare us to celebrate your birth, and guide us to create your kingdom on earth. In hopeful expectation we pray. Amen.

       Invocation (Psalm 25, Luke 21)

      Righteous One, to you alone we lift our souls; in you alone we place our trust; for you alone we wait all day long. For you are the God of our salvation, abounding in mercy and steadfast love. Help us remain alert and watchful for the coming of your promised One—the One who comes with power and glory, the One drawing near to bring our salvation. Amen.

       Call to Worship

      Leader: Christ draws near.

       People: A new day is dawning.

      Leader: God's kingdom is here.

       People: A new day is dawning.

      Leader: It's time to wake up.

       People: A new day is dawning.

      Leader: Christ draws near.

       People: A new day is dawning.

       Call to Worship (Isaiah 2, Romans 13)

      Leader: We know what time it is—the moment to wake from sleep.

       People: We awaken to greet the day, yearning for God's peace on this earth.

      Leader: Let us lay down our swords and put aside all works of darkness.

       People: Let us walk in the light and live as peacekeepers.

      Leader: Let us worship our God as expectant believers.

       People: We worship with joy, knowing Christ will come!

       Call to Worship

      Leader: Now is the time of watching and waiting.

       People: Now is the time of pregnant expectation of new life.

      Leader: The candle of hope has been lit.

       People: Let us worship in the light of God's grace.

       Call to Worship (Jeremiah 33, Psalm 25)

      Leader: The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will cause a righteous Branch to spring forth and bring my promised salvation to Israel.

       People: The Lord is our righteousness.

      Leader: The days are surely coming, says our God, when justice and mercy will be executed throughout the land.

       People: The Lord is our righteousness.

      Leader: The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when my promised One will teach transgressors my ways, and heal the world with love and mercy.

       People: The Lord is our righteousness.

       Prayer of Confession

      O Lord God, as we begin to prepare our hearts to receive the One whom you are sending, forgive us for all the times we have missed seeing you in our midst, for all the times we have doubted your presence, and for all the times we have failed to help others find their way. Forgive us, in the name of Jesus, the One who is coming. Amen.

       Words of Assurance

      O God, we thank you for the assurance of your grace and forgiveness, for hearing our prayers and challenging us to seek righteousness, and for your gift of love and acceptance. Amen.

       Prayer of Confession

      O God, we confess that our sense of expectation has been dulled. We have become reluctant to anticipate any wonders from your hand. We have become so content with the past that we make it the master of our lives. We have been lulled to sleep by our own limited view of your presence among us. O God, before sleep becomes our death, pardon and redeem us that we may avoid the judgment we are bringing on ourselves. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear you as we rise from our stupor; stretch our souls that we may worship you in spirit and in truth. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

       Words of Assurance

      God's forgiveness is the light that is coming into the world in Jesus Christ. Because you have asked that this light free you from the darkness of sin, your sins are forgiven. Amen.

       Prayer of Confession (Isaiah 2, Romans 13)

      Christ Jesus, we pray for light and guidance in the darkness of our lives. When we seek darkness, bring us to the light. When we walk paths of war and injustice, guide us to your paths of love and mercy. When we sleep through life, awaken in us the desire to be your children. Forgive us

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