
Heat up your Valentine's with the Unlocked Collection<br><br>Daisy's high school ex-boyfriend let her believe that their unsatisfying sex life was her fault. Tormented by the pictures he's posting on Facebook, she throws herself into training for her university rowing try outs – until she crashes her boat into gorgeous Ben's, who seems sexy and sweet one minute and then sexy and arrogant the next. Either way, Ben has her aroused in ways she hadn't thought possible. With her place at university on the line, can Daisy sort out how she feels about Ben?


Heat up your Valentine's with the Unlocked Collection<br><br>When Emmy starts at uni and Lizzie stays in London to take up an internship at a magazine, the best friends promise to stay in touch. Emmy entertains Lizzie with sexy stories about her new fling, Charlie, but then the correspondence gets competitive. Lizzie seems to be trying to go one-up with her own red-hot romance – and will she go too far?