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Щенок Элли, или Долгая дорога домой / Ellie the Homesick Puppy. Холли Вебб
Читать онлайн.Название Щенок Элли, или Долгая дорога домой / Ellie the Homesick Puppy
Год выпуска 2010
isbn 978-5-04-188180-1
Автор произведения Холли Вебб
Серия Английский с Холли Вебб: билингва
Издательство Эксмо
Gran drove up from Westbury later that afternoon to pick Ellie up. Ellie had a special dog cage for travelling, and it just about fitted on the back seat of Gran’s car. Megan carefully packed up Ellie’s basket and blanket, and her bowls and food – including her favourite bone-shaped biscuits. Then there was a bagful of toys, her lead, her blanket – the list went on[66] and on.
‘Goodness,’ Gran murmured. ‘How many dogs am I looking after?[67]’
‘Thanks so much for doing this,’ said Megan’s mum. ‘It’s a huge help.’
Ellie was trotting backwards and forwards after Megan as she carried all her things to make a pile in the hall. She was very confused about what was going on, but she’d seen Megan’s dad moving her travel cage into Gran’s car, so she thought she and Megan must be going somewhere[68] with Gran. They had driven out for special walks in the woods with her before. It must be that. Though Ellie didn’t see why she would need her basket and everything else just to go out for the day.
‘Right.’ Gran finished her cup of tea. ‘We’d better be off then, if we don’t want to get back too late. We’ll see you all on Tuesday.’ She hugged Megan. ‘Oh, I’m so excited about having you all living so close. It’s going to be lovely.’
Megan hugged her back. She was excited too, but she couldn’t help worrying[69] about Ellie. ‘Gran, you will make sure she’s not lonely tonight, won’t you? She usually sleeps on my bed,’ she reminded her anxiously.
‘I’ll do my best[70],’ Gran promised. ‘I think Sid would leave home if a dog came and tried to sleep on my bed with him, but how about I give Ellie a hot water bottle?’
Megan nodded sadly, as she pictured Ellie spending the night on her own.
‘It’s only for two days, Megan,’ Dad said, putting an arm around her shoulders. ‘Ellie will be fine.’
Ellie hopped into her cage happily enough, expecting Megan to come and sit next to her on the back seat. She would probably waggle her fingers through the door and tickle her ears.
But Gran was getting into the car without Megan. Ellie looked around anxiously, and barked to tell her she’d made a mistake. Gran looked back over her shoulder, and smiled. ‘It’s all right, Ellie. Shh-shh. Don’t worry, we’ll see Megan again soon.’
Ellie stared back at her. Yes, Megan. Gran must know what was wrong. Why were they going without Megan? She felt the vibrations as Gran started the car and howled in despair. Megan was being left behind![71] Ellie stood up on her hind legs in the cage, trying to look out of the window, but she could only see the side of the car and Gran’s seat in front.
Megan was clinging to her mum’s arm, trying to stop herself racing after Ellie and yelling at Gran to stop the car. ‘Oh, Mum, listen to her howling,’ she said miserably. ‘She’s so upset. Does she really have to go to Gran’s?’
Her mum just hugged her.
Ellie couldn’t see Megan, but she could hear her, and she sounded unhappy. She scrabbled frantically at the bars of her cage with her paws, desperate to get back to Megan.
As the car pulled away down the road, Ellie barked and barked.
At last, when it hurt to bark any more, she stopped. She pressed her nose against the door of the travel cage.
Gran had taken her away from Megan, and Megan hadn’t wanted her to go.[72] Of course she hadn’t! Ellie was Megan’s dog. Ellie didn’t understand what was going on, but she was absolutely certain about one thing.
She had to get back to Megan.[73]
At Gran’s house, everything smelled different. Ellie had been there before, but only with Megan, when it had been fun. Gran was doing her best – she’d taken Ellie for a walk when they first arrived, to stretch her legs after being shut up in the car. But Ellie had trailed along behind her with her ears drooping, and in the end Gran had turned back.
But it was worse in the house. Ellie didn’t want to be here, and she hated cats. Sid was huge and black and old, and very grumpy. He didn’t like dogs at all, and he really didn’t like dogs who barked and jumped around all over the place. He stood on the back of an armchair and hissed angrily when he first saw Ellie. With all his fur standing up like that and his tail fluffed up like a brush, Sid was nearly as big as she was.
Gran carefully made sure they were kept apart after that, shutting Ellie in the kitchen. But then the phone rang, and she forgot to close the kitchen door when she came out to the hall to answer it. Ellie trotted out after her – she might not want to be here[74], but Gran was her one link with Megan.
Sid was sitting in the middle of the hallway like a furry black rock.
Ellie bounced at him bravely and barked, but Sid shot forwards[75] and scraped his claws across her nose. Ellie yelped. She’d chased cats before, or tried to anyway – Megan didn’t like her chasing things. But the cats had never fought back before. She stared at Sid worriedly, and he hissed again. It was a clear warning.
Ellie crept behind the sofa and stayed there, sulking, until Gran tempted her out with a handful of bone-shaped biscuits, the ones that Megan always gave her. Even those just made her miss Megan more. Gran took her back into the kitchen away from Sid and tried to make a big fuss of her, but Ellie didn’t really want to play. She was too confused.
Perhaps Megan would come and get her soon? She had been here with Megan before, after all. And she definitely remembered Sid, and the way this house smelled so strongly of cat. Megan must be coming later, Ellie decided hopefully. Every time footsteps went past on the pavement outside she pricked up her ears and wagged her tail. But as the afternoon wore on[76], she stopped bothering[77]. It never was Megan, and now it was getting dark.
She padded over to her basket and stared at it miserably. If Megan was coming to get her, she wouldn’t need her basket. Her food bowls were here too, and her toys. Why would they be here if Megan was coming to take her home?
‘Can I talk to Ellie, Gran?’ Megan asked, gripping the phone tightly.
‘I’m not sure that’s a very good idea, Megan,’ Gran said gently. ‘It might upset her. She’ll be fine. I’m going to put a hot water bottle in her basket, and she’s got her blanket and all her usual things. I expect she’ll have settled down by the morning.[78]’
Which means she hasn’t settled down now, Megan thought unhappily as she said goodbye. Ellie was hating being at Gran’s, just as Megan had thought she would[79].
They were having fish and chips for tea[80], as a treat, so they didn’t have to cook, but Megan hardly ate anything. It wasn’t the same without Ellie lurking hopefully under the table in case anyone dropped a chip.
She was feeling so miserable she went to bed early, but it took her ages to get to sleep – her room was full of boxes, and they all looked strange
Время Past Perfect Continuous (had been counting on) означает, что всё долгое время сборов Меган рассчитывала на то, что щенок будет рядом.
Здесь фразовый глагол go (went, gone) on означает «продолжать(ся)».
Present Continuous описывает длящиеся действия в настоящем времени, но может и передавать уже определённые, чёткие личные планы на будущее: За сколькими собаками я буду присматривать?
Глагол must выражает очень вероятное предположение – «должно быть», «наверное»: наверное, они с Меган куда-то поедут.
Сan’t help doing something означает «не мочь не»: она не могла не беспокоиться.
Устойчивое выражение do (did, done) one’s best означает «сделать всё возможное»: сделаю всё, что в моих силах.
Megan was being left behind! – Продолженное время Past Continuous и страдательный залог подчёркивают драматичность момента: вот прямо сейчас, сию секунду, Меган оставляют!
В предложении использовано Past Perfect (had + 3-я форма глагола), так как Элли обдумывает события, произошедшие до начала поездки.
Have to передаёт вынужденное действие: Ей придётся (раз уж она попала в эту ситуацию) вернуться к Меган.
Глагол might описывает не очень вероятное событие или предположение: может, ей и не очень хотелось здесь быть…
Shot forwards – глагол shoot (shot, shot) описывает быстрое резкое движение, а наречие forwards – его направление: Сид прыгнул вперёд…
Фразовый глагол wear (wore, worn) on означает «проходить» (о времени).
Посла глагола stop нужно обращать внимание на форму глагола: от этого зависит значение фразы! Stop doing something означает «прекращать что-то делать»: перестала беспокоиться.
She’ll have settled – ’ll – сокращение от will. Have settled после will означает, что к указанному моменту в будущем (к утру) результат будет достигнут: Элли к утру обживётся.
Megan had thought she would – время Past Perfect (had thought) означает, что Меган ожидала этого ещё ДО описываемых событий, а глагол would выражает будущее в прошедшем времени: Меган ожидала, что она будет (переживать).
Обычно глагол have не используется в продолженных временах (Present и Past Continuous). Но в устойчивых выражениях have breakfast/lunch/dinner – завтракать/обедать/ужинать – он может употребляться в продолженном времени. Tea означает здесь вечернюю трапезу.