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      Мариус Айпоте

      © Мариус Айпоте, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-7935-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      1. The Great Ice Cream Cone Treehouse

      2. The Clueless Dragon

      3. The Genius Duck

      4. The Dancing Pig

      5. The Wacky Sheep

      6. The Troublesome Turtle

      7. The Magical Monkey

      8. The Bumbling Bear

      9. The Mysterious Cat

      10. The Walrus Who Could Fly

      1. The Great Ice Cream Cone Treehouse

      Once there were two brothers named Bill and Joe. Bill was very serious and always did what was expected of him, while Joe was a mischievous prankster who often got into trouble.

      One day, Bill asked Joe to help him build a treehouse. Joe had a brilliant idea. He suggested building it in the shape of a giant ice cream cone! Bill thought it was a great idea, and the two of them set to work.

      They worked hard all day, gathering supplies and building the treehouse. But when they were finished, it didn’t look anything like an ice cream cone! In fact, it looked more like an ice cream sundae.

      Joe was embarrassed but

      Bill thought it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen, and so did his neighbors. Soon, news of the “Ice Cream Sundae Treehouse” spread, and people came from all around to see it.

      The brothers were thrilled that their treehouse was such a hit. Every day, they filled it with ice cream and candy and welcomed any kids who wanted to play inside. And every day, the brothers laughed and shared stories with all their new friends.

      The Ice Cream Sundae Treehouse quickly became an iconic landmark in town. People celebrated it, laughed at it, and enjoyed it for many years, and it will always be remembered for bringing joy to everyone who visited it.

      The brothers eventually moved away, and the treehouse fell into disrepair. But it wasn’t forgotten. Years later, a group of kids decided to rebuild it and show their appreciation for Joe and Bill’s wonderful idea. They restored the treehouse to its former glory, and it remains standing today, a reminder of the power of imagination and ingenuity.

      The story of the Ice Cream Sundae Treehouse is just one example of how Joe and Bill’s creativity inspired people. From that day forward, no matter where they went, people always remembered them for their quirky and inventive ideas. As a result, the brothers found success in many other projects.

      In fact, the two of them were even hired to design a new playground in the town square, which soon became a beloved gathering place for all the children in the area. No matter the age, everyone could appreciate the brothers’ talent and enthusiasm for making something wonderful from nothing.

      Now, whenever someone visits the town square, they can’t help but pause and remember the funny story of Bill and Joe’s Ice Cream Sundae Treehouse. It stands as a reminder to never give up on your dreams, no matter how crazy they may seem – because you just never know what amazing things can happen when you use your imagination.

      The story of the Ice Cream Sundae Treehouse lives on as an example of what can happen when two brothers work together and put their creative minds to use. It’s a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of our imaginations, no matter what obstacles we may face. After all, anything is possible – even a giant ice cream cone treehouse!

      And so, the Ice Cream Sundae Treehouse stands tall and proud as a symbol of the brothers’ creativity and persistence. It was a reminder to everyone that with courage and enthusiasm, we can all achieve great things – even if they don’t always turn out exactly as we planned.

      2. The Clueless Dragon

      Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Bob who lived in a cave. He had never seen a human before, and he was very curious. One day, Bob decided to explore the nearby forest to find out more about humans.

      But Bob quickly got lost and found himself surrounded by strange creatures. He was so scared that he wanted to go back home. Luckily, he stumbled upon an old wizard who was happy to help him.

      The wizard took Bob on a magical journey through the forest. He showed him all sorts of fascinating things – like a talking tree, a talking frog, and a friendly bear.

      At the end of their journey, the wizard gave Bob a special gift – a pair of glasses that allowed him to see humans for the first time! With his new glasses, Bob could now explore the world and understand humans in ways he never thought possible.

      He was so happy and grateful for this gift, and went on to have many wonderful adventures. He eventually became the best and wisest dragon in all the land, and all of the other dragons looked up to him with admiration and respect.

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