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have stood to nearly seven feet tall. His feet, similarly, were huge. At least a twelve, Avery thought.

      “Relax, everyone, relax,” Desoto commanded. “Play, play,” he urged his men. “Tito, get them something to drink. What would you like, Officer Black,” he said with emphasis.

      “You know me?” Avery asked.

      “I don’t know you,” he replied. “I know of you. You arrested my little cousin Valdez two years ago, and some of my good friends in the West Side Killers. Yes, I have many friends in other gangs,” he said at Avery’s surprised look. “Not all gangs fight each other like animals. I like to think bigger than that. Please. What can I get for you?”

      “Nothing for me,” Ramirez said.

      “I’m fine,” she added.

      Desoto nodded to Tito, who left the way he’d come. All men at the table continued to play cards except one. The odd man out was a spitting image of Desoto, only much smaller and younger. He muttered something to Desoto and the two of them had a fiery conversation.

      “That’s Desoto’s little brother,” Ramirez translated. “He thinks they should just kill both of us and dump us in the river. Desoto is trying to tell him that that’s why he’s always in prison, because he thinks too much when he should just keep his mouth shut and listen.”

      “Sientate!” Desoto finally shouted.

      Reluctantly, his little brother sat down but he glared hard at Avery.

      Desoto took in a breath.

      “You like being a big celebrity cop?” he asked.

      “Not really,” Avery said. “Gives guys like you a target in the police department. I don’t like to be a target.”

      “True, true,” he said.

      “We’re looking for information,” Avery added. “A middle-aged woman named Henrietta Venemeer owns a bookstore on Sumner. Spiritual books, new age, psychology, things like that. Rumor has it you don’t like the shop. She was being harassed.”

      “By me?” he noted in surprise and pointed to himself.

      “By you or your men. We’re not sure. That’s why we’re here.”

      “Why would you come all the way into the devil’s den to ask about some woman at a bookshop? Please, explain this to me.”

      No recognition of Henrietta or the bookstore appeared on his face. In fact, Avery thought he was insulted by the accusation.

      “She was murdered last night,” Avery said and paid careful attention to the men in the room and how they reacted. “Her neck was broken and she was tied to a yacht at the marina on Marginal Street.”

      “Why would I do this?” he asked.

      “That’s what we want to find out.”

      Desoto began to speak to his men in very quick and agitated Spanish. His little brother and another man seemed genuinely annoyed that they would be accused of something so clearly beneath them. The other three, however, turned sheepish under the interrogation. An argument ensued. At one point, Desoto stood up in anger and displayed his full height and size.

      “These three have been to the shop,” Ramirez whispered. “They robbed it twice. Desoto is pissed because this is the first time he’s hearing about it, and he never got his cut.”

      With a loud roar, Desoto hammered his fist onto the table and cracked it in half. Bills and change and jewelry went flying. A necklace nearly whipped into Avery’s face and she was forced to stand back against the door. All five men pushed away in their chairs. Desoto’s little brother yelled out in frustration and raised his arms. Desoto kept his fury squarely placed on one man in particular. A finger was pointed in the man’s face, and a threat was given and received.

      “That guy took the others to the shop,” Ramirez whispered. “He’s in trouble.”

      Desoto turned with his arms wide.

      “I apologize,” he said. “My men did indeed accost this woman in her shop. Twice. This is the first I’ve ever heard of it.”

      Avery’s heart was beating fast. They were in an isolated room full of angry criminals with weapons, and regardless of Desoto’s words and gestures, he was an intimidating presence, and, if the rumors were true, a mass murderer. Suddenly, the feel of her small blade so far out of reach wasn’t as comforting as she’d thought.

      “Thanks for that,” Avery said. “Just to be sure we’re on the same page, would any of your men have any reason to kill Henrietta Venemeer?”

      “No one kills without my approval,” he flatly stated.

      “Venemeer was strangely placed on the ship,” Avery pushed. “In full view of the harbor. A star was drawn above her head. Would that mean anything to you?”

      “Do you remember my cousin?” Desoto asked. “Michael Cruz? Little guy? Skinny?”

      “I don’t.”

      “You broke his arm. I asked him how a little girl could have bested him, and he said that you were very fast, and very strong. Do you think you could take me, Officer Black?”

      The downward spiral began.

      Avery could feel it. Desoto was bored. He’d answered their questions and he was bored and angry and he had two unarmed cops in his private room beneath a shop. Even the men who’d been playing poker were fully locked onto both of them.

      “No,” she said. “I think you could murder me in hand-to-hand combat.”

      “I believe in an eye for an eye,” Desoto said. “I believe when information is given, information should be received. Balance,” he stressed, “is very important in life. I have given you information. You arrested my cousin. You have now taken from me twice. You see this, yes?” he asked. “You owe me something.”

      Avery backed up and assumed her traditional jujitsu stance, legs bent and slightly parted, arms up and hands open under her chin.

      “What do I owe you?” she asked.

      With only a grunt, Desoto jumped forward, cocked his right arm, and punched.


      The room emptied in Avery’s mind; it turned black, and all she could see were the five men, and feel Ramirez next to her, and see Desoto’s fist moving closer to her face. She called it the fog, a place where she’d often been during her running days – another world, separate from her physical existence. Her jujitsu instructor had called it “the ultimate awareness,” a place where focus became selective, so the senses were more heightened around specific targets.

      She spun into Desoto’s arm and gripped his wrist. At the same time, her hip popped back into his body for leverage, and she used his own momentum to throw him into the basement door. Wood cracked and the giant man crashed hard.

      Without breaking her stride, Avery spun and kicked an attacker in the stomach. After that, everything moved in slow motion. Each of the five men was targeted for maximum damage with minimal aggression. A jab to the throat made one fall to the ground. A kick to the groin followed by a hard back-spin and another man crashed on the broken table. She lost Desoto’s little brother for a second. She turned to see him about to punch her with a pair of brass knuckles; Ramirez jumped in and tackled him to the ground.

      Desoto roared and grabbed Avery in a bear hug from behind.

      The massive weight of his body was like a cement block. Avery couldn’t break his hold. She kicked at the air. He lifted her up and threw her into a wall.

      Avery slammed into a shelving system and the entire unit fell on her head when she dropped to the ground. Desoto kicked her in the stomach; the blow was so powerful it lifted her up. Another kick and her neck snapped back. Desoto lowered down. Thick arms clutched her neck in a dangerous choke. A quick lift and she was up – feet dangling.


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