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      King Solomon's Goat

      CHAPTER I.

      The Divine Moloch

      The genial gentleman with horns, shown on the cover hereof, is christ.1 The hybrid Christian-Egyptian religion was stolen from the sun-worship of Egypt and India and other religious impositions. When the sun, called Ra and Osiris in Egypt, identical with Jehovah, at the end of each cycle of about 2155 years, entered a new sign of the zodiac, it was said to be reborn, or the son of god came in a character to correspond with the astronomical sign. – Gerald Massey.

      When the sun entered the sign of Taurus, the bull, god was reborn, or christ came as the bull, called Apis in Egypt and Moloch in Syria. It is the latter beauty whose entrancing charms are the subject of this panegyric. When Jacob wrestled with the lord, the bout was with Moloch Iho, as will be seen by reading the original Hebrew text. This is lord I O, the supreme, the hermaphrodite god or idol of the pagans. Read the Blessing that the Hebrews say before eating: “Blessed art thou Io Elohanu Melech … who bringeth forth bread from the earth.” – Krinsky’s First Lessons in Hebrew, 84.

      The pagans claimed that their god Moloch “had his castle of fire in the seventh heaven.” And “Jehovah had his castle of fire over the seventh heaven.” – Book of Enoch, 14:7. The identity of Moloch and the Hindu god Siva is indicated by the bull Nardi, the sacred emblem of the latter. The Persian bull christ, the son of Ormazd, killed by Ahriman, the Lord of Darkness, and all the other christs that sport horns must share the infamy of the great god Moloch, alias Saturn, alias Israel, alias Ilda Baoth or Devil. The heaven of Moloch is in the Northeast, and it is paved with gold, and his throne is made of lapis lazuli.

      You will notice that the priest is offering up a child to the great god who so loved human flesh and blood that he caused his own son to be slaughtered. There was also another reason for the human sacrifices by the priests and sorcerers and secret societies, that is, the desire to evoke the dead and summon up phantoms for consultation. These ghosts are very fond of blood, in fact it is difficult for them to materialize unless they can absorb the steam arising from human blood. It is true that some sorcerers have evoked the dead with the blood of kids or lambs, but the goat and lamb christs are ancient redeemers, whose efficacy is not to be compared with the man christ. Elephas Levi says that a phantom will attract the vapor of blood and human corpuscles in the air as a magnet attracts iron filings.

      “They have built the high places of Tophet in the Valley of Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire.” They made their children pass through the fire to Moloch, forsooth, because young children, like young pigs, are tender and easy to chew. They cooked their own flesh and blood on the reeking altar of the Devil, even as the great and good Ahaz served up his son for the delectation of the mob, and sitting down to the delicious feast, ate up the heir and hope of Israel. Then, chopping up the remnants into sausages, he exposed and hawked them in the market place, crying: “It is true they come high, but see what they are made of. Each sausage is stamped with the Tetragrammaton and stuffed with the royal house of Israel. If you plebeians, decorated with dirt and adorned with bugs, wish to get some blue blood into your clotted veins, now is the time. Avail yourselves of this opportunity to eat a prince of the royal blood, an imperial descendant of our Mother in Israel, Tamar, the daughter and wife of Judah and ancestor of David and the messiah.”

      The fact that the Jews worshipped on Saturn-day would indicate that they were worshippers of Saturn or Moloch. The sacrifice of the first-born unto the Lord was required by the Old Testament. Human sacrifices by proxy still survive in parts of England, where at Christmas time the goodman goes forth to hunt for an old wife to sacrifice, and returns with an old log, which he plays is his wife, and puts her on the fire. This takes the place of the human being his ancestors formerly offered up. In Hertfordshire, an ox, representing Moloch, is killed every Christmas, and the church bell tolls at its death in imitation of the crucifixion of the bull christ or sun at the winter solstice. At the orgies of Orpheus they originally sacrificed a man and tore his flesh from his body with their teeth and ate it raw, but in later times substituted a bull representing Orpheus or Christ. – “Orgies” and “Orpheus”, Ency. Brit. All religion originated in human sacrifices and cannibalism.

      The wife of god is a cow, called Hathor in Egypt, also named Isis and Meri, which goddess we have stolen and worship under the name of Mary. When the sun entered the stable or sign of Taurus, a christ was produced, or god was reborn as a bull. That is why Christ was born in a stable.

      When the sun entered the sign of Aries or the Ram, God was reborn, or Christ came as the Lamb of God, the son of the Ram, identical with Rama, the seventh incarnation of the god Vishnu. – Gerald Massey. In Thebes the principal object worshipped by the pagan ancestors of Christianity was the Ram.

      At the eighth incarnation of God, when the sun entered the sign of Fishes, about the beginning of the Christian Era, God was reborn as the Great Fish or Fisher of Men, and was slain on Friday for the redemption of the world. That is why the Christians killed and ate their fish Jesus every Friday to save their craven souls from Hell. That is why the priests of Dagon, the fish god of the Philistines, wore fish skins on their backs and the head of a fish for a miter. The miter of the church dignitaries was the gaping mouth of their fish god. That is why Christ had such phenomenal piscatorial luck and why his disciples were fishermen. That is why he came up out of the waters of Jordan. – See Ancient Pagan & Modern Christian Symbolism.

      We are baptized that we may typically become fish or Christlike, but complete immersion is indispensable to save our wicked souls. A few drops of water on the forehead do not make a fish. Jesus came out of the stellar pool in the sign of Fishes, and we have seen superstitious and benighted fishes, who have been born again, come up out of the pool beneath the church altar in the Hub of Universal Culture. The basin at the church door or piscina, containing alleged holy water, is but a type of that celestial pool in which the stellar fishes swim, and into which the sun plunged and washed away the sins of the world. The Egyptian Madonna, Isis, is represented as holding in her arms the christ Horus, and on her head is a fish. The Hindus worship the fish-god at the temple of the Golden Dagon near Rangoon, India.

      The Jews sacrificed the fish-christ at each of the three meals of the Sabbath. “One should eat fish for into them the souls of the righteous are transmigrated.” – Talmud. The Buddhist cross, from which the Christian cross was taken, is called Swastika (fishes) and consists of the two fishes of the zodiac crossed. “Maya or Mary, the Virgin of the skies, at the moment of the birth of her son Buddha on Dec. 25, was just rising above the horizon.”

      “The sun’s present position is in Aquarius. Our Lord’s advent was in the previous sign of Pisces, but the sign which he declared should precede his next coming was that of Aquarius. ‘When ye see a man bearing a pitcher of water follow ye him.’” – Daughter of the Druids, 101.

      When the sun entered the sign of Cancer, the sun god, or the son of god came as the Crab or the Good Scarabaeus, the lucky bug of Egypt, and was born in the nebula of the Manger in the sign of Cancer. Still there is no law against believing in the story of the Jew Christ born in the Manger of Bethlehem. Even the Church Fathers claimed that Christ was the Good Scarabaeus.

      In the Catacombs of Rome is a picture of a supper at which seven persons sit down to eat seven loaves and two small fishes. Some writers have failed to grasp the significance of this picture. They are assembled there to eat their Christ, as we do now at every Communion Service. Christ is the bread of life, born in the astronomical house of Breadcorn. He came seven times in the ancient division of the heavens, and in his eighth avatar he came as the two fishes in the sign of Pisces.

      Our Christmas is a new name for the old Roman Saturnalia, a festival celebrating the birth of the sun-god Saturn or Moloch at the winter solstice, at which time they feasted, exchanged presents, got drunk and played craps. The Christians, in celebrating the 25th of December, admit that their Christ is a sun-god. – See “Saturn,” Ency. Brit.


      The Queen of Heaven

      The Hebrews in the wilderness indulged in this pagan idolatry and sacrificed bullocks and lambs on the altar for the remission of their sins, and erected a golden calf. The golden calf was christ, and his mother

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Where in this book the words God, Lord, Christ, Messiah and Lamb are capitalized they refer to Christian deities, otherwise to pagan gods.