
"The Universe of Nothing II" takes the reader into an epic sequel to an exciting saga where the fates of orcs, humans and magicians are intertwined in the struggle for survival and power. The Orc warriors, united by the iron will of their leader, are ready to once again challenge the human kingdoms torn apart by internal strife. "The Universe of Nothing II" is a story about sacrifice and hope, where each page immerses the reader in a completely different world, where nothing is what it seems.


In this book, you will discover all the secrets of the Orcs, their gods that require sacrifice, and the myths that shape their violent culture. Each page is imbued with the spirit of the "Universe of Nothing." For fans of the series, this is a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of a world where only the strongest survive, and every myth is not just a story, but a warning. Are you ready to touch the secrets that are best left in the shadows?


Once upon a time there were orcs and humans… after a devastating war that devastated their native lands, they embark on a long journey across the ocean to a mysterious continent, where they will face new challenges and dangers. They have to fight for every piece of land, master unfamiliar technologies and learn to live side by side with each other, despite centuries of hatred. This is a story about how enemies can become friends, and irreconcilable differences are the basis for creating a new society.


The Land of Magicians has always been a mysterious place, hidden from the eyes of ordinary mortals. It is home to powerful creatures capable of controlling the elements, changing reality and creating incredible miracles. But even in this magical world, not everything is calm.