
Everyone Has a Unique Pathway to Faith. Take the First Step! – Perhaps you are open to the Christian faith, but in no way convinced. You have legitimate questions or lingering doubts. – Perhaps you seek a spiritual rooting–that comes from deep beliefs. – Perhaps you hope to experience the living God–in a way that's real and sticks. – Perhaps you are searching for something compelling–a vision for your life!
If you are willing, simply, to take the first exploring step, this booklet charts the way forward. It fulfills Jesus's promise that «those who seek will find.» Welcome to a discovery-path of unlimited potential. It can bless you–beyond measure!
Vignettes Inside: The First Step – A Tale of Two Operators – Jesus: Poser or Pedigree? – Something Has Gone Really Wrong! – Jesus Came to Fix What We Can't – The Meaning of the Cross – The Sign of the Resurrection – What's Unique about Christianity – Miscues in Approaching Faith – Faith & Flying – Navigating Forward – Rear View Mirror – Stepping Up – What Surfers Know
To pursue your questions, curiosity, and longings, Steps to Faith can be read personally, with a Christian friend, or by a class/group at church.


What if Small Groups Embarked on Mission Together . . .
In Their Own Backyards?
Whereas small groups have traditionally focused internally, many Christians nowadays are hungering for much more! Seeking to make a difference where they live, Christians desire mission. The Community Group Mission Series focuses eight weeks of training–to launch groups in a dynamic mission trajectory!
Each group will engage holistically, showing the love of Christ and making disciples. Relationally angled, this series leads groups to assimilate the mission skill set of Jesus. Hold on! The stories of God are yet to be written. Who knows what God will do in the lives of your neighbors . . . your group . . . and your church?!
Session Titles: 1. The Soul of Mission 2. When Faith Is Fantastic 3. Learning the Faith Formation Process 4. Getting Real for the Gospel 5. The Gospel and Its Key 6. Discerning Belief Barriers 7. Coming Home to Jesus 8. What Jesus Co-missioned Us to Do


The First Steps of Your Discipleship Journey . . . Are More Important than You Think!
Are you seeking a strong spiritual walk? If you are willing to do some training, this course can get you there! Replicating Jesus's exciting vision, First Steps teaches six key practices to establish your faith and empower your mission! Come journey alongside others to gain a stride that will bless you for the rest of your life!
First Steps Skill Set: – Develop a method for getting the most from your Bible – Adopt the simple pattern of conversational prayer – Experience the life-changing power of confessional abiding – Take steps into deeper relationships and service – Learn skills to touch your world with the love and message of Christ!


When It Comes to Disciple Making . . . You Get What You Aim For!
Because the church grows at the edges, discipling new believers may be one of the most important things you do! Jesus knew this. At the pivotal post-resurrection point, he took the newer-in-faith and synergized a movement. Yet the biblical example and current trends do not match–churches lack consistently in four areas: Aim: They fail to shoot for the new believer's evangelistic influence. Approach: They teach, but do not instill practices. Angle: Non-relational follow-up leads to disconnected disciples. Anticipation: Limited time did not produce lasting impact. Re-visioning, First Steps offers a fourfold course correction. Set your sights on the superior targets–and exciting results await! This guide will prepare you for the biggest assignment ever given: turn simple followers into strategic players.