
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a lady of rank and distinction is no match for an impoverished preacher. Yet Damian Hathaway is entranced from the moment he spies Miss Lindsay Phillips entering his church.She doesn't appear any different from the other pampered society ladies–and she's betrothed to a gentleman of the ton. But Damian is determined to find the pure heart he's sure exists underneath all the ruffles and lace. The unlikely friendship formed by Damian and Lindsay is a revelation to them both, but is frowned on by her parents–and Damian's parishioners. Torn between two worlds, the pair must trust that their love can bridge the divide–and conquer all.


All her life, Geneva Patterson was an outcast in Haven's End. Plain, awkward, thought to be unmarriageable, she endured the townspeople's cruel taunts in solitude. But then she encountered a man who made her dream of more….Once a respected sea captain, Caleb Phelps had been accused of a shameful crime. He still held his head high, but pain shone in his eyes. Believing in his innocence, Geneva longed to help this proud man find redemption–through God's grace and a woman's love.


Though he'd found his life's calling ministering to London's underclass, Dr. Ian Russell hadn't yet found his life's mate. Then the former army surgeon encountered the enchanting stage actress Eleanor Neville.Ian's good works and strong faith set him apart from other men Eleanor knew. But despite his fascination with her glittering world, Eleanor feared her notorious past would end their future together before it had even begun. Could true love and faith overcome all obstacles and make their lonely hearts as one?


Daughter of a prominent nineteenth-century Maine shipbuilder, Cherish Winslow had a deep love for ships, the ocean–and her father's apprentice, Silas van der Zee. Once his childhood companion in Haven's End, Cherish wished Silas could see she was no longer a girl in pigtails but a woman in love.To Silas, Cherish was a beacon of light, illuminating his lonely life…yet he doubted a lowly apprentice could win the heart of such an elegant young lady. A stolen kiss brought a moment's hope…but he soon found himself tossed out on the street, with no job, no home, no chance of a future. In his darkest hour, Silas must find the strength to fight for his life–and for his beloved Cherish.


Just moments from the hangman's noose, Jonah Quinn escapes from infamous Newgate Prison. Taking prison volunteer Florence Hathaway hostage is a masterstroke, but Jonah intends to end their acquaintance once he's free. God, however, has other plans.The caring spinster's mission is to turn Jonah's life around. The burly fugitive scoffs at the notion he can be groomed into respectability, much less win a royal pardon. He knows that donning a waistcoat and cravats does not change a man. But a woman's stubborn faith? That can accomplish miracles. Florence sees right into the depths of his roguish heart, and Jonah finds himself wanting to become that man she sees….


Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesMaddie Norton had long since resigned herself to her spinster's lot. Her life was devoted to her simple yet enduring faith, to good works and to the elderly lady whose companion she was. She believed herself content. But that was before her mistress's handsome nephew returned to London, after many years spent abroad as an archaeologist.The shadows in Reid Gallagher's memory-haunted eyes touched Maddie's heart. When he asked her to travel with his family, to help with his work, she could scarcely refuse. And as she came to know this man better, amid the breathtaking beauty of the Scottish Highlands, she began to wonder if two solitary souls might yet find new life–and love–as one.


Called home to Regency London after his brother's death, Tertius Pembroke, Earl of Skylar, must marry quickly and produce an heir. Lady Gillian Edwards seems the ideal bride: young, beautiful and innocent.But Sky is no ideal husband, having returned from the Indies gaunt, ill and plagued by a darkness that he dare not reveal–even to his betrothed.Lady Gillian had promised Sky her hand in marriage but cannot give him her heart–not when she gave it to another man three years ago. Afraid of repudiation, Gillian buries her secret so deep inside herself, no one will ever know–or so she hopes.Through lies and deceit, their marriage slowly unravels. Then Sky becomes deathly ill, and his newfound faith offers two virtual strangers a second chance at becoming husband and wife.


Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesHe was her father's poor bank clerk. She was a wealthy young lady. Though they were worlds apart, their innocent friendship bloomed into a mutual admiration.Then suddenly Nicholas Tennant was wrenched from Alice Shepard's life. Now, years later, he has returned to London society wealthy and influential, determined to seek revenge on Alice's father–and Alice herself. But she is no longer the spoiled schoolgirl Nicholas remembers.She is a beautiful young widow of conviction and faith, raising a son on her own. Now Nicholas must look deep into his heart. For only in abandoning his thirst for revenge can he finally become the man most worthy of her love.