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Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Foreword
5 Introduction: Water in Deserts I.1. Hydrology – wild water I.2. References
6 1 Water Falling onto Soil and the Effects It Produces 1.1. The arrival of water 1.2. Weathering 1.3. Runoff 1.4. Geodynamic and geomorphological effects of runoff in arid zones 1.5. Groundwater 1.6. References
7 2 Temporary Water Bodies and Lakes 2.1. Water bodies 2.2. Lakes 2.3. The principal features of lakes in an arid zone 2.4. References
8 3 Hydrographic Networks 3.1. Endorrheism–arheism 3.2. The disruption of hydrographic networks 3.3. Allogenous rivers and streams 3.4. References
9 4 Salts in Deserts 4.1. The nature of the salts 4.2. The origin of salts and evaporite sequences 4.3. Evaporation of seawater 4.4. Evaporation of continental freshwater 4.5. Systems mixing surface water and deep water 4.6. Atmospheric origin of nitrate deposits 4.7. Mankind and salts 4.8. References
11 Index
List of Illustrations
1 ForewordA man in the desert: Fernand Joly Tademaït, Sahara, Algeria
2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Diagram summarizing weathering in arid conditions
3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. The N’zirah palm grove in Algeria Downstream, the palm grove gives w...Figure 4.2. Ion chromatography in landscapes, according to Tardy (1969), modifie...Figure 4.3. Salt fields in the Sahara, Tegguiddan Tessoum, Niger. Salt is tradit...Figure 4.4. Camels being loaded to transport salt, Tegguiddan Tessoum, Niger (Ph...
List of Tables
1 Chapter 4Table 4.1. The major neutral saltsTable 4.2. Major basic and acidic salts
1 Cover
5 Foreword
6 Introduction: Water in Deserts
9 Index
1 v
2 iii
3 iv
4 ix
5 x
6 xi
7 xii
8 xiii
9 xiv
10 xv
11 1