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Раса, язык и культура. Франц Боас
Читать онлайн.Название Раса, язык и культура
Год выпуска 1940
isbn 978-5-98426-228-6
Автор произведения Франц Боас
Серия Методы антропологии
Издательство АЛЬМА МАТЕР
Boas F. On the Variety of Lines of Descent Represented in a Population.
Boas H. M. Inheritance of Eye Color in Man // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 1919. Vol. 2. P. 15.
Lehrbuch der Anthropologie Second. Jena, 1914. S. 225; Martin R., ed. Jena, 1928. Vol. 1. P. 297.
King H. D. Studies on Inbreeding. Wistar Institute, 1919.
Gould B. A. Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics American Soldiers. New York, 1869.
Bowditch H. P. The Growth of Children. 8th Annual Report. Massachusetts Board of Health Boston, 1875. P. 273–323; 10th Annual Report. 1879. P. 33–62; 2st Annual Report. 1890. P. 287–304; 22nd Annual Report. 1891. P. 479–525.
Peckham G. W. The Growth of Children. 6th Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Wisconsin. 1881. P. 28–73.
Boas F., Wissler C. Statistics of Growth. Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education for 1904. Washington, 1905. P. 25–132.
W. T. Porter in the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of St. Louis // The Physical Basis of Precocity and Dullness. 1893. P. 161–181; The Relation between the Growth of Children and their Deviation from the Physical Type of Their Sex and Age. 1893. P. 263–280; The Growth of St. Louis Children. 1894. P. 263–380; также см.: Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association. N. S. 1893. Vol. 3. P. 577–587; 1894. Vol. 4. P. 28–34.
Boas F. The Growth of Toronto Children // Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education for 1896–1897. Washington, 1898. P. 1541–1599.
Boas F. The Growth of First-Born Children // Science. N. S. 1895. Vol. 1. P. 402–404.
Boas F. The Half-Blood Indian, an Anthropometric Study // Popular Science Monthly. 1894. Vol. 45. P. 761–770 (см. с. 160–170 наст. изд.); Sullivan L. R. Anthropometry of the Siouan Tribes. // Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. 1920. Vol. 23. Part III. P. 199.
Dixon R. B. Indian Population in the United States and Alaska. 1910. Washington, 1915. P. 157–160.
Indian-White Amalgamation // University of Minnesota Studies in Social Science. Minneapolis, 1916. № 6.
См. также: Reuter E. B. The Mulatto in the United States. Boston, 1918.
The Physical Growth of Children from Birth to Maturity // Iowa Child Welfare Research Station Study. 1921. Vol. I. № 1.