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      For couples and for parties

      Editor of the collection Leo Chandrs

      Translator Alisa Orlova

      © Alisa Orlova, translation, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4490-1435-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Sexual energy forms the base of the human energetic framework, and sexuality serves as one of the foundations of personal psychology. Sex is the best antidepressant and is extremely beneficial for one’s health, apart from being simply the greatest pleasure in life. One should love sex, cherish it, strive to become better at it, and use it for self-expression.

      Each of us deep down strives for new, memorable, and unusual sexual experiences. We dream and fantasize, but very often our expectations are dashed against our amateur approach to sex. In such cases, there is nobody to ask for advice – we do not even open up to our closest friends out of fear of being laughed at. Luckily, you don’t need outside help to solve the issue – all you need is to learn to relax and be yourself.

      This is easily done through erotic games. People usually feel more comfortable expressing their sexuality through such games, since any potential embarrassment can be quickly turned into a joke.

      Erotic games will help you to understand and explore your sexuality. They will grant you great pleasure, teach new things about sex, and help you start a relationship or rejuvenate one that has been waning.

      Role-playing erotic games will add tremendous variety into your sex life, making the fear of adultery but a distant memory.

      Games solve one more issue: with our stressful rhythm of life, both men and women often feel exhausted and require additional stimulation to get into the mood required for sexual intimacy. Erotic games help with that by activating and strengthening the libido.

      Erotic games are designed in such a way as to make their participants step out of their comfort zone and go beyond the routine. This allows to discover new facets of sexuality, helps the partners relax, explore each other’s hidden dreams, and learn something new not only about each other, but about themselves, too.

      The best thing about erotic games is that they have neither winners nor losers. While some games have a competitive side to them, it serves only to add some spice and variety into the relationship. All the players are equally entitled to the main prize.

      It is important not to feel embarrassed to express one’s sexual desires and emotions. There are no limitations in such games except for those set by the partners themselves. They can do whatever pleases both of them – that’s what erotic games are for.

      There are no computer games or online games in this book – it includes only games for players interacting face to face.

      This collection can serve as a perfect erotic gift for your significant other, for a newlywed couple, or for a wedding anniversary.

      Preparing to play

      Some of the games are quite complex and require certain props. Others, on the contrary, require nothing but the desire to please one’s partner.

      A well-prepared game is guaranteed to bring joy and pleasure. By contrast, most of your initial passion and resolve can dissipate if you spend too much time thinking about a suitable prize for the winner or a fine for the loser. Therefore, make sure to take care of such details in advance – come up with prizes and punishments and write down your erotic wishes when necessary, making sure that they can be carried out.

      The preparation and discussion of a game will by itself add some variety to your relationship, wake up the passion, and serve as a form of foreplay.

      Prizes and punishments

      Even though the main prize in erotic games is shared by all the players, still they have their winners and losers, just like any other game.

      Think of suitable prizes and punishments or fines for losers in advance.

      If you are playing alone with your partner, you can buy a small gift for them – something they would really like. Or, by contrast, be prepared to fulfil one of your partner’s wishes that you always refused to carry out before.

      Card games

      Prepare an ordinary deck of cards and come up with meanings or dares associated with each card when necessary. Black cards are considered male, while red ones are considered female.

      When a game calls for wishes or dares, you can write them on the cards themselves or on little post-it notes. You can also make your own cards, cutting out rectangles of paper, writing and drawing on them.

      The process of designing cards and coming up with erotic wishes and dares can turn you on and become a fun game.

      You can also use the cards for the games that include dares, which are described in the next section.


      By forfeits here we mean tasks prepared in advance that player draw by lot.

      Forfeits can constitute an simple erotic game by themselves.

      If you are playing in a company, you should collect small items – forfeits – belonging to the players and place them in a bag or a container.

      Two players are selected: one as a facilitator and one who will come up with various forfeits. They stand back-to-back (the player responsible for forfeits should have his or her back to the rest of the players).

      The facilitator should draw a forfeit from the bag and get the players to identify its owner. The facilitator asks, “What’s the forfeit?” The player standing with his back to the audience comes up with a dare: strip an item of clothing, kiss another player on a specific body part, etc.

      You can go through the forfeits and assign them one by one at first and then make the players complete their dares simultaneously, or you can make players complete their forfeits in turn.

      In another version of this game, small pieces of paper with dares written on them act as forfeits: each player draws one and completes the task.

      This version can be played in a couple, taking turns to complete dares.

      The tasks used as forfeits can also be utilized as prizes for winners in other games or as punishments for losers.

      Therefore, take time to create good forfeits before the game. If they are designed as prizes or fines, you can use differently colored paper to write them down. Forfeits can also be divided into male and female (using different suits of playing cards, for example).

      Forfeits play a key role in erotic games. Devote some time to come up with good ones, do it properly once, and they will serve you for a long time. In order not to waste time in the future, gradually add new ones or get rid of those you find boring.

      You can add a new forfeit without telling your partner, resulting in a surprise for one of you!


      Here are some examples of tasks that can be used as forfeits, punishments, or prizes:

      Strip your partner of their underwear without using your hands – only your teeth. The task can be made more difficult if you have to do it blindfolded.

      Dance a striptease.

      Walk around the house naked all day.

      Come to your partner’s office and have sex there.

      Have sex in… (insert what you like – on a windowsill, in a swimming pool, in the woods, in the car, in a store changing room, etc.)

      Masturbate in front of your partner.

      Give your partner a massage

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