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      A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs

      Hanny el Zeini & Catherine Dees

      Omm Sety’s Egypt

      A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs

      Copyright © 2007 by Hanny el Zeini and Catherine Dees

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

      ISBN-13: 978-0-9767631-3-0

      ISBN-10: 0-9767631-3-3

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2006927425

      CIP information available upon request

      First Edition, 2007

      St. Lynn’s Press • POB 18680 • Pittsburgh, PA 15236

      412.466.0790 • www.stlynnspress.com

      Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following: to Jonathan Cott for permission to quote from the poems of Omm Sety; to Dr. Nicholas Reeves for permission to quote from copyrighted material posted on valleyofthekings.org; to Mark Stone for the maps and diagrams and other original artwork that appear in this book. Unless otherwise stated, all photographs are copyrighted by Hanny el Zeini. Every effort has been made to trace and contact copyright holders. If an omission is brought to our notice we will be pleased to correct the situation in future editions of the book.

      Cover Design – Jeff Nicoll

      Book Design – Holly Wensel, NPS

      Editor – Abby Dees

      Printed in the United States of America

      on recycled paper

      This title and all of St. Lynn’s Press books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information please write:

      Special Markets Department, St. Lynn’s Press, POB 18680,

      Pittsburgh, PA 15236

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       Omm Sety



       that her name may be remembered

      Table of Contents

       Prologue: Giza, 1956

       One: The Way It Was

       Two: Dorothy

       Three: Sety

       Four: Signs of Egypt Everywhere

       Five: The Journey Home

       Six: Bulbul

       Seven: Omm Sety

       Eight: Amenti

       Nine: At the Pyramids

       Ten: Abydos

       Eleven: Magic

       Twelve: In the House-of-Men-Maat-Ra: the Temple

       Thirteen: In the House of Mysteries: the Osirion

       Fourteen: The English Fellaha

       Fifteen: Ancient Evenings

       Sixteen: Royal Family Secrets: Two Queens

       Seventeen: The Lost Per-Medjat

       Eighteen: She Who Waits: Finding Nefertiti

       Epilogue: Allegretto Finale


       Plans of the Sety Temple and the Osirion

       The Egyptian Dynasties



       About the Authors

      I wake in the dark to the stirring of birds,

      a murmur in the trees, a flutter of wings.

      It is the morning of my birth, the first of many.

      The past lies knotted in its sheets asleep.

      from Awakening Osiris: the Egyptian Book of the Dead trans. by Normandi Ellis

      What if, one day, you fell down and lost consciousness, and when you woke up you found strange memories in your head? And what if you pursued those memories, only to discover that they had instead been pursuing you?



       Giza – March 23, 1956

      Just before midnight, a sun-bronzed Englishwoman climbed unnoticed to the top of the Great Pyramid and stayed through the long, cold night. She was 52, an accomplished student of ancient Egypt, and a woman with a complicated inner life.

      She hugged herself against the chill and watched the dazzling bowl of stars turn slowly overhead.

      In a few hours she would board a train with a one-way ticket in her hand – her destination, Abydos, a remote village with a ruined temple where she had left her heart more than 3000 years before. She knew that

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