
Russell Chancellor, Lord Hadleigh, found the love of his life over a decade ago, but she was forced to marry elsewhere.When a chance meeting at a house party unites him with Mary Wardour once more, both realize that the feelings between them have never died. Mary is now a widow and free to marry. Russell needs to marry or forgo his inheritance.But they have to discover the truth behind the secrets and betrayals that drove them apart before they can hope to find future happiness together. . . .


Four years of war and even more years of trying to save the family estate have knocked the daredevil out of Jack Compton.He's hanging on to his place in society by the skin of his teeth. Seeing Lacey Chancellor joyously dancing the Charleston brings his passion for life back full force! As luck would have it, this wealthy heiress is drawn to him. But pride is a powerful thing. Unwilling to be branded a fortune hunter, will Jack choose honor over love?


When eighteen-year-old Mariah found herself pregnant and unmarried in her small Colorado town, she disappeared.One year later, she returned with a baby—though minus the «husband» who had conveniently ventured off to Alaska's gold fields to seek his fortune. . . . But now, with handsome adventurer Wes Burrows turning up and claiming to be the husband she had invented, Mariah's lies become flesh and blood—and her wildest dreams a reality!


The cynical Earl of Devenish, often most deserving of his nickname Devil, little expected to be so powerfully drawn to his neighbor Mrs. Drusilla Faulkner.Quiet and demure in public, in private she showed a wit and strength of will to match his own. But her husband's untimely death was part of the puzzle he was investigating, and he couldn't be sure that she wasn't involved. . . .


Emmeline de Lonnieres swore she would never belong to a man again, so she is plunged into confusion by her feelings for Lord Talvas of Boulogne.His powerful charisma is irresistible, but she cannot give what she knows he will eventually demand–marriage. A demand she knows he will make when he discovers their passion has created the tiny new life growing inside her. . . .


A STOLEN KISS. . .Cicely Milburn has no intention of marrying anyone, let alone a Scottish barbarian! But when Lord Rory Mackillin rescues her from a treacherous attack she reluctantly accepts his help–even though his kisses trouble her dreams.AN HONORABLE BARBARIAN. . .The Border Reiver is determined to guard his charge on their journey through war-torn England. Yet he cannot shield his own heart from Cicely's beauty and bravery–especially when the only honorable way to protect her is to marry her!


RUMORS WERE FLYING Her name was on everyone's lips. They were agog to find out what Miss Elizabeth Harley had been doing down at the East India Docks. And in such shocking apparel! Why, her uncle's generosity in giving her a London season had been thrown back in his face.Elizabeth had not meant to sully her good name. All she'd craved was a chance to travel. Andrew Melhurst had come to her rescue when she needed him most, but should she consider marrying him to save her reputation?


Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesIn fleeing her past, she found a future…Jake Ross’s life changes in a day when he finds a baby on his doorstep! Then he’s thrown into a spin by the quiet beauty he hires to look after his unexpected delivery.On the wild Texas frontier, everyone has something to hide – and Emma York is no exception. Jake can see that she has secrets, but the sexy rancher’s sure he can take care of her…if he can only find out what she needs protection from!


To Thaw A Maiden's HeartWhen Scottish chieftain and sole shipwreck survivor George Grant awoke on the ice-crusted shore of a strange land, he knew his mission: return home in time to wed the dainty bride his king had chosen. But that was before he met his captor, a giant, blue-eyed Viking hellion whose price for freedom was a temporary marriage–to her!Rika was as cold and hard as the hammered metal covering her wrists. Yet the blush of her cheeks belied her frosty facade. She needed the seasoned warrior to secure her bride price, for it would buy her brother's prison release and free her from an abusive fiance. How could she know that George's fiery passion would melt her frozen heart?


Miss Eleanor Southeran was reliably informed that independence of mind was not a desirable quality in a young lady.But, convinced that she could not love any of the fashionable fribbles of the Ton, Eleanor had so far evaded matrimony. Meeting Mr. Jonas Guthrie, a forthright, coolly cynical gentleman, was a refreshing change–until the scandal that surrounded his name was revealed.Believing herself deceived about his character, Eleanor intended never to see him again. But Jonas had other plans for her. . . .