
Chivalry Demanded He Cherish And Protect Any Woman In NeedYet Marcus de Grant had never felt this more strongly than when he laid eyes upon Keelin O'Shea. Though driven by a sense of honor to rival his own, this Irish princess was sore in need of his warrior's blade–and his chivalrous heart!Guardian of her clan's sacred talisman, Keelin O'Shea had ever put duty before desire. Yet one sight of Marcus de Grant emerging from the river, golden and glorious as some ancient god, sent a sweet ache of yearning through her for things that could never be!


Da Vinci's greatest and most dangerous legacy…In the midst of a lovers' quarrel on a Venetian bridge, a pair of art thieves loses a priceless, stolen Lorraine cross to the canal's murky waters. Suspecting a connection between the cross, Joan of Arc and da Vinci, Annja Creed's former mentor, Roux, sends the archaeologist to oversee the search for the missing artifact. But someone else knows about the cross…knows enough to kill for it.Despite several vicious attacks during their underwater expedition, Annja and Roux's hired diver recovers the cross. But when the diver's loyalties are called into question and he disappears–along with the treasure–Annja is certain there's more to the ancient object than Roux is letting on. She soon discovers the cross is only one piece in an intricate enigma–a key that, when combined with a series of musical notes, may unlock one of Leonardo da Vinci's most fantastical inventions. But the price Annja must pay to stop this key from falling into the wrong hands may be her life.


THE LAST MAN SHE COULD EVER LOVE…Beautiful Marianne Winslow has had her share of suitors – and her share of scandal. Three engagements, no wedding… And the ton are beginning to talk. Smouldering Rafe Knight has lived the last fifteen years of his life with one goal: avenging the death of his parents. His final target? The Earl of Misbourne. The perfect bartering tool? The Earl’s daughter, Marianne…Held at gunpoint on Hounslow Heath, Marianne is taken captive by a mysterious masked highwayman. Her father must pay the price – but Marianne finds more than vengeance in the highwayman’s warm amber eyes…Gentlemen of Disrepute Rebellious rule-breakers, ready to wed!


"Set me free. Say I escaped, or that you never found me." Kidnapped heiress Lady Aline of Leavingham has surrendered any hope of rescue when a mysterious figure casts her assailant aside. But it's soon clear Aline's savior has no intention of setting her free–he's sworn to deliver her to the Duke of Roxholm, her family's enemy!Sir Hugh of Eardham has never seen anything quite like Aline's beauty and fighting spirit. There's no doubt he's tempted more to protect her than keep her bound. But could this loyal knight ever break his oath of allegiance for Aline's sake?


‘27-YEAR-OLD FUR TRADER SEEKS WIFE AND HELPMATE’Expecting a plain, dependable woman to reply to his advert, Jack Trudeau actually gets pampered fashion plate Olivia Hansson. There’s no denying she’s pretty, but she’s patently ill-equipped for life in his simple log cabin – with its one bed – in the wild Rocky Mountains. Olivia must make a success of her new life. But how to convince her sceptical husband that she is capable? She doesn’t cook, and she only knows how to grow flowers – not practical vegetables! Undaunted, Olivia sets out to win his grudging admiration…and his closely protected heart. Wild West Weddings Mail-order brides for three hard-working, hard-living men!


"Happily Ever After" Wasn't Much To Wish ForYoung widow Sarah Redding swore that if Providence sent her another man to love, he would definitely have to love her back. Then into her life rode Gage Gatlin, a rugged jewel of a man who could offer her everything–except his heart!Gage Gatlin Knew Love Was A Fairy TaleBut devotion and desire–those were things he knew he could build a life around. One he could share with Sarah Redding, a woman practical yet passionate, caring to both of their daughters, a woman he wanted forever. If only she didn't want love…!


London, 1473The time had come…duty called. Bound by his word, Sir Fergus Melrose would honor his betrothal, but first he must claim his betrothed….His task wouldn't be easy. Lady Nicola Coldyngham was no longer the young lass who had worshipped his every move. Nor, since he'd spurned her childish love, was she willing to give up her heart so easily again.Her defiance became his challenge–a challenge he was unable to resist. Spurred on by the promise of her fiery beauty, this was one contest Sir Fergus Melrose had every intention of winning.


When Danger Took Root, Her Courage Grew Strong…And Rachel Emmons fled her violent marriage, seeking a safe haven. Her brave escape led her to the saving embrace of Ben Mitchell, the man who rescued her from the depths of the ocean and made her determined to heal….The island locals claimed he'd drawn a mermaid from the sea, and light keeper Ben Mitchell agreed. Certainly Rachel possessed sirenlike beauty her widow's weeds could not hide, and the bruises she bore testified to secrets as deep–and dark–as any hidden beneath the waves. But could he help her see that happiness–together–was on her horizon?


'TWAS THE FATE OF WOMEN TO BE AT THE MERCY OF MENBut Lady Alys Delamare, an unwilling sacrifice to her father's ambitions, yearned for a life of her own choosing. And such a life, her rebellious heart proclaimed, included the handsome knight Sir Padrig ap Huw….Thrown together by a stormy tempest, they were drawn to each other–wild and wanton and burning with desire. But Lady Alys was destined for much grander things than a landless knight such as he could ever provide. All he could offer was his protection, his honor–and his passion!


"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!"To a woman who was all fire, sass and temptation that was a hell of a hello! But army major Rafe Hunter had no choice. Karissa Baxter was a «Sooner» attempting to secure the homestead she wanted before the start of the Land Run, danger–and rules–be damned! But what about what he wanted? And what if what he wanted was her?WHO DID RAFE HUNTER THINK HE WAS?All spit and polish, and with Eastern money to boot! Unlike the hardscrabble types Karissa was used to, he could never understand what drove her to go after her dreams. So how had he managed to quick-march his way into her heart?