
In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham covers after range session cleaning procedures, how to remove lead from the bore and how to proper firearm storage.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham explains the best calibers and handgun ammo choices for the concealed carry revolver.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham shows why revolver fit is so important and how to find the perfect fitting pistol for CCW.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham explains the advantages of revolvers over semi-autos for concealed carry and why you should consider carrying one.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham compares revolvers with semi-autos, details the pros and cons of each and helps you choose the best revolver for CCW.


In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden teaches handgun grip, stance, presentation, sight picture, trigger control, reloading drills and malfunction clearing.


In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden demonstrates how to load and unload your defensive revolver or semiautomatic in a quick and safe manner.


In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden help you be ready with dry practice and live fire training. It's not enough to buy a handgun and stick it in your dresser drawer. Learn how to train for the worst case scenario.


In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden looks at small-bore vs. big-bore handguns, revolvers vs. semiautos plus holsters and other gear for concealed carry and self-defense.


In this excerpt from Defensive Handgun Skills , David Fessenden covers handgun calibers for concealed carry, revolvers vs. semiautos, CCW holsters, dry practice, live-fire practice, plus loading and unloading the handgun.