
Can Yoga make you happy – what is the secret of happiness? While the practice of Yoga is now being widely embraced by the West in context with health benefits, body flexibility and as a relaxation method, in a world where most of us now have on a material level almost everything we need, the spiritual aspects and questions of quality of life, happiness and well-being are center-stage questions now. To be happy is now more valued than material riches, money and prestige, which many have but realize that they did not find happiness through them. Osho continues his presentation and analysis of the original Yoga sutras by Patanjali, Yoga: The Science of the Soul, with ten extraordinary talks addressing key issues in our lives. Such incredible teachings and lessons are hidden in these ancient scriptures. According to ordinary thinking, to be friendly with someone who is happy is very easy. The truth is it is not! In fact, it is one of the most difficult things in life. If somebody is happy, immediately you are shocked – how is it possible? How come you’re not happy and the other is? This seems like injustice. With the happy you feel jealous – in a subtle competition. You feel inferior with happy people. Or you may show your happiness, but that’s just a facade, a show, a mask. Learn about the secret and once the secret is known, once you know how one becomes happier, and how with others’ happiness you create a situation for yourself to be happy, there is no barrier; you can go as far as you like.
Learn the secret of being happy with the whole universe, with every flower, river, rock and star; become one with this continuous eternal celebration.
This remarkable OSHO Classic belongs in everybody’s library!


The feeling that it is five minutes to midnight is known to many by now, and is often referred to as the «Doomsday Clock.» As the many crises faced by humanity and planet Earth gather and tumble toward an emergency, some have even reduced the time left to two and a half minutes. It is no wonder that we feel increasingly helpless and at a loss what to do.<br><br>
Osho calls Zen not a teaching but an alarm to wake us up, because as individuals we are all deeply asleep, and this sleep has to be shattered. “For centuries, you have been asleep. Sleep has become your nature. You have forgotten what awareness is, what to be awake means.” He wants us to wake up…before it is too late.<br><br>
Zen, more than any other religious or spiritual tradition, is relevant to such times as these, when none of our old approaches to solving problems will do. Immediate, urgent, and direct, Zen is not interested in answers or in questions, not interested in teaching at all, because it is not a philosophy. As Osho begins here, by quoting the great Zen master, Diae: “All the teachings of the sages, of the saints, of the masters, have expounded no more than this: they are commentaries on your sudden cry, ‘Ah, This!’”<br><br>
In this series of talks, Osho unfolds a selection of classic Zen stories and responds to questions. Along the way, we learn how the tools of Zen can be used to embrace uncertainty, to be at ease with not-knowing, to act decisively and with clarity and awareness. To «get woke,» in other words, so that we can use each moment between now and midnight for transformation.<br><br>


The book you hold in your hand or you are just ordering from an online store is a unique book. It is the first book by the contemporary mystic Osho. At the beginning of his public life, Osho who is at that time a professor of philosophy at Jabalpur University, introduces people to a new and unique understanding of meditation during experiential meditation camps. He speaks to the participants and responds to questions. This book is the first published records of Osho's first meditation camp in Rajastan, India. In fifteen small chapters he gives a condensed presentation of his understanding of meditation which he then elaborates in many more talks and publications – but the essential message is already available in this book. Osho speaks to the individual, not to a collective, not the abstract collective of humanity, or a collective defined by religion or nationality or race but to individuals as the core element of existence. We used one of his opening comments as a longer quote on the front cover of the book as it seem so important «The individual is the unit of the whole and it is through him that both evolution and revolution can take place. You are that unit.»<br><br>Osho, mentions this book on several occasions in his later talks. When the second prime minister of India traveled to Russia, a copy of The Perfect Way was with him. And when someone in contact with Osho at the age of ninety stumbled upon The Perfect Way, he commented, “All my learning of the scriptures was futile, only this small book is enough.”<br><br>In The Perfect Way the reader meets a human being who knows, but who also knows how to convey what he knows. His genius in full flight, he points us as far as one can with words toward the inner world of the self, toward the zone of silence.<br><br>What starts on a hot summer day in the early 1960’s will prove to be the first seed of a revolutionary experiment in the flowering of human consciousness – one which will eventually transform the lives of millions of people all over the world.<br><br>“To be without thoughts is meditation,” Osho says. “When there are no thoughts, it is then we come to know the one hidden by our thoughts. When there are no clouds, the blue sky is revealed.”<br><br>This book is page after page of blue sky.