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      Rainbow through my tears

      God’s consolation in turbulent times

      Solly Ozrovech

      Lux Verbi

      Dedicated to

      Neoklis and Violetta Pnematicatos

      and all those unsung heroes who bear

      their grief with dignity and faith.

      The soul would have no rainbow

      had the eyes no tears

      – John Vince Cheney.

      1 God’s divine comfort

      The death of a loved one always comes as a shock – whether it was sudden and unexpected, or whether it was expected. In these circumstances it often seems as if you have entirely lost contact with reality. The sorrow over and the finality of your loss threatens to overwhelm you with a sense of loneliness and heartache with which you can hardly cope. Over and above your sorrow and pain, you realise that difficult decisions have to be taken and radical changes are demanded of you. This only goes to aggravate your sense of utter loss.

      Even though at this moment your loss is painful and practically unbearable, you must cling to God’s promise tenaciously, As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you (Isa 66:13). When God’s children cry out in pain, “Why?”, He answers with his comforting, “I am with you; I will strengthen you!”

      Victor Hugo said, “Sorrow is a fruit. God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it.” Therefore, when you struggle with your devastating pain after the loss of a loved one, you can draw rich comfort from the Scriptures and from the experience of others who have tearfully trodden the same sorrowful road.

      A wise man said to a sorrowing friend, “I didn’t come to comfort you – that only God can do! I have simply come to tell you how deeply and sincerely I feel with you in your hour of great loss.”

      People who genuinely care cannot bring the comfort which will heal your shattered heart, but God can use them as a channel for his divine love and comfort.

      Quietly trust in God from day to day. He will grant you his divine comfort, like a spring rain in a barren wilderness. If you have trusted Him when your tree of life stood gloriously covered with breathtaking spring blossoms, you may trust Him even now in the cold winter of your sorrow.

      Apart from God there is no hope for real and lasting comfort.

      I plead for the comfort which

      You alone can give, dear Lord.

      Heal my shattered spirit and grant me to

      see through my tears the rainbow of hope.

      In the conquering Name of Jesus, my Lord.

      Do not be dismayed,

      for I am your God.

      I will strengthen you

      and help you;

      I will uphold you

      with my righteous right hand

      (Isa 41:10).


      — Anne L de Stael.

      2 Light in the darkness

      When a loved one dies, the world can suddenly become a very dark and desolate place. All prospects of life suddenly seem withered and crippled. You act like a blind person, stumbling about, totally unsure of yourself. It becomes so increasingly difficult to cope with the darkness that you are unable to use the resources which God has placed at your disposal. It seems as if everything in your life only adds to the darkness of your days.

      There are those who triumphantly conquer this debilitating darkness – not on the grounds of their intuition, sharpened senses, by Braille or the use of a white cane, but through Jesus Christ who grants them the ability to step out of the darkness and into the light. Jesus is the true light that gives light to every man (Jn 1:9). When you are unsure of the road ahead and you have to make difficult decisions, Christ can lead you out of the darkness of sorrow and confusion and into his glorious light. He usually does this step by step – so be patient and trusting.

      “In darkness there is no choice. It is light that enables us to see the differences between things; and it is Christ who gives us light” (C T Whitmell). God, through Jesus Christ, grants you the eternal light which reflects his unchanging love and mercy. The rays of God’s love will warm your heart and He will protect you against dangers of which you are unaware. In times of grief and affliction He is your constant guardian.

      Therefore, in the time of your deepest need, do not flee deeper into the darkness of despair, but rather – like the flower in the shadows growing towards the light – grow towards the Light of the world. Christ is the origin of our victory and joy. Through Him we grow strong in the full sunshine of God’s immeasurable love.

      Help me,

      loving Saviour, to enter bravely and

      wisely into your comforting light

      that shines on my way.

      With trust I place my

      weak hand in your almighty one.

      Lead, kindly Light.

      In him was life,

      and that life was the light of men.

      The light shines in the darkness,

      but the darkness has not understood it

      (Jn 1:4-5).


      — Thomas More.

      3 Promises of comfort fulfilled

      We have the steadfast promise of God that He will never leave nor forsake us. But God not only promises – in his power and mercy He faithfully acts to fulfil his promises. He is the God who makes his promises come true, even though it seems impossible and even though every circumstance points to the contrary.

      While Jacob was fleeing from the wrath of his brother Esau, God gave him a promise that night at Beth-El, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go (Gen 28:15). How wonderfully the Lord fulfilled this promise in the life of Jacob!

      Joshua, the young leader who had to take the Israelites into the promised land, received this encouraging promise from God, As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you (Josh 1:5).

      In the Letter to the Hebrews we are given the assurance that this promise will be extended to include all people who believe and place their trust in Jesus Christ, Because God himself has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Heb 13:5).

      When death claims somebody you dearly love, there is a void which, seemingly, cannot be filled. It is now that you need God’s promises urgently. Suddenly they develop an entirely new meaning. In the midst of your loneliness He assures you that you are never really alone, because He is there, with you and for you!

      God is righteous and holy, therefore He will never deceive you. God is merciful and good, therefore He will never forget you. God is eternal and true, therefore He will never change. God is almighty, therefore nothing is impossible for Him.

      What God promises, He can and will do! Praise the Lord, o my soul.

      Holy God,

      and in Jesus Christ my heavenly Father,

      I praise You for the privilege to build

      upon your promises through a steadfast

      faith and the merit of my Saviour,


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