
Operating on a sick little boy is Dr. Nora Blake's responsibility. Answering a determined reporter's questions about the surgery is not. Especially because Robert Dale is delving into her life, too. Nora has her share of secrets. She won't allow a newspaper to profit from the child's story–or her own.Granted, the handsome reporter truly seems to care. About young, orphaned Ali. About her. And thanks to Rob's skills at digging deep, there is one question she just might answer with a joyful yes….


THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER RETURNS….Yearning to find a meaningful life in the outside world, nurse Miriam Kaufman strayed far from her Amish community. She also needed distance from Nick Bradley, the cop who caused her so much pain. Back in Hope Springs to care for her ailing mother, Miriam needs Nick, now sheriff, to find the mother of the baby abandoned on her porch.Nick is as wary of Miriam’s intentions as she is of facing their past. Can two wounded hearts overcome their history to do what’s best for little Hannah?Brides of Amish Country: Finding true love in the land of the Plain People.


A brash military man like Corporal Shane Ross was not the kind of father Annie Delmar had ever imagined having for her children. But they'd made a mistake that led to an unexpected blessing: Annie was pregnant. Shane wanted to be part of his child's life… and part of Annie's. He said he wanted to give his unborn child the family he never had.Annie didn't know what to make of it, but everyone deserved a second chance. And maybe a military man with strong values would make a great daddy after all….


Years ago, Rebecca Beachy kept her reasons for rejecting Gideon Troyer's marriage proposal a secret. Then Gideon left their Amish community. Now, Rebecca crafts quilts to raise money to cure her blindness. She's also busy guarding her heart against love.Until Gideon returns, at risk of being shunned, to make the winning bid on one of her exquisite quilts. Will the quilt—a patchwork promise of rediscovered love—bring Gideon and Rebecca back together again?


Their Holiday AdventureToby Yoder promised to care for his orphaned little sister the rest of her life. After all, the tragedy that took their parents and left her injured was his fault. Now he must make a three-hundred-mile trip from the hospital to the Amish community where they'll settle down. But as they share a hired van with pretty Greta Barkman, an Amish woman with a similar harrowing past, Toby can't bear for the trip to end. Suddenly, there's joy, a rescued cat named Christmas and hope for their journey to continue together forever.Brides of Amish Country: Finding true love in the land of the Plain PeopleToby Yoder promised to care for his orphaned little sister the rest of her life. After all, the tragedy that took their parents and left her injured was his fault. Now he must make a three-hundred-mile trip from the hospital to the Amish community where they'll settle down. But as they share a hired van with pretty Greta Barkman, an Amish woman with a similar harrowing past, Toby can't bear for the trip to end. Suddenly, there's joy, a rescued cat named Christmas and hope for their journey to continue together forever.Brides of Amish Country: Finding true love in the land of the Plain People


An Amish HomecomingLuke Bowman's homecoming is turning Emma Swartzentruber's carefully ordered world upside down. Gone is her rebellious girlhood crush, and in his place is a handsome man who seems committed to serving the community. Luke's even agreed to work for Emma's ill father, whose last wish is to see his daughter wedded to a stable, loving man. But Luke—a man who flirted with the outside world with disastrous consequences—is hardly marriage material for a good Amish woman. Yet this Christmas, when her family is flung into crisis, Emma finds that he may just be the one to capture her heart for good.


Her home—and heart—on the line… in the heartwarming conclusion to The Amish Bachelors seriesWidow Clara Fisher’s late uncle promised his farm to her—but she can’t find the documents to prove it! Desperate to stop her Englisch cousin from selling it, she seeks the help of auctioneer Paul Bowman. Paul’s always been a wandering spirit, but will sweet, stubborn Clara and her children suddenly fill his empty life with family and love?


A Family In NeedA reclusive Amish logger, Ethan Gingerich is more comfortable around his draft horses than the orphaned niece and nephews he's taken in. Yet he's determined to provide the children with a good, loving home. The little ones, including a defiant eight-year-old, need a proper nanny. But when Ethan hires shy Amishwoman Clara Barkman, he never expects her temporary position to have such a lasting hold on all of them. Now this man of few words must convince Clara she's found her forever home and family.Brides of Amish Country: Finding true love in the land of the Plain People.


One minute, Caleb Mast is an oil rig roughneck who answers to no one but himself. The next, he’s the father of a special needs child he never knew existed.What kind of home can a man like him—without faith or community—provide for an eight year old girl? For little Joy’s sake, Caleb returns to the Amish community he left behind years ago. His daughter bonds with Amish school teacher Leah Belier, and Caleb feels hopeful for once. But Leah blames Caleb for dashing long-ago dreams and can’t bear to trust him. With Christmas weeks away, one special girl just may bring two hearts—and an entire community—together.


As a nurse-midwife in Amish country, Amber Bradley helps expectant mothers have their babies safely at home. But when Hope Springs' new doctor arrives, he insists all maternity patients deliver at a hospital.Amber is determined to show Dr. Phillip White that the Amish have a different way of life, one he needs to respect if he expects any patients at all. But even as he becomes more a part of the community, Amber must remember his stay is just temporary. Unless she can convince Phillip he's found the home–and heart–he's always been looking for.