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      Praise for Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers

      “Sara Zeff Geber’s book is a must-read … not just for solo agers but for anyone looking to have the best aging experience possible. Planning for retirement today has changed dramatically. Boomers are living longer and have the opportunity to embrace new frontiers. Dr. Geber does an excellent job of addressing the concerns and opportunities we encounter as we age.”

      —Ken Dychtwald, PhD,

      Author of A New Purpose: Redefining Money, Family, Work, Retirement, and Success

      “Sara Geber provides an excellent, comprehensive guide to aging and covers a wide variety of topics ranging from reinventing yourself to leaving a legacy to making wise long-term care choices. Readers will find her insights very helpful as they chart the second half of their lives.”

      —Richard Eisenberg,

      Managing Editor at Nextavenue.org

      “When it comes to aging, you can’t count on your children, especially if you don’t have any. But help is on the way. Sara Geber has given remarkable guidance in her book Solo Agers. You may be solo, but you’re not alone. Don’t wait to read the book.”

      —Harry R. Moody, PhD,

      Author, Retired Vice President for Academic Affairs, AARP

      “Time to take our heads out of the sand. While there is no guarantee that adult children will step in to help financially and with caregiving as their parents age, those of us aging without children are particularly at risk of flying without a net. Geber explores with authority why it’s imperative to take the time to plan for our future financial security, social network, and more. We must take a clear-eyed appraisal of what we might require, as the years move along, and who will be on our team to lend a hand and have our backs. At its heart, this solid book is chock-full of straightforward advice and captivating stories to spur the creative conversations today that will allow us to plan for our journey with care and confidence.”

      —Kerry Hannon,

      AARP’s Job Expert and bestselling author of Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps YouHappy and Healthy … and Pays the Bills

      “This book fills a void of addressing retirement issues for adults with no children. Yet it is much more. Its message is of value to all of us who want our next chapter of life to be the best one. Sara seamlessly integrates important content about health, fitness, financial security, social connections, and meaning with poignant interviews and self-evaluation exercises. The book feels personal, as though I was having a cup of coffee with the author. The words flow effortlessly. I recommend this to those with or without children who want to create their own best aging experience. Kudos to you, Sara, for your important contribution.”

      —Helen Dennis,

      Author, columnist, and lecturer on aging and the new retirement

      Co-author of Project Renewment: The First Retirement Model for Career Women

      “In Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers, Sara reminds us that aging alone doesn’t have to be a scary proposition, and it also doesn’t mean living in isolation. By establishing our social networks and building communities through house sharing and other alternative living options, we can create our own nurturing support systems designed to help us thrive socially and financially in our retirement years. This information-packed guide has valuable insights to help everyone architect successful retirement solutions, but particularly for those who will be ‘Solo Aging.’ ”

      —Wendi Burkhardt,

      Silvernest CEO & Founder

      “Planners—this book is for you! Procrastinators—run, don’t walk to get your copy of this practical, information-rich, and inspiring guide.”

      —Betsy Werley,

      Encore.org, Director of Network Expansion

      “While most older people are not lonely, gerontologists know that those without children are at greater risk for loneliness and isolation. Dr. Sara Geber’s practical, readable guide, based on solid scientific research, is a much-needed planning resource for ‘solo agers’ and the gerontologists who work with them.”

      —Donna E. Schafer, PhD, CPG,

      Executive Director, National Association for Professional Gerontologists

      “Aging is a challenge, even under the best of circumstances. As we get older, we all have to deal with inevitable losses and increasing health risks. In this country, children are expected to provide care for their elders, but this is often problematic for those who are aging on their own without traditional support. Sara Geber has written an encouraging guide to those who are ‘aging solo’ and shows how they can make sure that they, too, have the resources and connections they need to thrive in later life.”

      —Richard Adler,

      Distinguished Fellow, Institute for the Future

      “Thank you, Dr. Sara Zeff Geber, for giving me a solid roadmap with all the essential planning tools to implement while aging alone. I have no partner or adult children to count on for support and help, and the predicament concerns me. But the tools in Dr. Geber’s (your) book, Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers, empower me to design a well-though-out retirement plan to remain safe, independent, and financially secure, and to age well at home. I appreciate your wisdom, advice, and knowledge. I’m so happy you put it all together for individuals like me.”

      —Carol Marak,

      Aging Alone advocate, founder of the Elder Orphan Facebook group, editor at Seniorcare.com.

      “As the baby boomers age, society is faced with a growing population of those who are aging alone. This book serves as a guide to help you plan and strategize for a stage of life we may all one day face. Sara Geber methodically outlines the areas we should focus on that will enable us to promote our own longevity and independence.”

      —Maria Carney, MD

      “This pioneering, beautifully written book will change the way you see and think about retirement. It opens our eyes to the emergence of an entirely new positive life stage of solo aging. Solo or not, read this most important book to live your retirement life with purpose.”

      —Richard Leider,

      International bestselling author of The Power of Purpose,

      Repacking Your Bags, and Life Reimagined

      “Sara Geber’s well-written book for those who are aging solo is a treasure trove of good advice and terrific resources for people who can’t count on adult children as a safety net. The stories sprinkled throughout the book illustrate how other Solo Agers have prepared for their retirement and created their own safety net for aging, and the worksheets and checklists provide a painless aid to the planning process.”

      —Hyrum Smith,

      Author of bestselling Purposeful Retirement

      “Sara Geber’s book has arrived not a moment too soon—not only for me, but for the millions of others who are solo agers. Although I do think that all older adults will benefit from the breadth and depth of the information contained within its pages. In addition to running my PR agency, I serve on my city’s Human Services Commission (we are a member of the age-friendly cities network), on my County’s Commission for Older Adults and on a state-level Livable Communities Advisory Team. I cannot wait to share Dr. Geber’s extraordinary book with these organizations and their stakeholders.”

      —Barbara Meltzer,

      Barbara Meltzer & Associates, Public Relations and Marketing

      Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers

      Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers

      A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults

      Sara Zeff Geber, PhD

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