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Programme of the South African Communist Party // The African Communist. 1963. Vol. 2. No. 2. January-March. P. 24.


      The Road to South African Freedom. Programme of the South African Communist Party // The African Communist. 1963. Vol. 2. No. 2. January-March. P. 37–38.


      Ibid. P. 24, 43.


      Ibid. P. 26–27.


      Ibid. P. 52, 62.


      Ibid. P. 63.


      Ibid. P. 62, 64.


      UCT Archives and Maniscripts Department. The Simons Collection. BC 1081. P. 5.1.


      Maloka E. The South African Communist Party. 1963–1990. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. Research Paper. 2002. No. 65. P. 3.


      Burger J. (L. Marquard). The Black Man’s Burden. London: Victor Golancz Ltd., 1944. P. 250–252.


      South African Communists Speak. Documents from the History of the South African Communist Party. 1915–1980. London: Inkululeko Publications, 1981. P. 201 et al.


      Maloka E. Op. cit. P. 3.


      Soviet News. 25.03.1966.


      Slovo J. A Critical Appraisal… P. 181, 186.


      The Path to Power. Programme of the South African Communist Party adopted at the 7th Congress, 1989 // African Communist. 1989. No. 118. 3rd Quarter. P. 73–74.


      The Path to Power…


      Strategy and Tactics of the ANC, adopted by the Morogoro Conference of the ANC, Tanzaniа, 25 April – 1 May 1969 // http://www.anc.org.za/show.php?doc=ancdocs/history/keydocs.html








      Strategy and Tactics of the ANC, adopted by the Morogoro Conference of the ANC, Tanzaniа, 25 April – 1 May 1969 // http://www.anc.org.za/show.php?doc=ancdocs/history/keydocs.html


      Национальная конференция АНК в Полокване в декабре 2007 г.


      Конференция Национального генерального совета АНК в Дурбане в сентябре 2010 г.


      Nzimande B. Building working class hegemony through the forthcoming local government elections. Umsebenzi Online / http://www.sacp.org.za/list.php?type=Umsebenzi%20Online&year Vol. 10. No. 5. 2.03.2011.


      Nel P. Perceptions, Images and Stereotypes in Soviet-South African Relations – A Cognitive-Interpretative Perspective. Annale. 1992/4. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch. P. 27, 29.


      Visser W. The Production of Literature on the «Red Peril» and «Total Onslaught» in the Twentieth-Century South Africa // Historia. Vol. 49. No. 2. November 2004. P. 107–111.


      Visser W. The Production of Literature on the «Red Peril» and «Total Onslaught» in the Twentieth-Century South Africa // Historia. Vol. 49. No. 2. November 2004. P. 108–109, 111.


      Ibid. P. 110.


      Ibid. P. 112–113.


      National Department of Defence. Military Intelligence Archies, MV/EF. Vol. 1. March 1949-September 1950. Discussions between UK, US and Union Governments. Regional Defence of Africa, 22 March 1949. P. 1. Ndlovu S. M. The Western Superpowers and the Liberation Struggle in Africa: The Politics of Domination and Resistance. 1948–1990. Paper presented at the Workshop Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa: New Perspectives. UCT, 2008. P. 1.


      Visser W. Op. cit. P. 113.


      Ibid. P. 112–113.


      См., например: Malan G. Kommunisme ontmasker. Silverton: Promedia Publikasies (edms.) Bpk, 1977.


      Президентом считался находившийся в заключении Нельсон Мандела, так что Тамбо был фактически главой АНК.


      XXIV Съезд КПСС. Бюллетень № 10. М., 1971. С. 54.


      Hansard. Vol. 37. 18.02.1972. 1366–1367.


      См., например: Ibid. Vol. 42 (Fourth Session – Fourth Parliament, 1973). 1509, 1568; Ibid. Vol. 43 (Fourth Session – Fourth Parliament, 1973), 5077.


      Например: Ibid. Vol. 43 (Fourth Session – Fourth Parliament, 1973). 3999, 5576.


      Vign R. Liberals against Apartheid. Basingstoke, 1998. P. 158.


      Spence J. E. Southern Africa in the Cold War // History Today, February 1999. P. 45.


      См., например: Hansard. Vol. 51 (First Session – Fifth Parliament, 1974). 2517–2518, 2623; Ibid. Vol. 56 (Secnd Session – Fifth Parliament, 1975). 4365.


      Ibid. Vol. 56 (Second Session – Fifth Parliament, 1975). 4625.



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