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      The Art of Taking It Easy


      The Art of Taking It Easy

      Dr. Brian King


      The Art of Taking It Easy: How to Cope with Bears, Traffic, and the Rest of Life’s Stressors

      Copyright © 2019 by Dr. Brian King

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should be sent by email to Apollo Publishers at [email protected].

      Apollo Publishers books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Special editions may be made available upon request. For details, contact Apollo Publishers at [email protected].

      Visit our website at www.apollopublishers.com.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.

      Print ISBN: 978-1-948062-46-6

      Ebook ISBN: 978-1-948062-47-3

      Printed in the United States of America.

      For Alyssa,

      Although it is impossible for me to protect you from all the bad things that happen in life, I can definitely teach you the skills to cope with whatever comes your way.



       Are You Happy?

       Chapter 1

       Of Bears and Traffic

       What Happens in Our Head During Stress?

       Worry Is the Worst

       What Happens to Our Bodies During Stress?

       Negative Emotions and the Stress That Inspires Them

       Chapter 2

       Making Decisions Under Fire

       It’s Never Too Late to Change

       Crawling Up That Step

       Chapter 3

       Having Goals and Making Plans

       Feeling in Control, Even When We’re Not

       Learning the Hard Way (Through an Unfortunate Series of Break-Ins)

       Chapter 4

       Interview with a Real American Badass

       Chapter 5

       The Choices We Make

       Getting to the Gym Across the Street

       Chapter 6

       Three Days in Xpujil (Jon’s Story)

       Chapter 7

       Puzzles, Games, and Bear Attacks

       Fostering Resilience in Children

       Chapter 8

       Practicing Positive Thinking

       Laughing It Off

       Don’t Eat the Poison Berries

       Chapter 9

       Feeling Overwhelmed and Exhausted

       Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, But Misery Takes Credit

       The Biggest Irony of My Modern Life

       Chapter 10

       Facing Challenges

       Carving a Carousel


       Pursuing Happiness


      Are You Happy?

      I hope so, I really do. And I’m not just saying that to get you on my side either; the happiness of other people has always been very important to me.

      As a public speaker with a doctorate in psychology, I have been traveling the country teaching audiences about happiness, the benefits of humor, and how to manage stress for nearly a decade. These subjects are very interrelated, as managing stress is key to happiness, and humor contributes to them both. I've

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