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      For Julia


      It is never too late to be

       what you might have been.

      —George Eliot



      Title Page






      How I Look

      The Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade

      The Littlest Big Top on Earth



      Shapes in Clouds


      The Loneliest Gorilla in the World


      The Nature Show


      Stella’s Trunk

      A Plan




      Three Visitors

      My Visitors Return



      Drawing Bob

      Bob and Julia


      Not Sleepy

      The Beetle






      Stella Helps

      Old News



      Stella and Ruby

      Home of the One and Only Ivan

      Art Lesson


      Elephant Jokes


      The Parking Lot

      Ruby’s Story

      A Hit


      The Promise


      Five Men



      The One and Only Ivan

      Once Upon A Time

      The Grunt



      A Perfect Life

      The End


      The Temporary Human


      Still Life




      My Place

      Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Six Days

      A Visit

      A New Beginning

      Poor Mack


      A Bad Dream

      The Story



      What They Did

      Something Else to Buy

      Another Ivan




      Not Right

      Going Nowhere

      Bad Guys




      One More Thing

      The Seven O’clock Show




      Showing Julia

      More Paintings

      Chest Beating


      Puzzle Pieces


      The Next Morning

      Mad Human

      Phone Call

      A Star Again

      The Ape Artist


      The Early News

      Signs on Sticks


      Check Marks

      Free Ruby

      New Box


      Poking and Prodding

      No Painting

      More Boxes



      An Idea




      Good Boy





      Not Famous

      Something in the Air

      A New TV

      The Family


      What I See

      Still There






      Outside at Last


      What It Was Like



      More TV



      More About Romance



      The Top of the Hill

      The Wall





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