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      About the Book

      This book is both for those who are seasoned Christians and also for new believers who want a deeper understanding and insight into how the system of the heavenly kingdom operates. I believe this book will shift your thinking and cultivate you to see things as God sees them; you won't see yourself as you once did and neither will you see God as you did before. It is the Lord's will that all His children be equipped with His knowledge, so that they can rise, with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, above every circumstance that tries to shift their divine purpose.

      Within this book, you will find a deeper insight into your purpose and role in carrying out God's mandate here on Earth. I pray that by the time you finish reading this book that the Holy Spirit will shift your mindset and cause you to be a soul-winner and a God influence throughout this Earth. Let the God DNA in you arise, and let every fleshly nature die for the advancement of God's kingdom on the Earth. May God enlighten your understanding and increase your spiritual capacity as you read this book.


      This book is dedicated to my late, beloved mother, Silvia Leonie Samuel, who was my inspiration and a friend.


      I thank God for His blessing and protection throughout my life. He has molded and shaped me over the years so that I was able to overcome every storm.By His indwelling Spirit, He has now enabled me to write this inspiring book to His wonderful sons and daughters. The Lord has placed precious gems in my life who have throughout encouraged, strengthened, and mentored me in my Christian walk; because of these people, I am now fulfilling my calling and divine destiny.

      Thanks to Rev. Colmy Simms, Bishop Lawrence Riddick 3, Bishop Barrington Smith, Mr. Bernal Neil, Apostle Bible David and his lovely wife Prophetess Rebecca Bible David, Pastor Clarke, Kerrian Blake, my Cousin Donovan Samuel, my sisters, close friends, and other family members.

      If I haven't mentioned your name, it is not that I forgot you; but I would run out of space to write all the names of the people who have helped me during this process. Thanks a million for your love and support throughout my life.


      This book is for all God’s wonderful children including those who have already come to salvation and those about to be crafted into the kingdom of God. This book contains deep spiritual insight into the work and way of God and what He desires for His children while they are living on Earth.

      I believe this book can shift you from your natural view of things to a supernatural insight fashioned by the Spirit of God; it doesn’t matter what the depth or your frequency in God is. I believe there is always more in God and the more you glean from the Spirit of God, the more you will be empowered to dominate your natural circumstances.

      Circumstances are a part of life. They can shape a person into the most beautiful and gentle human being, yet they can also turn people into monsters. It’s how people manage their circumstances that define who they will become. We are living in a world of trouble and turmoil. Sometimes, when it seems like you've been waiting a long time at a crossroad and can't even see the light of day, life becomes weary and frustrating. But if you look to God and remain resilient, faithful, patient, and enduring, you will walk in the purpose and destiny that God has called you to walk.

      History teaches that every single person has to come to a point in life where they will have to make a serious decision: Will they allow their natural circumstances or the destructive plot of the devil to dictate their lives, or will they look to God for help?

      The great news is that there is only one, true God who created mankind, who molded and formed us into His image and likeness.

      Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. God knows what we are going through, knows our weaknesses, our needs, and what's best for us. He knows us better than we know ourselves; He and He alone is able to help us. The best thing is that he has already made a way for us to escape earthly circumstances, but many lack this heavenly knowledge.

       1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

      I remember, not long ago, I was always worried about materialistic things, or what might happen to me tomorrow, or who loved me or who didn't love me. But, over time, I realized that my worries weren't helping to solve the issues. Instead, they only added a great amount of stress in my life. So, by learning from my experiences, I understood that I couldn't change the unchangeable. Plus, it doesn't matter how good or honest a person is. Circumstances and unforeseen events will happen to them sometime. So, a person just needs to change their perception of life and know that only in Jesus Christ can they ever be free.

       John 8:36 If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed

      Paul was one of the greatest apostles in the Bible. He suffered much misfortune and many mishaps such as being stoned on a number of occasions, thrown in prison, beaten with rods, suffered thirst and hunger. And at times he was also cold, yet through all these problems, even with thorns in his flesh, with God's help, Paul was able to overcome these difficulties. In the end, he testified, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is like to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in lack. I know I can do everything through him who strengthens me."

       Philippians 4:12-13 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

       I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

      We have to break the cycle of limitation, sin, or any other spiritual stronghold that holds us in bondage to a world system that is weaker than who we are in God. I have seen many people locked in a generational cycle of misery, hopelessness, fear, rage, anger, confusion, chaos, lack, sickness, and even lose all sense of direction and focus. Yet the real culprit is the lack of knowledge of how the heavenly kingdom works. Many people try to solve their spiritual problem by using a natural solution.

      In true essence, the spiritual requires spiritual currencies (heavenly keys and principles) which are not the same as natural currencies; Heaven operates on a different frequency. And without knowing this frequency, you will find yourself in a lot of unwanted confusion. It is only by abiding in God’s Spirit that you can be enabled with the empowerment to overcome these problems.

       John 15:4-5 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

       I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

      Throughout this book, I will show you keys and practical principles from scripture that will give you spiritual insight and cause the word of God to shift and activate your anointing so that you can be empowered to dismantle anything that life may throw at you. You will learn how to die to the desire of the flesh and walk in total victory over your enemy. You will gain spiritual insight into the grace of God, the love of God, the power of God, the Spirit of God, the healing power of God, the purpose of the Cross and the word of God for your life.

      I pray God will give you revelatory knowledge and insight to walk in his blessing and promises. So, let's tap into this journey with an open mind to receive from God and let Him shift you from a natural view to a supernatural insight of how Heaven works.

      Chapter One


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