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Родионов. Европа влезает в долги//Ведомости. 22 апреля 2015.


      Life Below Zero Must Not Become the New Normal//Financial Times Weekend. February 7–8, 2015.


      Алексей Невельский. Европа вышла в ноль в кафе и ресторанах//Ведомости. 20 мая 2015.


      Europe’ Fault Lines//The Economist. February 7, 2015. P. 26.


      George Soros with Gregor Schmitz. The Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival? N. Y., 2014. P. 25.


      Anthony Giddens. Turbulent and Mighty Continent. What Future for Europe. Cambridge, 2014. P. 209–210.


      Mark Leonard, Hans Kundnani. Think Again: European Decline//Foreign Policy. May/June 2013. P. 47.


      The Next Supermodel//The Economist. February 2, 2013. P. 9.


      Philippe Legrain. European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess – and How to Pull Them Right. CB Books, 2014.


      Demography Report 2010//Commission staff working document/ European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union. P. 2.


      Тило Сарацин. Германия: самоликвидация. М., 2013. С. 14–15, 343.


      Robert Booth. Polish Becomes England’s Second Language//Guardian. January 30, 2013.


      См.: Игорь Узнародов. Евроскептицизм после кроме кризиса//Современная Европа. № 1. 2015.


      Ian Bremmer. Disunited Kingdom. Britain’s Election Could Mean Unruly Exit from the E. U.//Time. May 25, 2015. P. 10; Britain and Europe. The Interpreter//The Economist. May 16, 2015. P. 29.


      Hugh Carnegy. Le Pen Demands French «Patriots» Reject Brussels//Financial Times. May 2, 2014.


      Jan-Werner Mueller. Eastern Europe Goes South. Disappearing Democracy in the EU’s Newest Members//Foreign Affairs. March/April 2014. P. 14, 15, 16.




      Melanie Phillips. Europe’s Facist Fringe Is Awakening Again//The Times. March 3, 2014. P. 28.


      Ольга Буторина. Европа без Евросоюза//Россия в глобальной политике. Ноябрь – декабрь 2011.


      Charles A. Kupchan. No One’s World. The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Truth. Oxford, 2012. P. 176.


      Ian Bremmer. The End of the Free Market. Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations. N. Y., 2010. P. 13.


      Mark Leonard, Hans Kundnani. Think Again: European Decline//Foreign Policy. May/June 2013. P. 48; Bastian Giegerich, Christoph Schwegmann. Sustaining Europe’s Security//Survival. August-September 2014. P. 43.


      Joseph S. Nye. The Future of Power. N. Y., 2011. P. 162.


      Richard N. Haas. The Unraveling//Foreign Affairs. November/ December 2014. P. 72.


      Stephen Sestanovich. Understanding Our Adversaries. Could it Have Been Otherwise//The American Interest. May/June, 2015. P. 8–9; Luis Simon. Understanding US Retrenchment in Europe//Survival. April-May, 2015. P. 157–159.


      Quadrennial Defense Review. Wash., 2010. P. 65.


      Коммерсантъ. 7 февраля 2011.


      Steven Erlanger. Shrinking Europe Military Spending Stirs Concern//New York Times. April 22, 2013.


      Oystein Tunsjo. Europe’s Favorable Isolation//Survival. December 2013 – January 2014. P. 96.


      Елена Черненко. НАТО наводят на старую цель//Коммерсантъ. 25 марта 2014; Statement of NATO Foreign Ministers, April 1. 2014//http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/news_108501/htm; HATO переходит к сдерживанию//Коммерсантъ. 2 апреля 2014; Елена Черненко. НАТО расширяется назад. Североатлантический альянс возвращается к стратегии сдерживания России//Коммерсантъ. 4 сентября 2014; Евгений Григорьев. НАТО размещает штабы на Востоке//Независимая газета. 3 февраля 2015.


      Mathew Kroening. Facing Reality: Getting NATO Ready for a New Cold War//Survival. February-March, 2015. P. 64.


      Ivan Krastev, Mark Leonard. Europe’s Shattered Dream of Order//Foreign Affairs. May/June, 2015. P. 51.


      Подр. см. Михаил Носов. Отношения ЕС – США: политика, экономика, безопасность//Современная Европа. № 4. Октябрь – декабрь 2014. С. 8—22.


      Ashley J. Tellis. The Geopolitics of the TTIP and the TPP//Power Shifts and New Blocks in the Global Trading System/Ed. By Sanjaya Baru and Suvi Dogra. L., 2015. P. 109–110.


      Sanjaya Baru. Power Shifts

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