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      This publication is designed to provide competent and reliable information regarding the subject matter covered. However, it is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or other professional advice. Laws and practices often vary from state to state and country to country and if legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability that is incurred from the use or application of the contents of this book.

      About the stories in this book: Stories that list a person by first and last name are stories of actual individuals who have agreed to share lessons they have learned with our readers.

      If you purchase this book without a cover you should be aware that this book may have been stolen property and reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher. In such case neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book.”

      Copyright © 2015 by Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      Peak Prosperity Books is an imprint of RDA Press, LLC

       RDA Press, LLC.

      15170 N. Hayden Road

      Scottsdale, AZ 85260

      First Edition: 2015 ISBN: 978-1-937832-77-3

      The opinions of the authors reflect their judgment at the time of publishing and are subject to change. Neither the authors nor the publisher are responsible for the ac- curacy of this data. This book is distributed for informational use only; it does not constitute legal, tax or professional advice and should not be used as such.


      The Three Es

      Resilience: What Is It, Exactly?

      Resilience — Why Does It Matter?

      Obstacles to Success

      Chapter 5

      OK… So How Do I Develop Resilience?

      Chapter 6

      Financial Capital

      Chapter 7

      Living Capital

      Chapter 8

      Material Capital

      Chapter 9

      Knowledge Capital

      Chapter 10

      Emotional Capital

      Chapter 11

      Social Capital

      Chapter 12

      Cultural Capital

      Chapter 13

      Time Capital

      Reader Stories

      Next Steps & More Resources


      Web Links

      About the Authors




      In 1970, if someone put $1 million in the bank, they might have received $150,000 in annual interest. In 1970, you could live on $150,000 a year.

      In 2015, if someone puts $1 million in the bank, they might receive $10,000 a year in interest. If that family attempts to live on $10,000 a year, they are technically below the poverty line, although—technically—“millionaires.”

      And yet financial experts continue to say, “Save money.” Why would anyone save money when banks and governments are printing money?

      But wait, it gets worse.

      Financial advisors recommend people “Invest for the long term.” Yet after 2007, HFT, high frequency trading, began dominating the market. While mom and pop are “investing for the long term,” HFT traders are trading in milliseconds and microseconds.

      So who made the most money after China devalued their currency and global stock markets crashed? I’ll give you a hint: It was not the mom-and-pop long-term investors.

      People investing for the long term in the stock market are like savers—the next big losers.

      In 2002, Rich Dad’s Prophecy was published. Prophecy predicted that the biggest stock market crash in history was coming in 2016. Prophecy also predicted an initial major crash that would arrive prior to the giant crash of 2016. That initial crash arrived in October 2007, when the Dow headed south and the subprime crisis took Lehman Brothers and other down.

      My point is, this collapse was predictable to those who were paying attention. In my 60-minute video titled, The Man Who Could See The Future, offered for free from The Rich Dad Company, you can see footage of me on national television prior to October, warning people of the coming crash and downfall of Lehman Brothers.

      My prediction of an even larger market crash in 2016—one that will result in tremendous wealth destruction for many—still stands. Again, those paying attention are seeing signs of instability everywhere.

      But this time, the threat is not just economic. Critical systems and global resources we depend on for our modern way of life are starting to fail. There will be few places to take shelter from this coming storm.

      Following bad advice at a time like this is not just risky. It’s dangerous.


      The year 2016 is just around the corner. We all need to prepare for what’s coming, and there’s little time left. That is why I am endorsing Prosper! I know Chris and Adam well—these guys have more than a crystal ball.

      They have an actionable framework for building true wealth (it’s about more than simply money) and combine it with sound advice for how to face the tremendous challenges that lie dead ahead. They lay out specific steps that will not only make you much less vulnerable to the coming disruption, but will position you to prosper greatly when it arrives. I’ve already put many of these steps into practice in my own life.

      I loved Chris’ first book, The Crash Course, and I love Prosper!

      Those who are well positioned when crisis hits make fortunes overnight. Unfortunately, those following bad advice (like that offered by most financial advisors today) are wiped out.

      I want you to prosper in the years ahead. The coming crash of 2016 may be your biggest opportunity to do so if you prepare wisely in advance. And that’s why I encourage you to read Prosper! today, not tomorrow.

       – Robert Kiyosaki


      Creating a book requires a substantial sacrifice of time and energy from many other people than just its authors. This book is no exception.


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