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      Films from the Future

      Praise for Films from the Future

      “What an unexpected and compelling combination of art and science. Using creativity, from the minds of filmmakers, to examine the potential pitfalls of technology, to show humanity a better path—pure genius!”

      —Danielle Feinberg, Director of Photography at Pixar

      “Maynard will have you questioning the most rational assumptions, not just those featured in movies. While the future cannot be predicted from ‘exponential trends of the past,’ this book shines with hallmark traits of a bestseller.”

      —Darlene Cavalier, founder of SciStarter

      “The speed at which science is progressing means that today’s science fiction will quickly become tomorrow’s science, so what better way to consider science and our future than by going to the movies? Maynard’s book is an engaging and important read for anyone who wants to understand not just today’s cutting-edge science, but also the ethical issues scientists—and all of us—must deal with if we’re to avoid a real-life dystopia.”

      —Ariel Conn, Future of Life Institute

      “We humans have a profound ability to imagine the world we want to live in, and the ones we don’t. And though we share these visions in movies, the strange truth is that we continually fail to build that wonderful world we can imagine. What is that chasm between imagining and creating? Andrew Maynard challenges us to walk that brave path through that thus-far uncharted countryside, and build that positive future.”

      —Lindy Elkins-Tanton, leader of the NASA “Psyche Mission”

      “If you like science fiction, you are already studying risk: that’s the alluring premise of this highly readable book. It’s bound to get film buffs pondering philosophical quandaries posed by movies that have real analogues with the highest of moral stakes in the world today.”

      —Nathaniel Johnson, senior writer at Grist

      “Thoughtfully composed and delightful to read, Films from the Future ushers us on a whirlwind tour through decades of science fiction, shedding light on some of the most extraordinary achievements of our time. Maynard explores the incredible possibilities and dire consequences of boundless human innovation, imagination and ambition…and may just change the way you go to the movies.”

      —Sheril Kirshenbaum, author of The Science of Kissing and Executive Director of Science Debate

      “Art imitates life, but life also imitates art. Some technologies that existed only in science fiction are now becoming real. So, it makes sense that those movies can also help anticipate ethical and social problems arising from new technologies. This book walks us through some of the most iconic films—pointing out things, with an expert eye, that most of us had missed the first time around. It makes me want to watch those movies again.”

      —Patrick Lin, co-editor of the book Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial Intelligence

      “Films from the Future takes the reader on a fascinating, thought-provoking exploration of the most compelling and confounding ideas in popular sci-fi films of the past thirty years—but with a twist! Maynard unwittingly gives us an inspiring road map for how to think creatively about solving the problems of the future and what it means to be human.”

      —Charlie Oliver, CEO of Tech 2025

      “Andrew has captured the foresight of science fiction filmmaking with Films from the Future. Using clear examples of current emerging technologies to show just how accurate many of the future scenarios were in these films Andrew is able to prove just how close we are to the future we see in many of these films. Sci-fi is a mirror into the heart of our species. It is also often a self-fulfilling prophecy. Films from the Future is a perfect mix of these two ideas. It is both techno-philosophical and at the same time grounded in tangible research and foresight.”

      —Gray Scott, futurist and author of The Automated, Digitized, and Simulated Future

      “As the breakneck advance of technology takes us into a world that is both exciting and menacing, sci-fi films give us an inkling of what is to come, and what we should avoid. Andrew Maynard explores our near-term future through the crystal ball of cinema sci-fi, and deftly shows how a seemingly frivolous film genre can guide us in shaping tomorrow’s world.”

      —Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, and host of Big Picture Science

      “Through the lens of great sci-fi movies, Andrew Maynard explores the dramatic possibilities, ethical tensions, and unanswered philosophical dilemmas that naturally arise with the deployment of disruptive technologies. This vast territory is matched by his comprehensive understanding of technology’s promise, pitfalls and predicaments. He is deeply committed to finding pathways for responsible innovation and the creation of a meaningful future. Andrew Maynard is a guide you can trust. His wonderful feel for the issues that will engage most readers and fascinating examples are all made accessible through remarkably clear and succinct writing. If you love sci-fi and want to know more about emerging technologies, this is the book to read first, and a book to return to time and again as we all navigate an uncertain future.”

      —Wendell Wallach, author of A Dangerous Master and co-author of Moral Machines

      “This is a book everyone in tech innovation should read—from inventors and investors, to developers and CEOs. Under the guise of twelve popular science fiction movies, Maynard weaves a thought-provoking narrative around the wonders and complexities of emerging technologies, and their responsible and beneficial development. Whether you’re curious about what the future holds, fascinated by the relationship between technology and society, or you’re simply trying to succeed as an ethical tech company, there’s something here for you.”

      —Cori Lathan, CEO and co-founder of AnthroTronix

      “With the insightful use of science fiction movies, Andrew Maynard raises some deep philosophical issues about who we are and want to be as human beings while graphically illustrating what could go badly wrong, and he raises the difficult question ‘Is there research that shouldn’t be done and are there technologies that shouldn’t be developed?’ We may not all agree with his take on these questions but raising them is a worthy endeavor. This book is one way to spread the word and get the conversation started. It should be widely read by scientists, engineers, physicians, business and political leaders and other professionals, indeed everyone who cares about the future of humanity.”

      —Neal Lane, former science advisor to President Bill Clinton

      “This marvelous book is among the most engaging and insightful that I’ve read in many years. It’s the sort of book that you keep reading because of the inherently fascinating topics that it covers—from resurrecting dinosaurs to enhancing human cognition, from mind-uploading to contacting extraterrestrial intelligences—and then before you know it, you’ve learned something crucial about emerging technologies, ethics, and the future of humanity in this infinitely strange place we call ‘the universe.’ Perhaps the single most important feature of the book is its use of fiction and storytelling to bridge the chasm between different political and religious views that often make public discussions about the ethics of technology impossible. Thus, Maynard explores—with skillful eloquence—human ingenuity through human imagination, scientific discovery through artistic expression, and our rapidly changing present through the anticipated futures of sci-fi narratives. It is for this reason especially that I hope this book will be widely read by conservatives, liberals, Christians, Muslims, and atheists alike.”

      —Phil Torres, author of Morality, Foresight, and Human Flourishing: An Introduction to Existential Risks

      Films from the Future

      The Technology and Morality of

      Sci-Fi Movies

      Andrew D. Maynard

      Mango Publishing


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