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wave is completely reflected by the interface of two dielectric media. This kind of total reflection is superior to that of the total reflection from any metallic surface that always introduces loss. We consider these two special cases of the angle of incidence for both the TE and TM polarizations.


      5.3.1 Brewster Angle

      The Brewster angle of incidence could be obtained for both the TE and TM polarizations.



      The above relation applies to a magnetodielectric medium. However, if both media are dielectrics i.e. μr1 = μr2 = 1 then sin θB → ∞. Thus, the Brewster angle does not exist at the interface of two dielectric media. The Brewster angle could exit for the case (b). Such a material is difficult to get in practice. However, the situation is different for the TM‐polarized plane wave.


      In the case of the TM‐polarization, again the reflection is zero, i.e. images, at θ1 = θB. Using equation (5.2.16c), and the Snell's refraction law; the Brewster angle is obtained:


      5.3.2 Critical Angle

      At the critical angle of incidence (θ1 = θc), complete reflection occurs at the interface. It occurs for both the TE and TM polarizations. The transmission line model helps to understand it. In the case of a terminated line, total reflection occurs for the load impedance ZL = 0, ∞ , ± jX. In the first case, the line is short‐circuited, i.e. terminated in a PEC with εr → ∞, in the second case, the line is open‐circuited, i.e. terminated in a PMC with μr → ∞; in the third case, the line is terminated in a RIS, either inductive or capacitive. The corresponding surface, i.e. the interface, is a PEC, or PMC, or RIS. These surfaces are further discussed in chapter 20 for the artificially engineered periodic surfaces known as the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) surfaces. By varying the angle of incidence of both polarizations with respect to the critical angle of incidence, the reflection and transmission of waves could be controlled.

      Figure (5.3) shows that in the case TM – polarized wave, total reflection at the critical angle, is obtained by taking the load impedance at the interface (x = 0+) zero. Likewise, for the TE – polarization shown in Fig (5.2), total reflection at a critical angle is obtained for the infinite load impedance at the interface. Using equations, the following conditions are obtained: for TM‐polarization, ZL = η2 cos θ2 = 0; for TE polarization, ZL = − η2/ cos θ2 = ∞. Both cases give the following expression for the critical angle θ1 = θc and Snell's Law of refraction:

      Case #1: θ1 < θc

      Case#2: θ1 = θc

      Figure (5.5b) shows the case for θ1 = θc. The angle of refraction θ2 is obtained on substituting sinθ1 = sin θc in equation (5.3.3c):
