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had drawn round eyes, curved eyebrows, and a bow of a mouth. After that, the child would have smacked on a playdough blob for his nose and declared the face finished.

      He took in the scene but said nothing.

      Since Candace literally had her hands full, Hollis spoke up. “Hi. You must be Jack,” she said. “I’m Hollis, the upstairs tenant. What can we do for you?”

      Jack stared at Elizabeth, who continued to scream. “I have to do laundry. Can I use the machine in the basement?”

      Candace, who’d quieted Elizabeth, nodded. “You may.”

      “I’d like to make sure I do it right.”

      Candace put Elizabeth down and held up her hand to indicate she’d address Jack’s concerns in a minute. She spoke to Elizabeth. “Why don’t we give MacTee a break? I’ll uncover the sand box? Would you like that?”

      Elizabeth stopped sniffling as abruptly as if she’d thrown a “do not cry” switch. “Water?” she said hopefully.

      “Good thing I didn’t get around to turning it off for the winter,” Candace said to Hollis and Jack with a poor attempt at a smile. “I’ll fill your watering can,” she told Elizabeth. She unrolled the hose, partially filled a child-size, green plastic watering can and handed it to the toddler.

      Elizabeth parked it on the sandbox’s seat, clambered in and plunked down amid a bright plastic toy collection. She grabbed a yellow shovel and scooped sand into a plastic pail. After adding two more shovels of sand, she poured water into the pail, stirred, looked thoughtfully at Candace and dumped the contents on her head.

      Candace, squatting beside the sandbox, wasn’t quick enough to stop her.

      Water and sand splashed over Elizabeth’s baseball cap and dribbled down her face and neck. She scrubbed at the mess, balled her hands into fists, jammed them in her eyes and wept.

      “Anything to get attention,” Candace said and folded her arms around Elizabeth. “Time for a quick spray in the bathtub.”

      Her gaze swung between Jack and Hollis. “Hollis, would you show Jack how the machine works?”

      Hollis would have preferred hearing why Danson’s failure to phone had terrified Candace, but this wasn’t the time to pursue the topic. “Sure,” she said, called to MacTee and followed Jack to the basement laundry room.

      Before Hollis left, Candace lowered her voice and said, “When Elizabeth’s cleaned up and had her morning nap, would you join us for lunch? There’s more to Danson’s story.”

      Hollis agreed almost before the invitation left Candace’s lips.

      Jack had parked a large blue duffle bag on the basement floor in front of the washer.

      “It’s a basic machine,” Hollis said. She showed him which dials to turn. “Do you start practices right away?” she asked.

      “No. They told us to come early to find a job and a place to live. We’re semipro, and we don’t make enough to live on. Too bad, or we’d be better players. That’s the way it is. I have interviews this afternoon,” he said.

      “What do you do?”

      Jack stopped sorting his laundry. “Anything. I don’t have specialized training, but I’ve worked in fast food restaurants, and I can probably get something that will mesh with the training schedule.”

      “Good luck. I’m an artist, and my studio is here. If you need to know anything about the house or the neighbourhood, feel free to come up and ask me.”

      “You’re here every day. I forget that people work at home,” Jack said.

      “I do. Candace’s mother is here off and on during the daytime too.” She pointed to the ceiling, “She’s above you on the first floor. You may wake up at three in the morning and hear her. She’s a dancer and practices at all hours.”

      “It’s already happened. I figured college kids lived upstairs, although the music was kind of strange. I figured they were Latin Americans.” Jack’s eyes widened, and his mouth made a perfect “o” before he said, “Candace’s mother is a dancer?”

      Leaving him to digest his surprise, Hollis and MacTee headed back outside. Hollis didn’t know what had been causing Candace such distress, but it hadn’t just been her obsession with her brother’s whereabouts. Danson seemed like a normal, caring if somewhat fanatical guy. Hollis wondered why his sister was so concerned. What revelations was she about to hear?


      Back in the garden, reading the Globe’s pontificating columnists, learning what was happening in the city and immersing herself in the details of others’ lives no longer attracted Hollis. She had a real-life issue to deal with.

      Why had Danson disappeared?

      Maybe he’d run away from life’s responsibilities or done a flit with a gorgeous girl? Maybe the explanation was simply that he’d forgotten the charger for his cell phone. Men frequently took off. Modern life was hard on them. Whatever the last conversation had been about, it had to have been something serious, or Candace wouldn’t be panic-stricken. Since no answers danced before her eyes, she’d work.

      Upstairs, Hollis studied the large canvas. The day before, she’d saturated sheets of tissue paper with a transparent water colour. Now she tore the paper into smaller pieces and coated each fragment with the acrylic medium she used as an adhesive before layering it on the canvas. Laying the paper pieces over the gold paint allowed the gold to partially shine through. She wanted the viewer to wonder what lay beneath. She stood back and shook her head. What a mess. Tempted to grab a wide, commercial paint brush, slather white gesso over the entire surface and begin again, she resisted the urge and took her brushes to the sink in her tiny minimalist kitchen. Better to forget the painting for the time being and work on it later. Maybe inspiration would filter into her subconscious while she did something else.

      Something that made money. Dollars and cents mattered now that she’d relinquished a regular paycheque from the Ottawa community college where she’d taught history.

      She moved carefully to her work space, a long trestle table set up on one side of the room. Being almost six feet tall, she had stopped bumping her head on the sloping roof only after several weeks of living in the small apartment.

      At the trestle table, she created life-size papier-mâché animals. Mostly cats and dogs, but there was a waiting list for parrots and other birds. Although she loved malevolent crows, brightly coloured macaws appealed to a wider audience. The craft store on Yorkville Avenue sold them as fast as she produced them and charged astronomical sums. These beings weren’t “art”, but they engaged her energy, and she enjoyed the creative process. Each animal acquired a personality as she worked. When she finished but before she sent the creatures into the world, she attached appropriate name tags.

      Chickens, a flock of five, sat partially assembled on the oilcloth-covered table. She finished wrapping and stapling chicken wire around their wooden frames and reached into the container of thin plastic gloves. These not only protected her hands, they also allowed her to dip paper strips into paste without feeling the paste’s slimy consistency. She applied a first coat of paper strips.

      Not her day.

      The last chicken, supposed to have its head down and tail up as if pecking in the dirt, was lopsided. She ripped off the paper and pried the wooden frame apart. Before she forgot, she scribbled “Buy eyes” on her shopping list. The chickens would look great with beady black eyes. Buttons would do, but eyes would be better. The doll hospital sold a good variety. The question was, would buyers like chickens with blue or green or even violet eyes? Hollis felt her mood lighten when she considered making them with a variety of colours. Maybe she’d name the group—chicks flick eye tricks. Different rhymes, some scatological, raced through her mind, and she laughed aloud. Oops, this was scary. She definitely needed to get out more if this was the kind of conversation

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