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       The Sisters Who Would Be Queen

      The Tragedy of Mary, Katherine & Lady Jane Grey

      Leanda de Lisle



       For Peter, Rupert, Christian and Dominic, with love


       ‘Such as ruled and were queens were for the most part wicked, ungodly, superstitious, and given to idolatry and to all filthy abominations as we may see in the histories of Queen Jezebel’

      THOMAS BECON 1554


       Title Page

       Chapter X A Married Woman

       Chapter XI Jane the Queen

       Chapter XII A Prisoner in the Tower

       Chapter XIII A Fatal Revolt

       PART THREE Heirs to Elizabeth

       Chapter XIV Aftermath

       Chapter XV Growing Up

       Chapter XVI The Spanish Plot

       Chapter XVII Betrothal

       Chapter XVIII A Knot of Secret Might

       Chapter XIX First Son

       Chapter XX Parliament and Katherine’s Claim

       Chapter XXI Hales’s Tempest

       PART FOUR Lost Love

       Chapter XXII The Lady Mary and Mr Keyes

       Chapter XXIII The Clear Choice

       Chapter XXIV While I Lived, Yours

       Chapter XXV The Last Sister

       Chapter XXVI A Return to Elizabeth’s Court

       Chapter XXVII Katherine’s Sons and the Death of Elizabeth

       Chapter XXVIII The Story’s End


       Author’s Note




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       About the Author


       About the Publisher

       Family Trees


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