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Monographs in Baptist History
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Waiting on the Spirit of Promise is a study of the life and ministry of Abraham Cheare (1626-1668), containing selections from Cheare's works, and rescuing an important seventeenth-century Baptist from obscurity. Cheare has been overshadowed by other more celebrated Baptist contemporaries, but as the pastor of the Particular Baptist work in Plymouth, Devon, Cheare played a key role in the advance of the Baptist cause in the West Country in the 1650s. His Sighs for Sion is an excellent illustration of early Baptist piety. With the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, Cheare, like many other Dissenters, suffered arrest for his refusal to give up preaching. Cheare's prison writings reveal both a sturdy faith in God and a deep-seated piety. Despite the fact that he was incarcerated in a series of «nasty prisons,» Cheare used this time of suffering to deepen his walk with God and so provide a model for his congregation of Christian integrity and joy in the midst of trial. To the very end of his life, Cheare eagerly awaited further outpourings of the Spirit of Promise upon the Church and looked forward to that day when his Lord Jesus would make all things right.
Hanserd Knollys was an important and leading figure of the early Calvinistic Baptist movement in Great Britain in the seventeenth century. His spiritual and pastoral journey began with the Church of England, followed by a brief time in Congregationalism, and finally landing with the Particular Baptists. Knollys was an educated Baptist clergyman, having graduated from Cambridge University, who published over twenty-five works in his lifetime. Zealous for the Lord, previously published by Barry Howson and Dennis Bustin, allows the reader to get a glimpse of the man and his thought. This book, Christ Exalted, allows the reader to penetrate deeper into his thought by reading some of his more pastoral works. In addition, Knollys was taken up with the signs of the times and eschatology. Consequently, the final chapter of this book includes a chapter on his eschatological thought taken from six of his works that address this subject.
This is the first critical study of the writings of the English Particular Baptist Benjamin Beddome (1718-1795), whose evangelical ministry stretched over the last half of the eighteenth century. Best known in the years following his death as a capable hymn writer, he was also a significant doctrinal preacher. John Newton, who had heard such preachers as John Wesley and George Whitefield, considered Beddome one of the finest preachers of his day. The articles in this critical study examine his sermons to delineate Beddome's view of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, as well as his position on the free offer of the gospel, a central issue among the Particular Baptists of his day. His important contribution to Christian hymnody is also detailed. A must-read for those interested in eighteenth-century evangelical thought.
Dan Taylor (1738–1816), Baptist Leader and Pioneering Evangelical - Richard T. Pollard
Monographs in Baptist HistoryАннотация
Dan Taylor was a leading English eighteenth-century General Baptist minister and founder of the New Connexion of General Baptists–a revival movement. This book provides considerable new light on the theological thinking of this important evangelical figure. The major themes examined are Taylor's spiritual formation; soteriology; understanding of the atonement; beliefs regarding the means and process of conversion; ecclesiology; approach to baptism, the Lord's Supper, and worship; and missiology. The nature of Taylor's evangelicalism–its central characteristics, underlying tendencies, evidence of the shaping influence of certain Enlightenment values, and ways that it was outworked–reflect that which was distinct about evangelicalism as a movement emerging from the eighteenth-century Evangelical Revival. It is thus especially relevant to recent debates regarding the origins of evangelicalism. Taylor's evangelicalism was particularly marked by its pioneering nature. His propensity for innovation serves as a unifying theme throughout the book, with many of its accompanying patterns of thinking and practical expressions demonstrating that which was distinct about evangelicalism in the eighteenth century.
American Baptists emerged from the Civil War as a divided group. Slavery, landmarkism, and other issues sundered Baptists into regional clusters who held more or less to the same larger doctrinal sentiments. As the century progressed, influences from Europe further altered the landscape. A new way to view the Bible–more human, less divine–began to shape Baptist thought. Moreover, Darwinian evolutionism altered the way religion was studied. Religion, like humanity itself, was progressing. Conservative Baptists–proto fundamentalists–objected to these alterations. Baptist bodies had a new enemy–theological liberalism. The schools were at the center of the story in the earliest days as professors, many of whom studied abroad, returned to the United States with progressive ideas that were passed on to their students. Soon these ideas were being presented at denominational gatherings or published in denomination papers and books. Baptists agitated over the new views, with some professors losing their jobs when they strayed too far from historic Baptists commitments. By 1920, the Northern Baptists, in particular, broke out into an all-out war over theology that came to be called «The Fundamentalist-Modernist» controversy. This is the fifty-year history behind that controversy.
The basic question, «Where did Baptists come from and why?» has two camps that offer differing explanations: (1) the English Separatist camp produced the ministries of foundational Baptists, John Smyth and Thomas Helwys, thus takes credit for Baptist origins, and (2) the Anabaptist movement is the alternative camp, understanding either a direct connection via lineage back to the infamous Swiss Brethren or an indirect connection via Anabaptist teachings. Anabaptist ecclesiology is very much akin, if not in some ways identical, to modern Baptist ecclesiology. In fact, the Baptist church, led by John Smyth and successively by Thomas Helwys, resembled both English Separatist and the Anabaptist ecclesiology with notable differences between both entities. When The Mystery of Iniquity is properly understood, as Helwys intended, the reader will grasp the logical reasons that the Baptist church in 1607 was akin to both the English Separatist and the Anabaptist and yet differed from both. In The Beginning of Baptist Ecclesiology, Marvin Jones give a fresh voice to Thomas Helwys's opinion that a Baptist church is a viable New Testament church, and provides further relevant material rationale for the conversation concerning Baptist origins.
This Festschrift for historian Gerald L. Priest, who served the Lord Jesus and the church for over twenty years at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, contains six articles that touch on historical subjects dear to Dr. Priest's heart. The first three articles deal with aspects of the life and ministries of Jonathan Edwards and Andrew Fuller, both remarkable eighteenth-century theologians whose thought has had a profound impact down to the present day, along with eighteenth-century Baptist reflection on the subject of good works. The second set of three essays explore the nature of Fundamentalist historiography and the emergence of twentieth-century Fundamentalism through the lens of the thinking of two prominent liberals, William Newton Clarke and George Burman Foster. Together, all six essays are offered as a tribute to a fine Christian historian, teacher, and believer.
Hanserd Knollys (1609-91) was a godly pastor/leader and prolific writer among the early Calvinistic Baptists of the seventeenth century. His life and ministry demonstrated a heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Despite imprisonment and persecution, he preached the gospel continuously and asked nonbelievers to «open the door» of their hearts to Christ. As for believers, he exhorted them to worship God «in spirit and truth,» live holy lives in both «the form and power of godliness,» and prepare and watch for the imminent second coming of Christ. As his friend Thomas Harrison said, «He was a Preacher out of the Pulpit as well as in it.» It is hoped that this summary of his life and timeless message will spur believers to reach the world with the gospel.
The English Baptist Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) is well-known today for his nuanced Evangelical answer to the «Modern Question» against hyper-Calvinism, founding and leading the Baptist Missionary Society, and his exemplary pastoral ministry. In his day, however, he was also esteemed as a formidable apologist for Christian orthodoxy, especially in the area of moral reasoning. Following in the footsteps of his theological mentor, Jonathan Edwards, Fuller labored to defend the moral goodness and salutary nature of Christian doctrine against the new moral philosophy of the Enlightenment. As optimism in the moral potential of human nature waxed, reliance on God for truth and virtue waned. Echoing a long tradition of classical theologians, Fuller wished to declare afresh that the love of God, as manifested in the gospel, furnished humankind's only hope for virtue, excellence, and happiness. In this concise study, Hoselton looks to recover the importance of ethical reasoning in Fuller's theology and ministry and reflect on its merit for today.
Adoniram Judson was not only a historic figurehead in the first wave of foreign missionaries from the United States and a hero in his own day, but his story still wins the admiration of Christians even today. Though numerous biographies have been written to retell his life story in every ensuing generation, until now no single volume has sought to comprehensively synthesize and analyze the features of his theology and spiritual life. His vision of spirituality and religion certainly contained degrees of classic evangelical piety, yet his spirituality was fundamentally rooted in and ruled by a mixture of asceticism and New Divinity theology. Judson's renowned fortitude emerged out of a peculiar missionary spirituality that was bibliocentric, ascetic, heavenly minded, and Christocentric. The center of Adoniram Judson's spirituality was a heavenly minded, self-denying submission to the sovereign will of God, motivated by an affectionate desire to please Christ through obedience to his final command revealed in the Scriptures. Unveiling the heart of his missionary spirituality, Judson himself asked, «What, then, is the prominent, all-constraining impulse that should urge us to make sacrifices in this cause?» And he answered thus: «A supreme desire to please him is the grand motive that should animate Christians in their missionary efforts.»