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      What others are saying about

      Songs for a Mockingbird

      “Although Songs for a Mockingbird is fiction, the story unfolds a real-world situation that hits home for so many families. The author depicts the Iowa setting in a wonderfully true-to-life way.”

      --Mary J. Davis, children’s author

      “An engaging story of one woman’s struggle to escape heresy, to rebuild her faith, and reclaim her family”

      --Chris, reader

      “I found Songs for a Mockingbird both heart-wrenching and heartwarming. In a ministry gone wrong, the heroine finds the courage to question, saving both herself and others. As they struggle to understand the doctrinal errors that led them astray, they come face to face with a loving Jesus who welcomes them back with open arms.”

      --Char Derby, novelist

      “It was a creative, uplifting story that really brought out the provision and providence of God in difficult circumstances. Melinda’s story and struggles touched my heart, both as a mom and a Christian.”

      --Heather, reader

      “... in light of the Mormon cult episode playing out right now, and similar things in the past, I’d say your Songs is as current as today's newspaper headlines.”

      --Joanne, devotional writer and women’s speaker

      “What can I say except, ‘I couldn’t put this down; it’s a real page turner!’ Of course, that is probably what everyone else says too, but that’s the truth.”

      --Pat Evans, writer

      “This book is suspenseful, it really makes you think. It was so exciting, I had to stay up late to finish it.”

      --Jennifer, reader

      “They thought they knew truth. They thought their religion was the only way to God. They lived what they believed ... until the day their truth collided with reality. Songs for a Mockingbird reveals what happens when deceit is known as truth, and this “truth” is embraced ... and then exposed for what it is.”

      --Janet Lynn Mitchell, author and speaker

      “My husband got so engrossed in it, he accidentally called me by the heroine’s name, ‘Melinda.’”

      --Vikki, reader

      This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

      Songs for a Mockingbird

      Published by Starik Publishing

      Cover Design © 2008 Starik Publishing

      Copyright © 2008 by Bonnie Compton Hanson

      Published in eBook format by Starik Publishing

      Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

      ISBN-13: 978-1-9346-8402-3

      Cover Design by Erik Craig

      Cover Illustration by Mythic Design Studio

      Interior Book Design by Erik Craig, Starik Publishing

      Interior illustrations by Ronelle Howell

      Scripture quotations are from:

      King James Version (KJV)


      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, except brief quotations used in a review.

      For Information:

      Starik Publishing

      P.O. Box 687

      Muleshoe, Texas 79347


      Songs for a



      Without the encouragement of my dear husband Don, and my family, Songs would not have been possible. Also, I especially appreciate the help and encouragement of my critique group sisters: Char Derby, Pat Cena Evans, Marilyn Jaskulke, Karen Kosman, Janet Lynn Mitchell, Joanne D. Schulte, Beverly Bush Smith, and Sheri Torelli. Also for John DeSimone, Jeanne Pallos, Peg Matthews-Rose, and all the rest of the Orange County Christian Writers Fellowship board and members. Plus an extra round of applause to my helpful Iowan author friend, Mary J. Davis, and to Stacie Craig of Starik Publishing, with a real love for both writing and Texas.

      This book is dedicated to my father,


      who loved the Lord,

      the wonder of words,

      and a rousing good story.

      It is also dedicated to all lovers of page-turning fiction,

      to all seekers of God’s way,

      to those who have found comfort and healing in His love and

      His people,

      and to those still longing to do so.

      May this book help you grow closer to Him.

      Chapter One

      B-r-r-r-K! B-r-r-r-K! B-r-r-r-K!

      Dear God, what was that?

      Heart pounding, Melinda Currie looked up from her needlework. Not another shot from a guard’s AK-47, please!

      The radiant colors of the blouse she was embroidering and of the other garments piled high on her workstation contrasted starkly with her own drab gray scarf, apron, and shapeless robe, now dark with stains and perspiration. Blonde curls, soaked with sweat, hung limply over her forehead.

      She pulled back the edge of her scarf to hear better above the whir and clatter of the dozen electric sewing machines all around her, operated at breakneck speed by a crew of similarly-dressed women. Not to mention the loud buzz of flies and bugs attracted by the pungent smell of this converted poultry shed on a sweltering summer day. Had she just imagined that harsh sound, or—

      No, there it came again. But no one else seemed to notice it.

      Peeking furtively through a knothole in the bare plank wall, she was almost blinded by brilliant June sunshine. Choking heat and dust rose in shimmers from the barren earth outside this building. Far away she could glimpse white clouds, blue sky, and rolling fields of knee-high corn on neighboring farms—picture-perfect Iowa farmland in all its down-home glory.

      But mostly her view was blocked by her own farm’s hodge-podge of unpainted wood and concrete buildings, crammed in graceless squalor around this sewing workroom. The commune headquarters of the End Times Disciples’ Fortress of Faith.

      What new danger had arisen out there? Were the Prophet and his guards target-practicing at the fenceposts again, or at birds hapless enough to land on the drooping clothesline?

      Or did that grating sound mean that another accident had just occurred in the barn where

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