
An explosive first date Secret Service agent Ty Jones had one last lead. Gabriella Solaro had hacked into the website of the madman who’d plunged Boston into darkness. He was convinced she was the key to the mystery till he met her. Gabby was blind. When the madman vowed to detonate a bomb at dawn, Ty needed her.Gabby knew the city, the trail he had to follow. He promised to keep her safe, but, with six hours left, would he follow his heart…or his duty?Lights Out Dark city, passionate nights



Though it’s been five years since Black Ops agent Daniel last saw Nicole, his desire for her burns as strong as ever.But he’s got to stay focused on his mission – rescue Nicole and an innocent child from a Colombian prison camp. Yet, sharing such close quarters, Nicole and Daniel must confront the past – and a passion that won’t be denied.


“Claire Grant, you will die. Over and over again. ”A selfless act of bravery propelled Seattle schoolteacher Claire Grant into the centre of a manhunt. Now catching a terrorist depends on her – and her ability to play his deadly revenge game. One wrong move and she’ll die. And so will an innocent child. Her best chance for staying alive is charismatic FBI agent Luke Krueger – a man with his own agenda.Separate, Claire and Luke are pawns. But together, can they uncover the terrorist’s weakness and stop the madman once and for all?



Murder, stolen plans, a mysterious death and a menage a trois – four intriguing novellas featuring Hercule Poirot…How did a woman holding a pistol in her right hand manage to shoot herself in the left temple? What was the link between a ghost sighting and the disappearance of top secert military plans? How did the bullet that killed Sir Gervase shatter a mirror in another part of the room? And who destroyed the ‘eternal triangle’ of love involving renowned beauty, Valentine Chantry?Hercule Poirot is faced with four mystifying cases – Murder in the Mews, The Incredible Theft, Dead Man’s Mirror and Triangle at Rhodes – each a miniature classic of characterisation, incident and suspense.



An old widow is brutally killed in the parlour of her cottage…Mrs McGinty died from a brutal blow to the back of her head. Suspicion fell immediately on her shifty lodger, James Bentley, whose clothes revealed traces of the victim’s blood and hair. Yet something was amiss: Bentley just didn’t look like a murderer.Poirot believed he could save the man from the gallows – what he didn’t realise was that his own life was now in great danger…


Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger.Two babies switched at birth Rich, powerful and dangerously attractive, Nick Lattimer was the only hope she had of finding out the truth.But he had the power to claim both the baby boy Kelly had raised and the biological son she’d never known. Someone wanted them dead…someone who’d stop at nothing to make sure the babies’ cries were silenced forever.There was only one way for Kelly to keep the boys safe. She’d have to join forces with the last man she should trust – and the only person who loved the children as much as she did.For Their Baby’s Sake Safeguarding children is their first priority.
