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      Precisely Wrong

      Why Conventional Planning Systems Fail

      Carol Ptak and Chad Smith


      Industrial Press, Inc.

      32 Haviland Street, Suite 3

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      Author: Carol Ptak and Chad Smith

      Title: Precisely Wrong: Why Conventional Planning Systems Fail

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2017954824

      © by Industrial Press, Inc.

      All rights reserved. Published in 2018.

      Printed in the United States of America.

      ISBN (print): 978-0-8311-3618-5

      ISBN (ePUB): 978-0-8311-9450-5

      ISBN (eMOBI): 978-0-8311-9451-2

      ISBN (ePDF): 978-0-8311-9449-9

      Editorial Director: Judy Bass

      Copy Editor: Judy Duguid

      Compositor: Patricia Wallenburg, TypeWriting

      Cover Designer: Janet Romano-Murray

      No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

      Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the documentation contained in this book. All rights reserved.




       The Current Planning Challenge

       The Objective and History of Planning

       How Conventional Planning Works

       The Perfect Plan

       Executing Perfection—The User Experience

       Distribution Requirements Planning

       Connecting MRP and DRP


       CHAPTER 3

       The Core Problem of the Bullwhip

       Distortions to Relevant Information

       Distortions to Relevant Materials

       Batching Policies—Amplifying Distortions

       The Failure of Safety Stock

       Summarizing the Challenge

       PART 2

       A New Direction

       CHAPTER 4

       The Power of Decoupling

       What Is Decoupling?

       The “Decoupled Explosion”

       Restoring the Promise of Planning

       Decoupling Point Success Factors

       Can Conventional Planning Decouple?

       Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect


       CHAPTER 5

       Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning

       The Components of DDMRP

       DDMRP Results


       CHAPTER 6

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