
Life Is Cheap In Arizona Territory In Phoenix a sheriff guns down a banker and robs him of a document. Going to the banker's aid, a witness hears the dying man's last words and takes hold of the map the sheriff was really after. By the time the crooked lawman realizes he has the wrong document, Jolene Wellington is on the run–and framed for the murder of the banker. Back east, Falcon MacCallister's famous brother and sister plead with him to find a young woman who has vanished out West. Her name is Jolene Wellington. Back in Arizona Territory, Falcon will be one of many men searching for Jolene and for a mysterious treasure hidden in haunted Indian land. But with a hired killer and a deadly deception facing Falcon, his search is leading him straight to a slaughter. There, he'll get his answers–in the most vicious fight of his life. . .


Strike Like An EagleStand Like A Man Falcon MacCallister never thought he'd wear army brass. But Colorado is about to join the Union–and the would-be state has just made him Lt. Colonel in its Home Guard. Then, before his military career can take off, Falcon loses one of his men and two deadly new Gatling guns to a murderous ambush. Falcon is going to get those Gatling guns back–before they kill the wrong people.Tracing the missing guns to Eastern Montana, Falcon teams up with a scout named Isiah Dorman. Falcon and Dorman are spearheading a battle against the Sioux–in the shadow of the disastrous Little Big Horn slaughter. For the two men, survival along the Little Bighorn is going to mean breaking rules, standing strong, standing together–and holding off a deadly onslaught with only a few guns against many. . .
