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      In the above equation, images is the velocity of the EM‐wave in the lossless dielectric medium. The presence of the loss has decreased the phase velocity, i.e. a lossy medium supports the dispersive slow‐wave propagation. The use of α and β from equations (4.5.11a) and (4.5.11b) provide more accurate results. The dispersion in a medium is always associated with loss. This fundamental property is further discussed in chapter 6.

      4.5.3 Uniform Plane Waves in Linear Lossless Homogeneous Isotropic Medium

      The field components of a uniform plane wave do not change with y and z coordinates, i.e. /∂y(field E or H) = /∂z(field E or H) = 0. The field components are a function of x only. So, the field components of the EM‐wave propagating in the x‐direction can be written as follows:

Schematic illustration of T E M mode wave in an unbounded medium.

      The above expressions related to a uniform plane wave, in an external source‐free images lossless images medium, can be applied to the Maxwell equations (4.4.1). In the present case, the del operator is replaced by a derivative with respect to x, i.e. images as a derivative with respect to y and z are zero. Maxwell first curl equation is reduced to a simpler form:


      On separating each component of the fields, the following expressions are obtained:


      Likewise, the following expressions are obtained from Maxwell's second curl expression (4.4.1b):


      It is seen from the above equations that the Ex and Hx components, in the direction of propagation, are time‐independent, i.e. constant. They do not play any role in the wave propagation and can be assumed to be zero, without affecting the wave propagation [B.3]. Only transverse field components play a role in wave propagation. The time‐varying Hy component generates the Ez, whereas the time‐varying Ey component generates the Hz. It is also true for another time‐varying pair (Hz, Ez). Maxwell divergence relations also show Ex/∂x = Hx/∂x = 0. Again, Ex and Hx components do not show any variation along the direction of propagation that is essential for wave propagation. So, in the TEM mode propagation, the longitudinal field components are zero, i.e. Ex = Hx = 0.

      On using equation (4.5.20) with the above equations, the following algebraic expressions are obtained for the EM‐wave propagating in the positive x‐direction:

      Equation (4.5.25b) provides the following wave impedance for the z‐polarized waves:


      The positive wave impedance of the (Ey, Hz) or (−Ez, Hy) fields corresponds to a wave traveling in the +x direction. However, for the (Ez, Hy) fields, the wave impedance is negative showing the wave propagation in the negative x‐direction. Under certain conditions, a medium can have an imaginary value of propagation constant, i.e. βx = − jp. In this case, the wave impedance becomes reactive, and there is no wave propagation. Again, the wave equation (4.5.20) is reduced to Ei = E0ie−px ejωt and Hi = H0i e−px ejωt for the wave propagation in the positive x‐direction. These are

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