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      Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s just plain impossible, filled with physical and verbal abuse, pain, betrayals and family relational disasters. These things create rejection, inability to trust, depression, grief and hopelessness, and a view of the world as a dangerous place to be because of the people who live there. People experiencing such relational disasters are damaged, marred, in pain and don’t know how to get out of this dark, dangerous world.

      Yet miracles do happen because we have a God who is first and foremost a Father, yet God. God loves people, adores us and longs to change our story, creating a whole new history in our lives. This book is a testimony of how the outrageous love of Jesus found an abused and rejected young woman longing for family, wholeness and life. Belma has written her story—one that will touch many caught in the web of hurt and pain. This book is touching; it will make you cry. It is healing, pouring the oil of love into raw bleeding wounds. It will create a future and expectations for those who have given up.

      For those like me who’ve already been healed, it’s another amazing example of the absolutely outrageous love of Jesus reaching out to those captured in pain and hopelessness. Get this book not only for yourself, but buy copies for your friends who are captured in back dark alleys of pain and despair. It may just save their life. This is real!


      Lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center

      Author, international speaker

      What a story! Belma captured my heart the whole way through. Her book should be turned into a movie. Over the years the Lord has transformed many of our lives. Looking at her today you see a beautiful woman. You would never know the journey she has endured. Her life story inspires me to see how the King of Kings restores, renews and makes all things beautiful.

      I recently had the chance to talk to Belma and one of her phrases jumped out to me. She said, “Stuff just doesn’t matter. I only want space to dance before the Lord.” I see in her heart’s cry and in her life the passion of Isaiah 61:1 and 3. I thank Belma for taking me on a journey of her life. It challenges me to keep going.


      Vice presidents, Catch the Fire

      Senior leaders, Catch the Fire Toronto

      Authors, international speakers

      One of the things that so impacted me with Belma’s story is her incredible passion and persistence to live, overcome loss and rejection, and discover who she really is. The Belma Vardy I know today is a miracle of restoration—a carrier of joy, immense integrity, and purpose as she fulfills her destiny with a hugely thankful heart. She has been given beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness. This down-to-earth book brings hope, encouragement and fresh vision to readers who need their hearts and emotions healed from the pains and abuses of life.


      Pastor, teacher, author and international speaker

      “In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus said. “But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). For some, that forecast of “trouble” is tragic. “But God!” How I treasure those two words found throughout the Bible, assuring us of a bigger story, being written by the One who is always able to redeem whatever life throws at us. It has been said that “trials are designed to develop our trust muscles.” No wonder Belma is living and sharing such a dynamic faith adventure!

      Because God Was There will give you fascinating personal glimpses into dramatic events in world history and take you deep into the spiritual realm where healing, wholeness and a life of purpose are always waiting in the restorative embrace of our loving Saviour. This book should be in every counsellor’s office.


      Author, Canadian television and radio personality

      More than 40 years of broadcast experience, including co-host of 100 Huntley Street

      Named one of Canada’s top 100 Christian women leaders

      Belma Vardy’s book demonstrates God’s mercy and grace upon her life. The experience of being rejected by her mother, being disconnected from her father, and later being torn from her grandparents should be an encouragement and inspiration to all who read her story.


      Senior pastor, Walpole Island Evangelistic Centre

      Served on Walpole Island Council of Three Fires, 18 years

      Former Chief, 12 years, Walpole Island

      This book you have in front of you is more than just a story or a testimony of God’s faithfulness, but this book, Because God Was There by Belma Vardy, is a manual to lead you from tragedy to triumph and take the mess-ups of life and turn them into a message of eternal life. You will find yourself tearing up, then rejoicing together with Belma as she turns every tribulation into an opportunity to enter greater levels of the Kingdom. I love the central message in this narrative: Hope! That no matter how hard or impossible the situations of life are, God can take every intended curse and turn it into a wonderful blessing that will more than make up for the evil of any day.

      My prayer is that you, through this book, will find the audacity to hope again, even in the midst of your negative situations, and see, once again, the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


      Prophet, pastor and itinerate minister, Desert Stream Ministries

      I have known Belma for at least two decades and have always been impressed with how cheerful and full of life she is. But I also know, after reading this book, that she has made some wonderful choices that completely changed the course of her life. In the natural, because of her past, she should be angry, resentful, and very hurt, but God responded to her good choices and brought impossible healing and freedom. All things are possible with God. If He can do it for Belma, He can do it for you no matter how horrific your life may have been. You will be encouraged and blessed reading her life story.


      Author, pastor, Catch the Fire Barrie

      Worship leader and itinerant speaker, retired principal and teacher

      My wife, Inger, and I have known Belma for several years. We had no idea her past was so traumatic and hurtful until we read this autobiography. This book is a powerful testimony to the unconditional and enduring love of Father God. While Belma’s circumstances were often distressing, her identity was never in doubt…Anyone who reads Belma’s story will want to have the same intimacy with the Father that she has!


      Author, pastor, The Father’s Paradigm Ministry, Hyde Park, NY

      Retired New York State Supreme Court Justice

      East Coast Coordinator for Partners in Harvest

      You will be forever changed upon reading Because God Was There. It is a riveting and heart-wrenching story of hardships, grief, pain and the unfairness of some of life’s most horrendous circumstances. Yet it also speaks of grace, faith, resilience, redemption, and the abiding love of Yeshua (Jesus), the tribal man who saves, wraps, and seals us in His unending love.

      This book is a devotional and catalyst to the healing process in the reader’s own life. With a Discussion and Study Guide, along with Pause and Reflect sections, individuals will benefit from this resource as a launching pad to a journey of healing for congregations, small groups and personal settings.

      We have known Belma for years. To meet her you would never know the extent of the pain and suffering she has had to endure. Loving, kind, generous, gracious—she is truly a remarkable woman and a dancing miracle, a lady of honour and dignity we are proud to call our sister and friend. To all our relations: this book can help bring healing to our people, especially “Indian” residential/boarding school

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